Ukraine – Russia War Strategy
March 13, 2022
Ukraine – Russia War Strategy
Padmini Arhant
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s personal goals have consistently changed since last November 2021.
President Vladimir Putin up until invasion of Ukraine made public statements via Russian state media and Russian officials in Kremlin’s inner circle like Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov that Russia has no plans to invade Ukraine then or later. Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that Moscow was merely responding to Donetsk and Luhansk separatists leaders in Donbas region request to protect them from Kiev’s armed forces violence. The eight years of political unrest and ethnic clashes in Donbas has trilateral participation as mentioned earlier on this topic via this domain. All three factions i.e. the western installed former Kiev government, the west and Russia are responsible for status quo in eastern Ukraine and the ongoing war.
On February 21, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin declared Donetsk and Luhansk independent republics via decree on territories in foreign sovereign nation. Subsequently, Kremlin continued to maintain the political statements on no plans to attack Ukraine. Then moved forward with military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Moscow even then denied any military operations against civilian areas claiming the military strikes strictly targeted Ukraine’s military infrastructure and facilities with the latest row over some more than 30 biolabs that are United States financed according to Moscow.
In this respect, Moscow together with ally Beijing have sought explanations from Washington regarding bio weapons experiment centers in Ukraine. Though Beijing, WHO and counterparts in the United States and EU owe similar submissions on the Corona virus created global health and economic disaster.
That aside, Moscow intensifying shelling and bombing in Ukraine necessitating civilian evacuations to neighboring countries across Ukrainian border is the ground reality. There is no doubt that President Vladimir Putin’s war is not only affecting the innocent population in Ukraine but also seriously hurting Russia and Russian population with lives and economic liability, the inevitable ramifications of all wars without exception.
Russian military casualties involving high rank Major Generals in Ukraine combat exchange is a major blow to President Vladimir Putin’s so-called special operations only expected to deliver more deaths and destructions perhaps on both sides that can never benefit any aggressor drawn into prolonged quagmire.
The international report on recent attack on children’s hospital in Ukraine is the last straw transforming the civilian areas into a war zone. In case, such attack is to trigger No Fly Zone, this movie has already been seen in Libya in 2011 and the deadly consequences of event getting out of control. In this event, NATO misused the No Fly Zone and conducted air raid bombing Libya in March 2011 much to international dismay and Libyan civilians despair.
Ukrainians disappointment and frustration over No Fly Zone not imposed to prevent Russian air strikes is valid. However, the possibility of No Fly Zone (NFZ) leading to deeper conflict is worth consideration. Russian military operation affecting Russia and Russian people deprived of factual information about the war is unsustainable.
Often, the leader of any powerful nation such as Russia embarking on military intervention to annex territories of a sovereign nation near or far, the economic costs of even waging a war weighs down on the outcome. The financial resources and reserves are depleted draining the economy. Furthermore, this present time especially amid dreadful global pandemic caused health and economic catastrophe has inflicted enormous damages in people’s lives with recovery farther away depending on world events.
President Vladimir Putin declaring ceasefire with withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine would deliver economic relief besides saving Ukrainian and Russian lives, the immediate priority to facilitate humanitarian efforts.
In the three round of talks held so far between Ukraine and Russia, the agreement on humanitarian corridors on the onset sounds generous and compassionate. The grim reality is the Ukrainians and Russians alike are forced to leave their homeland, towns and villages to escape bombing and violence.
The situation rendering them refugees in foreign shores is tough and inhumane. Instead the Russian President Vladimir Putin ending the killing and demolition would mitigate losses and provide opportunity for healing on both sides of the armed conflict.
The children, elderly, sick, the pregnant mothers and so many are subject to this unnecessary turmoil that must be addressed and paid attention to in the irrational war.
President Vladimir Putin would benefit from stopping the military aggression against Ukraine and diverting to economic revival in the domestic front desperately required for Russian population survival. The action would reconnect Russians with the rest of the world.
Russia has lot to offer positively and war is not the right path to achieve anything that are counterproductive. There is nothing to gain from erroneous and egregious decisions like invasion and occupation of a sovereign nation and territorial integrity.
Russia’s reversal in course from being existential threat to peaceful neighbor and instead extending good reliable relations with those sharing the border and others away from it would be mutually beneficial returning peace, economic growth and prosperity.
Finally, I share my great admiration and appreciation to Ukrainian citizens, soldiers and leadership for their patriotism demonstrated in defending their homeland. In the context of international women’s day just a day ago, the Ukrainian women as mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters and daughters are truly beautiful in their sacrifice, love and care for their families as well as the country Ukraine they belong to and sadly subject to the struggles since 2014 and up until now.
The real beauty lies in the heart, mind and soul reflected in deeds and dedication. hi
At the same time, the Russian mothers, grandmothers, wives, daughters, sisters and girlfriends experiencing agony and pain over no information or sad news about their sons, fathers, husbands, brothers and boyfriends are enduring difficult times brought upon them by their President Vladimir Putin through warfare against Russia and Russian economic interests though Ukraine is mistakenly treated as the enemy.
The war must come to conclusion heeding humanitarian nature and conditions to save and rehabilitate lives on both sides of the battle.
Peace to Ukraine and Russia.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Western Sanctions on Russian Specific Interests
March 8, 2022
Western Sanctions on Russian Specific Interests
Padmini Arhant
The western measures to curtail Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine is short of extensive and effective strategy.
For example, the western sanctions on oligarchs reining control over Kremlin policy are barely meaningful.
Britain’s statement on western sanctions to spare Russian and foreign oligarchs empire i.e. investments in Russia and,
United States clarifying the sanctions on oligarchs luxury yachts and jets while the immovable and most valuable real assets left intact by the west deserve explanation to Ukraine.
The Russian oligarchs have defiantly responded on the American action to freeze yachts and jets being ineffective claiming they have their yachts and jets in far away destinations on Indian Ocean like Maldives and exotic island nations having no extradition treaty with United States and the west.
The oligarchs funding, financing and maintaining power in Kremlin are not affected from western sanctions since President Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukrainian and Russian population.
Germany as the richest, affluent and influential nation in western Europe not stepping up to the plate and suspending oil and natural gas consumption from Russia as stated earlier by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is in a way actively contributing to intense Russian aggression against Ukraine.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz meeting the immediate requirement halting the supply of oil and natural gas from Russia with the action serving as negotiation factor urging Russian President Vladimir Putin to end military invasion and occupation of Ukraine is critical.
Germany’s divestment from Russian oil and gas until Russian termination of military operation in Ukraine would save lives on all sides and prevent the ongoing Russian military intervention from flaring within and across Ukrainian boundary into other parts of Europe.
Germany has alternative suppliers in the international market to address domestic energy procurement. Besides, Germany also has adequate and vast renewable energy resources to supplement energy needs in the domestic economy.
This particular step viz. changing energy partner from Russia to other energy source like Norway, Middle East and United States in the order of proximity would confirm western position as serious and relevant.
Germany’s energy diversion would be significant considering the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s rejection of international call to ceasefire and withdrawal from Ukraine inflicting massive casualties and exodus of Ukrainian population from their homeland.
The western sanctions directed at the oligarchs disposable treasure and other estates combined with Germany’s alternative energy supplier arrangement would further exemplify western stance against Russian war in Ukraine.
Additionally, international moratorium on energy imports from Russia worldwide via UNGA pledge to implement peace in Ukraine alongside averting potential catastrophe in Europe and the rest of the world is urgent and imperative.
Reiterating the earlier situation, President Vladimir Putin’s ceasefire effective immediately concluding the impulsive engagement via military operation is paramount.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s commitment to Russia and Russian citizens safety and security demonstrated by allowing peace over violence is the only reasonable and respectable choice to prevent bloodshed and carnage.
The action especially in the reality of Russian forces casualties including the last night major setbacks suffered by Russia at the loss of Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky and Major General Vitaly Gerasimov killed in combat operation is the clarion call to lay down weapons and commence peace process.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Ukraine – Russia Peace Treaty 2022
March 6, 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s War : The current war waged by President Vladimir Putin is not only against Ukraine, it is also against the people of Russia.
Russian forces have been killed in the so-called special operation initiated and deployed by President Vladimir Putin strictly for personal goals – the revival of Soviet empire confirmed in the latest demands by the Russian President regarding the Donbas region – Donetsk and Luhansk states of Ukraine.
The massive Russian casualties suffered in the last 12 days conflict has prompted the Russian President Vladimir Putin to offer compensation in Russian rubles to Russian families on the loss of lives in the unnecessary battle. Similarly, Russian forces returning home with serious body injury and disabilities that are inevitable in any warfare are being offered government monetary aid.
These efforts need not be expended upon President Vladimir Putin ending the occupation immediately in sincere consideration of Russian lives and Russian economy that are at stake experiencing immense pain and suffering due to the Russian leadership’s irrational ambitions.
These developments are related to earlier venture.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin has treaded on the trail going back in 2008 with South Ossetia and Abkhazia – separated from the sovereign Georgian state in caucasus region.
Likewise previously in Chechnya in the Northern Caucasus declared the defacto republic under Russian Federation.
The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s hardline approach against Chechnya to stifle then secession of Chechnya from Russian control leading to two Chechen wars in 1994-1996 and later in 1999 is now paradoxically promoted in Donbas region by the Russian leadership against Ukraine.
The secessionism from Russia is not tolerated. However, the secessionist activities in Ukraine are facilitated and advanced through direct Russian military invasion of Ukraine.
The Russian leadership’s controversial and contentious policy is by any definition a serious violation of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
The imperialistic quest of major powers persisting in the twenty first century adamantly failing to recognize the new reality on independence of nations and its citizens is ominous for the leadership and those behind interventionism as the way to annex territories via violence and aggression.
The imperialistic dream on revival of empires citing earlier centuries of dominance and insisting on reinstating the era are reminded that such egregious accounts would only lead to eventual dawn of creation of the planet leaving none as the imperial power.
The planet creation and evolution of life remaining at the Supernatural helm with human inhabitation being transitory and transitionary.
The infallible and incontrovertible truth in this context invalidate any imperialistic dominance and invariably succumb to precipitous decline due to unrealistic expansionism in the past, present and expected in the future.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Ukraine Update – The Russian President Vladimir Putin’s explanation on the ongoing military operation in Ukraine suggesting the military aggression is carried out to protect Donbas in eastern Ukraine and eliminate nationalists and neo-nazis allegedly using civilians as human shields is beyond reason, sensibility and humanitarian concept.
How is it justifiable to force the Russians and Ukrainian population combined to lay their lives and leave their homeland for the sake of a territory that is part of the sovereign nation Ukraine and those few individuals the Russian President wants to settle scores with, when they are not in the war zone having fled the scene since Russian invasion ?
Besides, history is testament to the fact, no aggressor till date has won the battle against nations regarded a fair game based on miscalculation of those nations’ vulnerability or military capability by the so-called mighty nations with or without nuclear status.
Russia as the former Soviet Republic is already experienced in this respect – invasion and occupation of Afghanistan contributing to the collapse of Soviet Union.
How many more lessons a nation needs to lay the old guards and accept a new reality?
Ukraine is an independent sovereign nation. The illegal invasion and occupation of any sovereign nation by commonly and predominantly major powers have proved a colossal mistake and a failure.
It is not going to be any different this time.
Russian forces are deployed in the unnecessary warfare and Russia is being dragged into long term economic crisis that are far worse than the Russian leadership conducted special operation for personal goals.
President Vladimir Putin ending the military invasion is the only option to mitigate severe economic damages to Russia and importantly saving lives on both sides of the conflict.
No position, power or authority is greater than the will of the people determined to defend their homeland, sovereignty, territorial integrity and above all their individual liberty as citizens of the nation under attack.
Ukraine is currently drawn into defending their country from foreign infiltration.
The Ukrainians are demonstrating their ability to rescue their land from violent destruction by foreign authority. Every nation subject to this dilemma has invariably prevailed due to right not might wins even in the dark age.
Padmini Arhant
Permanent Peace Treaty 2022
Ukraine – Russia
Padmini Arhant
Ukraine – Russia Peace Treaty 2022
Padmini Arhant
The primary focus is to establish peace in Ukraine including east Ukraine – the Donbas region, Donetsk and Luhansk republics having experienced unrest since the political turmoil in 2014 that began in Kiev’s Maidan square.
It is already established that foreign interference from the west in installing pro-western governments not barring neo-nazi ones in Kiev in 2014 went terribly wrong and then onwards Ukraine’s sovereignty has been subject to extreme trials and tribulations along different territories especially in eastern Ukraine.
Whenever there are foreign intrusions in a country either politically and/or militarily, tensions flare causing chaos and confusion in society.
The western appointed governments in Kiev were engaged in promoting counterproductive strategies then and thereafter that hurt Ukraine than helping the country. The aftermath of Maidan square protests in Kiev in 2014 had spread across eastern region Crimea and Donbas creating insecurity and fear among ethnic Russians and majority Russian speaking population at that time.
There is no doubt the atmosphere in Maidan square in 2014 split the nation into pro-western Ukrainians on one side and pro-Russian Ukrainians on the other side. Such situation typically divide the country. Unfortunately, that was the outcome of Maidan rally in 2014 generating isolation of eastern Ukraine. The citizens in Crimea and Donbas obviously feared for their life and felt threatened considering the violence erupting in Kiev transformed into ethnic clashes giving rise to pro-Russian separatist groups seeking independence.
The death toll from the confrontation between Ukrainian armed forces and pro-Russian separatists reported to be initially 2,600 and now increased to 15,000 or more according to Ukrainian authorities in Kiev. Regardless of low or high figure, the loss of life on any side is regrettable and turbulence in the region contributes to volatility hindering normal existence.
Meanwhile Russian Federation is accused of direct involvement earlier in Crimea leading to Crimean union with Russia. The neighbor Russia foothold in Donbas region allegedly supplying arms to pro-Russian rebels as they are referred to and training them in the last eight years or so alongside Russian military presence in that part of Ukraine fueled further tensions until now.
Although Russia has repeatedly denied these charges, the Russian support in some form or another to separatists in Donetsk, Luhansk and previously Crimea are confirmed via Russian officials statements at UNSC meeting and Russian state media.
The latest being the Russian President Vladimir Putin’d decree recognizing and declaring Donetsk and Luhansk in Donbas as independent republics on February 21, 2022.
The move from Russia as an external nation in Ukraine’s internal affair ignited the spark with subsequent Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 attracting condemnation and western sanctions that are expected to severely impact the Russian leadership and many others in Russian ministry as well as Duma. Notwithstanding setbacks to Russian financial system with Russian central bank and financial institutions blocked from SWIFT international messaging network.
These effects could have been averted by President Vladimir Putin having been made aware of serious economic and financial repercussions upon Russian military invasion of Ukraine.
The Russian President was reminded via this domain about the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein treading on the same path in 1990 against Kuwait. The west then launched avalanche of sanctions and military aggression against Iraq citing then Iraqi President’s fatal error.
Following the violence in Donbas region in 2014, the Minsk I and Minsk II agreements were reached in September 2014 and February 2015 respectively between Ukraine, the separatists leaders of Donetsk and Luhansk as well as Russia.
The agreement was witnessed and held in the presence of Germany and France then leaderships in Belarus capital Minsk. The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE) was the monitoring authority to observe and verify the ceasefire in the region. The OSCE reported ceasefire violations on all sides adding the Minsk accord was not adhered to by the signatories making it difficult to implement the agreement.
The Minsk I and Minsk II is welcome by Moscow, a signatory on the accord. However, Moscow has absolved itself from responsibility in abiding by the agreement code claiming itself a non-participant in the conflict. The Minsk Ii agreement calls for withdrawal of forces from eastern region, the foreign military in particular reference to Russia being the occupier in the troubled territories of Ukraine.
The Minsk agreement details in public domain is as follows:
Courtesy: Reuters February 21, 2022. Thank you.
“An immediate and comprehensive ceasefire
Withdrawal of all heavy weapons by both sides
Monitoring and verification by the OSCE
To start a dialogue on interim self-government for the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, in accordance with Ukrainian law, and acknowledge their special status by parliamentary resolution.
A pardon and amnesty for people involved in the fighting
An exchange of hostages and prisoners.
Provision of humanitarian assistance.
Resumption of socio-economic ties, including pensions.
Restoration of full control of the state border by the government of Ukraine.
Withdrawal of all foreign armed formations, military equipment and mercenaries.
Constitutional reform in Ukraine including decentralisation, with specific mention of Donetsk and Luhansk.
Elections in Donetsk and Luhansk on terms to be agreed with their representatives.
Intensifying the work of a Trilateral Contact Group comprising representatives of Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE.”
As mentioned above, Moscow insists Kiev to implement Minsk accord. Kiev on their part disapprove some enforcements of the Minsk deal. Kiev also revealed on the Minsk agreement being forced upon them by Moscow via threats and coercion.
Ukraine has a fair point and reason for reservations. For any agreement to be effective, the terms and conditions have to be multilaterally amicable rather than unilateral imposition against one side creating undue advantage for others in the matter.
At the same time, Ukraine must also accept responsibility for the events since 2014 that began in Kiev’s maidan square allowing the west i.e. the European Union (EU) and United States to sabotage Ukraine’s territorial integrity via the western imperialist divide and conquer strategy that segregated Ukraine into pro-west in western and pro-Russian in eastern Ukraine. Arguably, both have specific demands and expectations from Kiev, the central authority then notably in foreign control and domestically comprising arbitrary decision makers in power.
Whatever has happened so far is extremely unfortunate for Ukraine. The immediate actions required for Ukraine to restore peace and stability are as follows:
Ukraine – Russia Permanent Peace Treaty 2022 – 20 point
1. Ukraine – Russia Permanent Peace Treaty 2022Ukraine government and politics in general must abandon fascist ideology and neo-nazi elements within to start afresh on viable functional vibrant democracy. The present and future democratic governments in Kiev crackdown on corruption in the system would spare the country from foreign and domestic economic abuse as well as exploitation that are fundamental cause in Ukraine’s status quo
2. Ukraine government and political factions should disavow violence and aggressive approach towards Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine i.e. Donbas region. The citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk are to be treated and acknowledged as Ukrainians first barring any form of discrimination and isolation based on ethnicity, language such as Russian speaking and any cultural distinction.
3. Ukraine to adopt stringent security measures to protect citizens in eastern Ukraine – Donetsk and Luhansk Donbas region. The Ukraine peace keeping forces to be deployed to prevent any violence and unrest in these territories with citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk guaranteed absolute peace, safety and security in their domain. The dissent should be resolved peacefully without any use of violence such as shooting and other form of life threatening tactics and mechanism.
4. Ukrainian national guards and border security forces to be positioned in eastern Ukraine synonymous to other border frontiers to maintain Ukraine’s territorial rights from foreign infiltration without exception viz. Russia or the west and anyone from anywhere.
5. Donetsk and Luhansk – the self-declared republics are not really independent due to Moscow’s military protection in the form of occupation sought from Moscow against Ukrainian violence experienced in the last eight years of conflict. The status is being resolved with Ukraine government under this 2022 treaty by delivering the necessary safety and security not only in Donetsk and Luhansk but entire eastern Ukraine. The issue should no longer be the concern moving forward towards permanent peace barring willful violations from any front.
6. The citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk as Ukrainians have no reason to breakaway with their territories situated in eastern part of Ukraine. The security issue being addressed under this treaty, the two separatists states are better off in a new democratic Ukraine with better economic prospects and importantly political freedom.
7. Donetsk and Luhansk citizens would elect their representatives in the respective states and be represented in Ukrainian Parliament with people choice elected members in a free and fair election conforming to Ukrainian constitution and election rule.
8. Ukraine government to extend economic opportunity, education, health choices beside social, cultural freedom and other essential requirements for safe normal existence to citizens in Donetsk and Luhansk similar to the rest of Ukraine
9. Donetsk and Luhansk to remain an integral part of Ukraine in the eastern region. The citizens in these two states would have equal political rights and freedom as Ukraine citizens in the rest of the country. Both states would receive federal funding from Kiev towards public projects and facilities such as railway, national highways, airports, national parks, waters and other reserves in the eastern region. The states would be run and governed with autonomy by citizens elected state government. The two states Donetsk and Luhansk would constitute union of Ukraine People’s Republic under Ukraine constitution.
10. The citizens in these two states and from this region would have explicit rights to serve in Ukrainian army to defend their territory and that of the country they are part of now and in the future.
11. Instant and irrevocable ceasefire from all sides in Donetsk, Luhansk – the Donbas region and entire eastern Ukraine is paramount on permanent basis.
12. The situation will be monitored by representatives from Kiev, Donetsk and Luhansk peace keeping force representing civilians not any separatists or political factions on either side.
13. The prisoners, hostages and other captives held in each other’s custody in the course of eight years conflict in ethnic violence to be pardoned and released on the condition to serve the community as productive citizens and never engage in violence or communal riots and disturbance.
14. Russian Federation to end militarization and occupation of Ukraine effective immediately. The Russian forces withdrawal ceasing military operations on air, ground and naval base in eastern and the rest of Ukraine is critical to initiate and implement peace process.
15. The Russian influence on Donetsk, Luhansk and Donbas region in any format like military assistance, training and equipment would be violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and represent foreign intervention. Hence, Russian political leadership and those behind interventionist policy in Kremlin renouncing such interference is imperative for peaceful co-existence among population in Donbas region, Ukraine as a whole nation and Russia, the indefinite neighbor and peace partner.
16. Ukraine to remain a neutral nation and not become a NATO ally under any pressure, incentives or disguised representation. The status is not only important for Ukraine’s independence but also the latest development exemplify the true spirit lacking among NATO against Ukraine especially in the reality of EU and United States generated catastrophe in 2014 prolonged till date.
The 1994 Budapest memorandum signed by the United States, Britain and Russia to honor sovereignty, independence and protect non-nuclear states like Ukraine and other former Soviet republics subsequent to nuclear disarmament has been completely ignored and violated despite reminder from the current Kiev government of President Volodymyr Zelensky prior to Russian invasion last week.
17. Ukraine citizens including Donetsk and Luhansk population to receive economic assistance from United States and European Union as reparation and restoration costs suffered by Ukraine collectively until now.The economic compensation to be transacted in transparent public trust set up with international independent committee monitoring fund appropriation to revive Ukrainian economy together with Donbas region as Ukraine territory.
The financial contributions is a result of United States and European Union being directly responsible for Ukraine’s status quo originating from western insurrection against Kiev’s democratically elected government in Maidan square in 2014 and successive meddling contributing to loss of Crimea to Russia and separatisms in eastern Donbas region.
Additionally, the members involved in western insurrection in 2014 should pay Ukraine citizens for the loss incurred by them. The payment to be expended on public projects like schools, health care centers and Ukrainian public welfare. The individuals from the west behind Ukraine insurrection in Maidan square should be subject to similar laws applied against United States citizens on January 6, 2021 Capital riots in Washington, D.C. Since the incident occurred in foreign soil viz. Ukraine, the foreign perpetrators of Ukrainian insurrection to be subject to international law.
18. Russia to compensate Ukraine on the military invasion on February 24, 2022 until now to rebuild infrastructure brought down with Russian military strikes and air assault.
19. Ukraine to receive humanitarian aid from UN and western organizations to rehabilitate Ukrainians forced to flee their homeland as refugees across the border for safe return home.
20. Ukraine’s sovereignty and boundary with Russia, Belarus and NATO allies Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and Black sea to be free from nuclear arsenal and all form of military artillery near and far.
The clause binds Russia and NATO as two nuclear and military powers remaining existential threat to all nations in the region. Therefore, Russia and NATO are obligatory to remove military and nuclear weapons from the region.
Ukraine to provide absolute and comprehensive economic support and security to all citizens in Donbas region – Donetsk and Luhansk to continue as Union of Ukraine sovereignty.
That covers the Ukraine -Russia permanent peace deal.
Briefly in relation to the ongoing crisis, NATO amassed troops in Poland and other NATO ally nations to defend them in the region while leaving Ukraine to fend for itself besides supply of weapons to Ukraine at the eleventh hour. The flurry of western sanctions against Russian banks and political members are preemptive measure to protect own interests in Europe.
The western response to this effect might be they were heeding Russian President Vladimir Putin’s warning to outside forces with particular reference to western intrusion in the conflict that would otherwise trigger nuclear option.
Russia obliging western predictions on Russian invasion of Ukraine. The west retreating on Russia’s overt nuclear threat make both of them partners in a well coordinated armed conflict with Ukraine paying the price as battleground.
Important lesson in this crisis is never to expect or believe the ones harming and inflicting extensive damages to come around and heal or restore conditions to normal.
On nuclear fronts, the time has arrived and in fact was long overdue for global denuclearization without exception. The major nuclear powers like the United States and Russia along with others maintaining false notion of them being responsible nuclear powers and assuming other nuclear aspirants the reckless in the nuclear club is debunked by none other than them and their public rhetoric.
In the United States, the republican and democrat Presidents as well Presidential candidates have unabashedly used the typical Presidential line – all options are on the table meaning would not shy away from using nuclear weapons.
The extreme statements in recent times have been delivered from the left and right.
The democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 Presidential election – Upon being elected President of the United States would not hesitate to Obliterate Iran with nuclear might. The statement was made by then Presidrntial candidate Hillary Clinton predominantly to appease AIPAC – the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
The democrat President Barack H. Obama toeing the line with republican predecessor President George W.Bush repeatedly used – all options are on the table against Iran, Syria and North Korea among others in the adversarial listing.
The republican President Donald J. Trump took the extreme posturing and clarified verbatim to North Korean Head of State and Leader Kim Jong Un on the American nuclear potency.
Then President Donald Trump issued a statement to North Korea on nuclear threats – “they will be met with fire and fury the world has never eeen before in history.”
The former President Donald Trump tweeted – “I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”
Now, Russian President Vladimir Putin evidently didn’t want to be left behind in the nuclear threat race and placed the world on notice with the Ukraine crisis escalating to nuclear confrontation with the west.
North Korean leader and head of the state Kim Jong-Un conveys nuclear message via ballistic missile.
Indian Prime Minister – the incumbent PM Narendra Modi boasted to rural voters in the election campaign rally that India’s nuclear arsenal are not cosmetic like Diwali fire crackers citing the nuclear weapons could be deployed on moments notice. The message was directed at the neighbor and rival Pakistan, another nuclear state in the Indian sub-continent.
These reasons abundantly justify for the world to be rid of nuclear menace once and for all. Small or big actors on stage, the nuclear arsenal at their disposal endanger the world and humanity at large.
All efforts and resources must be invested in global nuclear disarmament, freeing the world from living on the edge and rescuing humanity from forbidden nuclear holocaust.
The topic will focus on steps and systematic elimination of nuclear weapons in the planet.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
North Korea – Firing Possible Ballistic Missile
March 4, 2022
North Korea – Firing Possible Ballistic Missile
Padmini Arhant
North Korea firing possibly long range ballistic missile landing in the Sea of Japan on Mar 5, 2022 i.e. Saturday local time is confirmed by Japan’s coastal guards and defense ministry. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff has also verified the information to this effect reported by international news agency.
The latest ballistic missile is stated to be ninth since the beginning of the year 2022.
At whomsoever behest, North Korea has resumed missile launching this year, the ill-advise is best not adhered to in North Korea and the neighbors’ safety and security interests.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un maintaining the peace agreement with partner South Korea and delivering further in sincere efforts to abandon old ways that has brought tremendous pain and suffering to the peace loving citizens in North Korea is critical for the sovereign nation North Korea.
Similar expectations from across the DMZ line in South Korea and near by Japan facing constant threats are to be met by North Korea demonstrating trustworthiness in honoring the peace deal.
The violations from North Korea are unnecessary provocation that are neither helpful nor constructive in negotiations on sanctions relief.
The ballistic missiles of any kind whether short or long range with nuclear capability are not to be experimented now or in the future by any nuclear states or nuclear aspirants in the world.
The issues are far too many and humanity confronted with enough challenges like the lingering global pandemic and Ukraine crisis among several developments.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un exercising restraint and adopting peaceful approach would exemplify North Korean leadership’s commitment to peace and denuclearization.
It is never too late to pursue and persevere peace over unnecessary and unwanted confrontation.
The Korean peninsula and South East Asian region deserve tension free environment that has caused enormous barriers in economic trade and activities until recently depriving North Korea long overdue economic growth and development.
The choice is clear between peace leading to progress and prosperity and conflict yielding decline and failure.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Irony of the Ironies on Display
March 4, 2022
Irony of the Ironies on Display
Padmini Arhant
When pyromania is accompanied by pretentious fire dousing, the inflammable intensity rise.
Then under-secretary of the United States State Department in 2014 – Victoria Nuland reinstated in the same position by the current democrat administration that was in power at that time is hardly a surprise.
What more?
Then under-secretary of the United States State Department Victoria Nuland was the main protagonist in the western insurrection alongside then United States Republican Senator from Arizona touted as the Maverick for bipartisan role (the late) John McCain rallying the unruly mob in Kiev’s Maidan Square on camera in world view in 2014.
The United States State Department official Victoria Nuland and former Senator John McCain together with members representing the European Union were enthusiastically engaged in violent western coup detat overthrowing then democratically elected government literally at gun point from office in Ukraine in 2014.
Now the same under-secretary of the United States State Department Victoria Nuland back in action with subscription on peace, democracy and sovereignty is western cliche on duplicity.
The democrat Victoria Nuland’s spouse Republican Robert Kagan – the co-founder of neoconservative group promoting U.S. foreign policy was widely known for advancing the cause in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 inflicting deaths and violence in epic proportion.
The couple Victoria Nuland, a democrat in political affiliation and her spouse Robert Kagan, a neoconservative pro-war advocate sharing common goals and track record contributing to upheavals, mayhem and political instability in foreign land such as Ukraine and Iraq is the dynamic duality in American politics.
The irony of the ironies is those behind the political chaos and economic exploitation of Ukraine and Iraq presented as emissary of democracy and diplomacy taking human intelligence for granted once again.
Likewise the assortment of desperate enactments projecting falsehood and fraudulence funded by devious elements via media and politics is criminal. Notwithstanding the display devoid of originality and peaked in piracy.
The idiom – fool me once – shame on you. Fool me twice – shame on me is befitting the ongoing charade.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Human Suffering Discrimination.
March 4, 2022
Human Suffering Discrimination
Padmini Arhant
There are variety in discriminations as the world gets bogged down in narratives than truth and factual information.
The media rancor and opinionated slurs dominant in air waves and all or any available communication outlets continue with no moment of pause.
The denial in tragedies resulting in deaths and destruction of innocent lives however being discriminated is the worst and ugliest form.
The people who died and still dying from the global pandemic is irrefutable and incontrovertible. Similarly the victims of unnecessary warfare in Ukraine costing the lives of Ukrainians and Russians are equally regrettable.
The global pandemic triggered from lab manufactured deadly pathogen consuming and crippling lives in millions is as reprehensible as the ongoing war against the people of Ukraine brought upon from the days of western insurrection in Kiev Maidan Square in 2014.
Those inflicting deaths and devastation via the global pandemic or bombing and shelling cities forcing evacuation of population from their homeland cannot justify their actions one way or another.
Human pain and suffering evaluated on geographical lines and partisan politics protecting and shielding those responsible for colossal health and economic disaster via the pandemic while blowing the whistle on warfare reveals true colors of prejudice.
The power, authority, wealth and influential status at the helm misused and abused delivering humanitarian misery, health, economic and political crises whether in biowarfare such as the pandemic or the military invasion and occupation in Ukraine are unacceptable and condemnable.
The call for accountability on the global pandemic with grueling ramifications worldwide is persona non grata (unwelcome) for those expressing selective empathy on the events of their choice.
Such discrimination in these developments is beneath human value and disposition raising moral ground disingenuous in nature.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Military Industrial Complex Profiteering from Wars
March 3, 2022
Military Industrial Complex Profiteering from Wars
Padmini Arhant
War is a racket designed to exhaust military hardware and stockpiles on the battleground usually targeting weak and vulnerable nations near and far.
The objectives behind warfare is lost cause delivering deaths and devastations on all sides with no winners except the profiteers making a killing from killing innocent civilians and defense personnel especially young men and women on both sides forced into offense and defense line of action.
The defense contractors representing leading defense manufacturing sector with investors raking profits from bloodbath and bodybags unabashedly hire political authorities to conduct war games in territories primed and prepared with unrest and volatility serving as the premise for military invasion and occupation.
The head of the state primary role upon assuming office in the so-called democratic and non-democratic setting is chief sales executive to procure and supply weapons benefiting the military industrial complex and stakeholders – incognito wealthiest in the world.
What do they care?
After all they are lining their coffers at the ordinary lives expense.
Why would they be concerned about fatal ramifications?
Whether in terms of loss of lives and/or the living for survivors affected in wars made impossible lasting over generations.
Furthermore, waging wars expending military inventory requires replenishment for next round someplace else displaying fire power. The cyclical stockpiling and offloading continued with gluttonous greed having no limit.
Peace and dialogue are too inconvenient and often carried out with the intended outcome to be a failure.
Ironically, the incentives to promoters executing warfare with adeptness in producing massive casualties and refugee status are handsomely rewarded monetarily and in certain instances extraordinarily with Nobel Peace Prize in advance.
The war games are played to appease the beneficiaries and satisfy political aspirations despite the well- recognized and understood aftermath of financial mayhem and economic downfall brought upon the nation and population in self-inflicted crisis.
There is nothing to be proud of in engagement reeking violence and aggression claiming lives and demolition of infrastructure. Human mind losing control over ill-will and surrender to folly leading to uninhibited catastrophe is not only inappropriate for the much touted manhood but also egregious in defining human value and worthiness.
The end to military intervention in Ukraine and resuming humanitarian efforts to heal and revive the two nations – Ukraine and Russia is the only alternative and priority at all costs to save and protect lives that matter the most above any sales and profits from warfare.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Western Selective Sanctions
March 2, 2022
Western Selective Sanctions
Padmini Arhant
When will the western sanctions be impartial and unbiased a reverse of selective sanctions tradition?
1. Is the west (EU and the United States) ever going to acknowledge the insurrection against then democratically elected government in Kiev’s Maidan Square in 2014 including installation of neo-nazi governments of their choice thereafter and accept full responsibility for Ukraine’s status quo?
2. What about the partisan politics on abuse of power, corruption scandals and crimes against humanity differentiated among Presidential office bearers in the United States?
The case in point – the politically targeted serving President is subject to repeat impeachment proceedings while the predecessors misusing their power in office with abhorrent war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan to name a few among plethora of violations of lives and sovereignty worldwide are guaranteed and safeguarded with stealth political impunity.
Similarly, those conspicuously involved in heinous crimes not barring the creation of IS and ISIS terror networks, misleading America and the world on the alleged capture and killing of the deceased al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and slew of scandalous operations affecting populations in many global regions are celebrated and cherished as American exceptionalism.
3. Importantly and relevantly, Will the west having been involved in the controversial gain of function research gambling with human health and life as greedy investors and reckless risk operatives holding science hostage to suit their whims and fancies till date, their consistent flip flopping on the origin to management of the deadly pathogen unleashed on humanity consuming millions of lives ever be sanctioned?
4. What about their partners in crime on the global pandemic accountability as facilitator in Wuhan lab, Wuhan Virology Institute, Hubei Province, China attracting western investments and participation in the western pioneered game of function research?
If not, why is there such discriminatory practice on crimes from western engagement and direct indulgence never subject to same rule of law that the west reserves as the right to impose on others to justify western norm in crimes endangering life and environment thus far?
These legitimate questions merit explanation to clarify western democracy and principles in the world.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter