New Year 2022 Message
January 28, 2022
New Year 2022 Message
Padmini Arhant
The transcript of this video content posted to enable access to hearing, vision and other physically impaired audience.
Global Pandemic, Global Power and Proxies violations of Life, Individual Rights, Space and Privacy
Happy New Year to individuals who respect others rights, life, space and privacy.
I share my sincere thoughts, concerns and facts originating from my very own organic and not artificial intelligence as propagated by those evidently epitomize artificial or no intelligence considering their public and private life as impostors paradoxically claiming to be my alter ego. Needless to say there is a serious intelligence deficit disorder amongst them, the self-certified intelligence patent owners despite conflicting positions. With misogyny and condescendence as their signature traits, they continue to lose face in the relentless self-defacing act.
The New Year 2022 has set in with unresolved crises and unmitigated problems carried over from the last two years – 2020 and 2021.
The pandemic continues to remain the major issue predominantly due to lack of transparency, inconsistency in guidelines and protocol, intolerance to facts and truth among several factors contributing to persistent health disaster in the twenty first century. While the hope is to surmount and succeed in the life and death battle with expectations to restore and return to normal life, the factual information censorship and objective science displaced with profit strategy continues unabated with no limit or end in sight.
Science is held hostage in the ongoing dilemma with public denied options to exercise individual discretion on personal health and well being.
The pandemic cause beginning with controversial and contentious gain of function research funded and developed in a location viz. Wuhan Institute of Virology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, barely accessible to international or any independent investigation to reach the bottom of the covered up health debacle in human history.
The powerful members abusing their influence and political clout behind the entire tragic tumultuous health and economic catastrophe remain seated at the helm doing more harm inflicting pain and preventable deaths world over.
There is more to discuss and deliberate in the fourth year 2022 considering the virus SARS COV2 was earlier detected and known to have affected citizens in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China as far back in September 2019. Yet the matter was not regarded urgent and officially disclosed only in January 2020.
Again the procrastination on serious health issue was not without withholding vital details such as travel, transmissibility and testing results to international community.
The deliberate mishandling right from the virus onset in 2019 and thereafter demonstrated little or no value for human life. Notwithstanding science exploited in the political and economic gains facilitating the epidemic evolve into a global pandemic.
Let us not forget the SARS COV2 – WHO as international health body in Geneva, Switzerland i.e. Europe and United States as well as western counterparts public health authorities have categorically maintained the SARS corona virus genetic strain linked to bats, the mammal in existence on earth verifiably over 50 million years ago.
“The public data on bats fossil finding – Bats pop up in the fossil record around 50 million years ago during a time known as the Eocene. Paleontologists have recovered remains ranging from teeth and bits of jaw to stunning full skeletons in places as far-flung as Wyoming, Paris, Australia and India’s Vastan Mine. Apr 21, 2020.”
The bats having been around over 50 million years or more, the human contact and exposure to the mammal has been since human creation and evolution as well. If not earlier in timeline, human encounter and familiarity with the mammal account for adequate period exceeding thousands of years enabling human immunity development to the species’ pathogenicity.
The ominous distinction in COVID-19 is the virulence and transmissibility of the pathogen being abnormal with deviation from earlier epidemics like SARS and MERS epidemic in 2002-2003 and 2012-2013 respectively, both identified as corona virus family due to acute respiratory syndromes and were limited to few geographic locations in South East Asia and the Middle East. Likewise, the ebola virus in 2014 though not related to corona virus emerged in the particular zone in Africa restricting the virus from spreading across the continent. All three viruses in the twenty first century i.e. after the year 2000 were contained at the regional or specific domains without conflating into a global pandemic and economic crises like the 2019 SARS COV2 extended into fourth year 2022 keeping into account its detection in 2019.
Since the topic is centralized on personal rights, I want to elaborate on the global power direct infringement on individual health, lifestyle and basic survival.
The human biometrics along with complete and comprehensive personal details on life, health and habits as consumer, worker and taxpayers are stored in the global power run governments’ system worldwide.
The human population are no longer treated and respected as living breathing free souls on earth. Instead, the selective few as the most powerful entity running the gamut spare no opportunity to censor, cancel and criminalize anyone challenging status quo.
The global power colluding in secret locations as the SECRET SOCIETY barring the real press, citizens’ media and public attendance from obtaining information on the meeting discussion is the cardinal rule. The flip side is their encroachment on others’ life, health and lifestyle choices continue as their prerogative.
Human health is now a matter of profit and loss in monetary terms with science experimented to fit the mindset of those with agenda like depopulation and cavalier approach in testing human immunity to bio-engineered pathogens of their choice. The reason those engaged in violation of natural science are intact in their powerful positions irrespective of deaths and devastations inflicted by them from unconscionable indulgence is because of the majority human population silence letting the authoritative minority run a muck on the basis of disproportionate power, wealth and influence.
The current situation of the selective few dominance directly controlling nearly 8 billion population lives is subjugation turning earth into a prison planet.
The governments regardless of political systems are committed to oligarchy and globalists policy ranging from economy, politics to social engineering and religion.
The ordinary citizens role anywhere are merely limited to being voters, workers in the work force and taxpayers in the economy. The average citizens political rights, economic and social status are usual casualties in any major reforms in finance, health, education and economy.
The super-wealthy owning governments and nations by default possess unbridled power abused to the core with no checks and balances to rein the undemocratic uncivilized principles and policies implemented to retain status quo.
The health disaster experienced by humanity due to intentional sabotage of global economy on one side and mega profiteering unleashing lab manufactured virus on the other side with none held accountable for heinous crimes against mankind is the contemporary reality.
The richest in the world betting on life endangering contentious gain of function research in science and as though that is not enough, venturing into agriculture industry and meddling in food production spiking crops with genetic modification and hormone interjection in live stocks in return directly affecting human lives are the norm. The irony is these individuals as influential elites are sought by governments for expert advise and consultations ignoring catastrophic results in their home soil leaving farmers in deep distress and even suicidal with dual complicity against ordinary lives world over.
Upon careful thought process based on individual and collective life experience as well as observations on deteriorating standards, it is crystal clear that anti-humanity forces agenda anchored on all for me or selective us and none for you or the rest of you successfully executed with trillionaires in the dark and multi-billionaires and global corporations run governments functioning as fiduciary in proxy is hardly a coincidence.
To make matters worse, the superpower glamor in global regions are yet another aspiration in the geopolitical and economic dynamics.
This topic merit exclusive focus and will be presented accordingly in the suitable time.
On the final note regarding the pandemic – There is lot to be answered and addressed by those in positions of authority as public health official Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH institutes, the academia Professor Ralph Steven Baric from Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina, in the United States, World Health Organization in Europe and last but not the least the Wuhan Virology Institute and the government and leadership Premier Xi Jinping in Beijing, China.
The pandemic victims and families deserve to be heard for the irreversible losses and agonizing health economic tragedies prolonged as unfortunate collateral damages in the misguided science adventure. Above all, the independent global investigation on the origin and lapses contributing to unresolved health calamity is critical to spare humanity from future science trials and tribulations.
Your attention and interest is appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Ukraine – The Playground for Power Game
January 25, 2022
Ukraine – The Playground for Power Game
Padmini Arhant
When there are hegemonic goals in play as witnessed throughout twentieth and twenty first century, the strategic interests are dominant over mythical democratization of nations around the world.
The twenty first century has already presented far too many sequences in this regard using democracy as pretext to invade and destabilize nations in different parts of the world.
The real threat to democracy and democratic systems are not the ones defiantly against the idea of democracy and individual liberty for such mindset is adamantly clear about authoritarianism as the open legitimate authority to rule and control the population.
In fact, the doctrine endangering democracy and undermining democratic principles is the presumptuous concept of western democracy as idealistic and promoting western democracy in non-western regions of the world despite western democracy subjugation to globalists and deep state agenda in the west.
The unequivocal reality is reflected in status quo with western elections like in the United States subject to tech giants arbitrary censorship of public information on candidacy and political scandals. The western media and press in pace with tech oligarchy spare no opportunity to bar and ban truth and facts from the public domain.
The tradition installing pro-western governments and regimes in power regardless of adverse ramifications to citizens of any nation and geopolitical dynamics in the region to exclusively benefit western aspirations in every respect has failed and proved counterproductive thus far.
The western military and political interventions in Ukraine like in many parts of the world were no different in outcome i.e. toppling governments causing chaos and catastrophe leaving the population of those nations in worst political, economic and social crises.
Case in point – besides the twentieth century intrusions in Korean Peninsula, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia in South East Asia, Latin America, Africa and the Middle East experiencing irreversible deaths and devastations lasting several generations until now.
The twenty first century western invasions – United States and NATO alliance in the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, Iraq in 2001 and 2003. The trend followed in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Mali and Ukraine in 2010 – 2016 were major military and political aggressions in foreign land.
The color revolutions such as the undemocratic Orange revolution in Ukraine in November 2004 until January 2005 was just the beginning of western overt foothold in Ukraine politics.
The repeat scenario in Kiev maidan square in Ukraine in February 2014 triggered by EU economic deal fallout with then incumbent Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych government prompting United States’ direct involvements rallying the protestors in foreign soil was a preview of the western authorized militant takeover of the sovereign nation in 2014.
The western interference was further extended into the removal of the sitting Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych visibly in world view at gun point from office capturing global dismay.
Notwithstanding the participation of fascists in the demonstrations in 2014 and neo-nazi government usurped to power entirely at United States and European Union behest hardly fit the definition of pro-democracy.
The United States bipartisan role in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter with prominent political figures like the late Senator and former Republican Presidential candidate John McCain alongside the United States State department’s Victoria Nuland representing then democrat administration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden inciting the unruly mob on maidan square in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 forced then ruling government of President Viktor Yanukovych to flee Ukraine seeking refuge in neighboring Russia.
The political corruptions exposing ties between United States highest office holders, their family members and Ukrainian political members as well as oligarchy is an open secret that barley attracted media and United States Congress attention or interest.
Ukraine as a nation along with the people are in the crossfire with democracy having no relevance to forces in confrontation aiming to establish specific strategic and economic influence.
The western democracy campaigned in favor of self-determination to sovereignty and territorial integrity is yet to demonstrate policy in action unlike the events unraveled in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014.
On the other side, the Russian Federation troops deployment and military incursions around Ukraine is overzealous political decision in requirement of restraints replaced with rational approach.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia’s focus on peaceful negotiations, diplomacy and dialogue with western trading partners in Europe as consumers of Russia’s natural gas and United States representatives committed to peaceful resolutions averting protracted warfare would be welcome among Ukrainian and Russian citizens held hostage in the unnecessary conflict.
Any nation’s greatness is achieved in resolving and ending rising tensions with those near and far rather than engage in diffusion.
The two vastly nuclear powered Russia and the United States along with European allies working towards de-escalating situation in Ukraine is paramount for Ukraine sovereignty and stability.
The global peace and security is also a matter of great concern with the ongoing developments in Ukraine involving Russia and the United States as well as allies in the region.
Importantly, the pandemic related health and economic calamity having wreaked havoc on humanity, the warfare has no place or the option in the misguided political disagreements.
The military operations are costly and deadly with irrecoverable loss in lives and economic liability.
Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence is legitimate and merit recognition barring external coercion and hostility.
Ukraine commitment to transparency and fighting corruption within and outside with foreign sources would alleviate economic struggles for the citizens having suffered long enough from political instability caused by foreign meddling.
The citizens in western and eastern Ukraine as one nation and citizens in Russia deserve peaceful co-existence maintaining good economic, political and cultural relations benefiting each other and the rest in eastern Europe.
Finally, Ukraine or any other nation in the world could no longer be the playground for power game among political thoughts vying for regional and Super power status.
Wishing peace, progress and prosperity over stalemate bringing relief and recovery for the people in Ukraine and Russia.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Switzerland – WHO, WEF, UBS
January 17, 2022
Switzerland – WHO, WEF,UBS
Padmini Arhant
WHO – World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. The international health body is yet to contain the global pandemic COVID19 extended into COVID22 with no short supply of inter-continental variants and mutants wreaking havoc in human lives thus far.
Meanwhile, profiteers raking fortune from the mandated vaccine and pandemic treatments are laughing all the way to UBS, Switzerland and tax havens in exotic shores feigning unfamiliarity with the idea of contentment. They are breathlessly making a killing from the bio-engineered virus caused breathlessness consuming lives and debilitating healthy lifestyle of mankind.
WEF – World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland unabashedly announced Great Reset absent relevant details to configure global financial system.
The WEF cardinal rule is aimed at the ordinary average citizens in the world i.e. 99% will own nothing in financial assets is the public statement from the WEF founder Professor Klaus Schwab at the forum in 2019 and 2020.
The 99% rights such as individual liberty, economic opportunity and financial security are effectively null and void.
Juxtaposed the 1% possession and entitlement to global resources and natural endowments to prolong for eternity.
WEF’s Great reset was not possible without global economic shut down.
The WHO mismanaged COVID19 evolving into global pandemic conveniently necessitated world wide economic freeze linked to pandemic lockdown and the rest fell in place like a jigsaw puzzle.
UBS – Though publicly stated as not an acronym, the UBS is world renowned swish Swiss bank attracting legal and overwhelmingly illegal money from all corners of the world. The capital flight into the Swiss economy from diverse channels and entities as well as individuals unable to bury the illicit wealth in their domain park the funds at UBS and alike.
The trend depleting national treasury around the world in tax evasions and various unscrupulous nefarious transactions reach the high security nuclear stealth vaults at UBS and similar safe havens world over.
The pervasive corruption culture predominantly behind global poverty, hunger and disease in the otherwise plentiful planet earth thrives in the creation and mobilization of assets largely from developing nations into the developed world.
As a result, the super wealthy status is a matter of transforming the regions with rich economic resources and human capital freely accessible for exploitation and excoriation. The tradition continued over centuries now exponentially capitalized by 1% representing the exclusive club in the world.
The super rich competition is maintained within the trillionaire and billionaire circle with the rest of the population categorically informed about owning nothing in their name except debts and taxes remaining the irrevocable obligations in life for the 99% in the world.
Switzerland, the european nation and non– European Union (EU) member and neither a member of European Economic Area (EEA) proudly declared neutral state in warfare has also retained neutrality in fomenting and fostering corruption.
The Swiss financial system is the trend setter in this regard with majority world population deprived of basic to fair share of economic means in the unaccountable transfer of wealth by the rich, famous and powerful from different nations in the world.
The commonality in WHO, WEF and UBS is besides Switzerland in geographic location, the three powerful organizations and institution representing health, economy and finance respectively – the lifeline and oxygen of human survival are instrumental in exacerbating human suffering with unmitigated crises experienced in the pandemic, economic and financial meltdowns adversely affecting human natural immunity compromised with unnatural events.
The fundamental change in these organizations renouncing corruption and restoring ethical functioning with transparency and accountability is the only way forward for global progress and prosperity.
The WHO assuming autonomy independent of any foreign governments’ influence and incentives is the preliminary step towards earning credibility as the world health body.
The WEF relinquishing control over nearly eight billion population destiny to benefit selective few amongst selves is the precursor for sustainable global economic growth and development.
The 1% economic status is directly tied to 99% stable and affordable living.
Last but not the least, the UBS and other havens rejecting unlawful illegitimate funds around the globe and myriad sources ranging in backgrounds not barring corruption, criminality, extortion, trafficking and smuggling etc. would exemplify Switzerland and European commitment in combating systemic corruption, the foremost element denying human population existence with basic needs and healthy social economic environment.
The individuals and companies from developing nations exposed in massive corruption scandals as well as implicated in bankrupting public savings in financial institutions are currently guaranteed safe passage to and refuge in Europe with impunity.
The European Union action in collective responsibility to curb corruption enacting extradition treaty with nations across the globe would detoxify the toxic activity crippling lives all around.
Where there is a will, there is a way!
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Security Breach and Election Rally
January 16, 2022
India – Security Breach and
Authority Mind Set
Padmini Arhant
When terror attacks are launched against any specific targets anywhere in the world, the terror groups wherever they are claim responsibility and let the world know of their present action.
There are also terror groups who have issued warnings to nations big and small of their future intentions perhaps extending courtesy to their potential victims of the forthcoming terrorism. The gesture creating the impression on terrorists’ resolve is unique.
In contrast, the highest government home ministry in the executive branch responsible for the safety and security of citizens and nation at large including the head of the nation as Prime Minister is in hibernation and absolved of any accountability in the security breach matter.
The ruling BJP government in New Delhi via state run media is preoccupied in propagating information shifting blame on anyone regarded a fair game except them, the central authority’s interior ministry with entire national and PM security related apparatus directly under their control.
The odd developments preceding the security breach episode in Bathinda, Punjab is noteworthy.
The BJP government’s home minister in New Delhi reportedly commented to BJP colleague, the Meghalaya governor Satya Pal Malik on the Prime Minister’s mindset. The message arguably attracted citizens’ attention.
The home minister in New Delhi raising questions on the incumbent Indian Prime Minister’s state of mind with above reference upon being taken into confidence by Meghalaya Governor on PM’s apathy to the tragic deaths and sacrifice of 700 or more farmers in the nearly two years peaceful non-violent march in the capital and northern states of India is an internal confirmation out in the open.
The security breach controversy in Punjab on January 5th again directly involving the home ministry in New Delhi is not beyond reasonable doubt in public mind regarding the relation between the home minister and Prime Minister in the capital New Delhi.
Usually the government key figures as the first and second in line with the latter aspiring to succeed in the immediate future are witnessed time and time again. Sometimes, there are situations with conflict within two most powerful positions in government surface with inferences to mental and cognitive ability.
The Punjab security incident and the Prime Minister’s remark on surviving the event expressing politicized gratitude to interim Punjab Chief Minister further serve as a self-endorsement of the mindset statement proving the central government home minister’s view.
In a nutshell, the cat out of the bag pose predicament in any event management and damage mitigation.
Often times, something out or leaked from the direct source in government project a clear picture of reality for public notice.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Is Politics Qualified to Disqualify Anyone?
January 15, 2022
Is Politics Qualified to Disqualify Anyone?
Padmini Arhant
Here is the irony. In a nation touted the world’s largest democracy is represented by the Chief executive and majority legislative members at the national and state level whose educational qualifications are self-certified to justify their various positions in disguise as public service.
The reality on politics’ service is their pledge of allegiance and commitment to oligarchy, domestic organizations, campaign financiers and last but not the least the foreign global power.
This is not unique to any specific nation or domain. Sadly it is prevalent in most parts of the world with global syndicate dominance installing governments and reining universal control.
The individuals from rank and file to the top most in hierarchy as authority possess credentials except genuine talent exceeding any measures in corruption, criminality, deception, deceit and violations of all types ranging from trust to individual rights and life of the people electing them to public office.
Most of them proving their competence or the lack thereof evidenced in failure of governance and leadership. Besides, the national status quo with respect to overwhelming majority forced into deteriorating economic, education, health and social standards are verifiably the proof of the pudding.
These individuals enacting laws and legislations while exempting them from the rules and regulations as prime violators are veterans in enforcing anything found detrimental to ordinary lives and people in lower middle, poorer and poorest economic strata.
The controversial NEET – National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Indian students in India seeking enrollment in undergraduate medical course has long been subject to debate and discussion.
The students are required to meet the criteria prior to admission for undergraduate medical degree. This is nothing new as there has been synonymous entrance exam like Pre-Medical course requirement in the northern regions of India perhaps replaced with NEET introduced by Congress government earlier and continued by the ruling BJP in New Delhi.
Although on surface, the national government rule might appear to be beneficial in the selection process with the best and brightest pursuing the medical course to save lives in society,
The real life situation is anything but smooth and straightforward.
In fact, the students with ambitions in medical career especially from a disadvantaged economic and social background despite excelling in the NEET exam are denied admission.
The worst is the meritorious are displaced with preferential nepotism enrollment. The wealthy and influential progeny – i.e. industrialists, politicians and celebrities’ offsprings with below average percentage or even failures enrolled through bribes and incentives are common. The medical and engineering degrees bought outright with a price tag is not ruled out in the category with money power traded over merit.
In this regard, the practice is in semblance with educational institutions overseas including the United States elite premium education granted to politicians, prominent members and celebrities’ descendants in the reserved quota secured via endowments that are essentially bribes in corruption culture.
In India, the agonizing experience has led to tragic events with NEET qualified candidates deprived of opportunity committing suicide in the state of Tamil Nadu. As a result of these consequences, Tamil Nadu citizens – the students in particular are generally opposed to NEET exam.
They urge the central government to allow students in competing on the academic performance results from high school graduation rather than filtering under the pretext of NEET predominantly favoring students not necessarily qualified considering the short cuts and nefarious means finding their way in enrollment for medical course.
The stealthiest truth in contemporary era is ;
What if similar National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) for politics were to be mandatory?
Almost the entire political class and establishment would be disqualified and ineligible to serve in different capacity beginning with the head of the state, the second or third in line and so on including cabinet ministers in critical positions demanding not only acumen and relevant expertise but also ethical efficacy.
The unqualified determining the otherwise qualified candidacy as not suitable is the paradoxical paradigm exacerbating social and economic miseries world over.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Science and Sports
January 13, 2022
Science and Sports
Padmini Arhant
What is the correlation between science and sports?
Science and sports are adventures in their respective fields involving mind, body and spirit coordination.
Unfortunately, science in the onset of the pandemic as an exception with inconsistency in public health protocol and guidelines leading to questionable reliability in preventing and containing the pandemic proved a misguided adventure in COVID19 mitigation.
Whereas sports like Skydiving as drawn analogy with pandemic instructions in late night comedy monologue is a direct contrast in reality.
Skydiving instructors and skydivers engage in the activity that might be viewed extreme by some or many after knowing and understanding the risks and safety mechanisms of the act.
In other words, the skydivers are fully briefed and provided comprehensive information on the activity with complete and full liberty to exercise discernment and discretion to change the mind until the last minute before taking the dive.
The skydivers with skydive instructors are aware of the pros and cons factoring the calculated risks / hazards with security as the most important consideration. There is no force, coercion or solicitation of any kind. The involvement is entirely voluntary accepting sole responsibility for the decision.
In comparison, the pandemic recommendations are mandatory and the minimal to major risks in the prescribed methods are expected to be absorbed entirely by the individual expected to follow the mandate.
The pandemic public health directions thus far has been wavering from one extreme to another with more speculations than specifications.
Furthermore, unlike skydiving rule, the pandemic advice accommodates no choice in individual determination of personal well being.
Accordingly, the pandemic handling thus far has been anything but reassuring in the much anticipated herd immunity via fully vaccinated or naturally infected means regarded the saving grace in ending the health disaster in recent memory.
Amidst confusion and chaos, science and human population are victims of arbitrary positions maintained to suit political narrative rather than scientific resolution.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
New Year 2022 Speech Presentation
January 13, 2022
New Year 2022 Speech Presentation
Padmini Arhant
The New Year 2022 speech will be presented shortly with facts and details on issues relevant to humanity.
Padmini Arhant
India – Gujarat Godhra Violence 2002
January 11, 2022
India – Gujarat Godhra Violence 2002
Padmini Arhant
When authoritarian regimes maintain extremism and hard line policy demonstrated in crackdown of any challenges to status quo, they invite upon them imminent termination of their rule besides taking down the nation they represent as the authority.
What happened in 2002 ?
The fateful days of Godhra violence aka pogrom considering the massacre of innocent population with majority muslims and many Gujarati Hindus were wiped out by state government i.e. then Chief Minister and Home Minister run government in 2002 sponsored violence against the people of Gujarat as muslims and Hindus with no mercy.
The victims are not limited to those targeted in violence. The members of the civil service and others present in the then Gujarat State administration meeting held by then Chief minister and Home minister leading to massive bloodshed in communal violence were not spared either.
The evidences on state killings of own members as eye witness accounts of the contentious meeting involving authorization of communal riots resulting in blood river in international view is a sad day for a nation and society declared a democracy.
The aftermath of Godhra violence in the treatment of civil service men, police and others forced and coerced to cooperate with the state authority and their narrative of the incident is even more ghastly and gruesome.
The Godhra violence in 2002 in modern times is a chapter in dark history of Indian state politics.
The question now arise on the fate of the brave Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Sanjiv Bhatt from Gujarat.
Sanjiv Bhatt is not a muslim but a Hindu and a native of Gujarat, though the lives of all citizens regardless of race, religion and socio economic background are equally important and should matter for a nation and society poised as the world’s largest democracy.
Nonetheless, Sanjiv Bhatt and his family like many others were punished with some murdered by the state and their hired agents in the state decision to eliminate eye witnesses as attendees in the state administration meeting the night before the violence in 2002.
These innocent men and women other than the victims from violence were subject to state determined authoritarian rule of law denying them any justice or fair opportunity to prove their innocence.
Sanjiv Bhatt, the IPS officer of Gujarat was victimized for being the whistle blower and daring to speak the truth against the violent state authority of Gujarat,
“Sanjiv Bhatt is a former Indian Police Service officer of the Gujarat-cadre. He is known for his role in filing an affidavit in the Supreme Court of India against the then Chief Minister of the Government of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, concerning Modi’s alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots.“
What happened to Sanjiv Bhatt and his family, again Hindu Gujaratis for fulfilling the oath to serve the people of Gujarat without bias and prejudice following the spine chilling Godhra violence?
Sanjiv Bhatt has been sentenced to life imprisonment as expected in any authoritarian dictatorial regime directed and conducted trial.
Sanjiv Bhatt and his family’s brutal experience ranging from harassment, removal from civil service under false allegations are merely the tip of the iceberg.
Again the IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt was isolated and convicted with unsubstantiated charges beginning with murder, drugs and state manufactured accusations.
The falsely accused Sanjiv Bhatt sentenced to life for his commitment to civil service and declining authoritarian demands to comply with the murderous regime responsible for the massacre of thousands of lives such as muslims and Hindus – i.e. the citizens of Gujarat and India.
Sanjiv Bhatt life imprisonment is a travesty of justice in Indian judiciary process. Anyone deprived of fair legal proceedings barring government interventions and influence deemed guilty is a direct verdict on the judicial system in acquiescence to state order.
The society evading social, ethical and moral consciousness is prominent in these situations.
The authoritarian impact begins selectively and ends collectively is incontrovertible truth with history testament to the fact.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
The so-called Lone Wolf vs. The Pack of Hyenas
January 10, 2022
The so-called Lone Wolf
The Pack of Hyenas
The reference lone wolf coined since the days of the parasitic hyenas originating in January 2009 as authority and thereafter them and their representative puppet regimes desperately seek undeserving attention via provocation and unnecessary inflammatory remarks.
The false notion among those with titles and designations as authority in politics misconceive the concept of respect as exclusive rather than universal in any civilized society.
In the contemporary political maelstrom, the pack of hyenas distinctive as scavengers on carcasses experience the gut-wrenching cataclysmic upheavals in their den fearing rude awakening and imminent extinction of the pack having exhausted survival instincts.
The hyenas known for existence on corpses transform into cannibals witnessed earlier in 2010-2016 as cannibal sponsors through terrorists wreaking havoc in Syria, Libya and the entire Middle East as well as North and North Eastern Africa – bifurcating Sudan into Sudan and South Sudan in July 2011 triggering worst humanitarian and political crises continued till today.
What more?
In the Indian sub-continent – Indian fundamentalists Hindutva helm hired lackeys desertion from Kashmiri politics and Indian so-called liberal media together ironically claiming to represent Kashmiris in the valley, muslims, other minorities and marginalized in India – the population held hostage by Hindutva government in New Delhi are two sides of the same coin.
The above mentioned Hindutva crony representative in local Kashmiri politics and supposedly liberal wired media exemplify they are actual sell outs to New Delhi Hindutva system and foreign global power.
The comment stating the so-called lone wolf aliased bedroom fanatics / terrorists typically cast them in hypocrisy ad nauseam in their fatal obsession with lone wolf syndrome.
Furthermore, the comment lone wolf and bedroom fanatics / terrorists could only emerge from autocratic perverts and agents abusing power with their indulgence in lewd crude conduct.
The internationally blacklisted banned and Indian taxpayers funded Pegasus spyware and similar technology misused to pry and spy on any individual branded an outsider at home or abroad criminalize perpetrators and the ones authorizing perversion as state prerogative.
The Hindutva indoctrinated social media auction captioned Bully Bai also intentionally spelled Bully Boy aimed at the so-called lone wolf under the pretext of targeting muslim women on New Year’s eve Dec 31, 2021 is beneath any culture and human decency.
The immorality and ethical transgressions are the trends in the present political environment.
What business is for an Indian government to invade private home and life of anyone quoted an outsider in a faraway foreign land?
When national security demands deterrence of the formidable nuclear armed neighbors next door especially China having established territorial rights in the Himalayan and north east regions of India besides confirming maritime advantage in strategic locations leaving India in vulnerable position.
Nonetheless, the foreign entity – Indian government in New Delhi misplaced priority in violation of individual rights of private citizen addressed an outsider living overseas is condemnable and reprehensible.
Meanwhile, the Kashmir Valley renegade’s loose tongue quoting British innuendoes on the so-called lone wolf aka bedroom fanatics /terrorists, the slur whether prompted by domestic political insecurity or toeing the line to incognito foreign power possibly the rocky royal decadence and deceitful syndicate joint faction verbiage behind Indian political defection lexicon.
On September 26, 2014 the incumbent Indian authority’s then arrival in New York was scheduled to be met with the United States Federal Court Summons with a highly likely arrest warrant for Gujarat, Godhra pogrom in 2002.
The lawsuit was filed by human rights groups in the United States Federal Court in New York in 2014.
The United States administrator at the White House in 2014 came to the Indian counterpart rescue in averting embarrassment and criminal charges at that time.
The White House external intervention in 2014 in this matter is a reminder of birds of a feather flocking together in recognition of parallel in crimes against humanity.
The Islamophobia related muslim victims realization of the fact in this regard is important.
These revelations are least surprising. Indian government in New Delhi and RSS history is directly linked to colonial rulers in pre and post independent India with RSS aiding and abetting the colonial masters with radicalized recruits against then freedom fighters led by brave patriots sacrifice.
Notwithstanding the ominous activities inevitably leading to hyena pack elimination in self-destructive course.
What goes around comes around in nature’s designed earth with axis of evil dismantled and disposed for life progress and sustainability.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Is God in Danger?
January 7, 2022
Is God in Danger?
Padmini Arhant
Update Jan 8, 2022 – The Indian media viz. India Today news debate titled ‘Who is to be blamed’ on the alleged security breach of BJP leadership and India’s PM in Bathinda, Punjab election rally.
The Indian media India Today host – Rajdeep Sardesai in the program reported the crowd gathered on the flyover where the VVIP convoy guarded with special protection guards and beefed up security were not protestors i.e. farmers in Punjab.
The program reports that they were in fact BJP supporters planted on the scene.”
The BJP ministers and those trending with the allegation on PM’s security breach are either oblivious or resigned to selective politicized narrative on Punjab farmers and civilians gathering posed potential threat to PM’s layover on the overpass for 20 mins on that day.
The media account on BJP supporters brought over to the site near PM convoy creating unnecessary controversy to malign Punjab voters is apparently not politically convenient for the ruling party.
These reactions and activities are hardly surprising in the contentious political environment.
India’s incumbent PM’s political rallies since 2014 and until now are largely organized with mandatory public attendance.
The attendees especially the so-called Dalits and poorer sections in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan and all over India are brought to the rally venue by force beating them using brute force and intimidation that are well documented and available in public domain.
Accordingly, the BJP supporters presence on the flyover near PM’s convoy and not Punjab farmers or ordinary folks in Punjab as purported by BJP rank and file as well as cabinet ministers adopting appeasement strategy resonate with BJP’s routine policy.
Padmini Arhant
Something is not right in the Hindutva system, New Delhi, India.
The self-proclaimed God claim to have emerged from Kedarnath cave in what was constitutionally designed as SECULAR INDIA ominously transformed into rabid ideological fundamentalist political governance in New Delhi, India apparently in grave danger.
The presumptuous God as the head of the government crying foul over alleged security lapse in the northern state Punjab amid heavily contested election campaign unravel two important things among other issues.
The self-declared God ironically tainted with communal riots and minority cleansing legacy continued until today should have experienced premonition on any forthcoming life endangering incident to self and others well ahead of time.
In that respect, the travel plan could have been cancelled thwarting the much propagated endangerment to life of the so-called God aka the political head of the nation.
Another being, the political figure touted God could have fearlessly engaged with the frustrated farmers crowd branded protestors and alleged assassins without blowing the matter out of proportion in the election season.
Again, those habitual of recycling failed strategy continue to expect different results regardless proving stupidity as permanent mantra.
On August 30, 2018 there was a similar propaganda on the alleged assassination of God designated as the nation’s chief leadership in New Delhi, India.
At that time utilizing the insidious policy, the central government deployed crony sycophantic media accused the government’s targeted individuals such as human rights activists, authors, writers and environmentalists among civil society advocacy groups as potential assassins. These civil society members were arbitrarily detained denying them habeas corpus with many held in undisclosed detentions till today is the reality.
The hullabaloo over the politically anointed God’s life threatened by farmers and disenchanted citizens gathering in a reasonably distant area away from the VVIP’s convoy in Punjab disrobe the self-canonized God’s image.
The ground situation in the entire charade confirm the citizens as electorate in Punjab declining the ruling national party chief’s visit for electoral gains rather than acknowledgment of dismal performance in resolving farmers grievances, mishandling of the surging pandemic and severe economic crises affecting population across the spectrum nationwide.
The real God would have prior knowledge about any ill-omen individually or collectively and act accordingly without hue and cry witnessed at present. The theatrics conclusively verify political opportunism.
The repeat episodes from 2018 and now in 2021 categorically corroborate assassination of facts and status quo rejecting asserted political expediency.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter