United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2023

United States

9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

September 11, 2001 – the fateful day when the United States – the Superpower in economy, military and nuclear might, the state of the art technology, powerful resources and enviable means at disposal was allowed to be attacked despite prior knowledge, adequate warnings and credible information about the event well ahead of time.

Yet then administration headed by the former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, the CIA, FBI, National Security and the remaining government apparatus let the catastrophe befall on innocent Americans and many foreign nationals together exceeding 3,000 lives lost on the single day in world view.

The event then unfolded politics to set rules shackling democracy, individual rights, civil Liberty and all that proudly proclaimed as United States insignia on freedom. The move unanimously legislated in Patriot Act, establishment of FISA (foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) initially meant for foreign terror suspects then extended against American citizens as permanent surveillance that had only gotten worse in the present time.

The successor Obama – Biden enacted National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) granting self with extra judicial execution power at the executive branch besides subjecting American civilians arbitrarily under military tribunal rather than civil court system.

The preventable 9/11 terror attack not only chained United States freedom with pervasive impact world over experienced in travel and other lifestyle changes, those awaiting the momentous assault on American sovereignty via 9/11 spearheaded their long aspired agenda – the ominous Project for New American Century (PNAC) to invade hosts of nations overseas beginning with Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Iran, Sudan…on their list.

While the invasion and occupation of all those foreign nations in PNAC were carried out in successions between Bush-Cheney administration followed by Obama-Biden to complete the mission, the bulk of the foreign onslaught under the guise of false Arab Spring became the hallmark for Obama – Biden administration from 2009 – 2016.

Due to Bush – Cheney and Obama – Biden administrations partnership and shared engagement in violent military interventions overseas, the human rights breach with respect to Guantanamo Bay and foreign based prisons such as Iraq’s Abu Ghraib  prison holding terror suspects without due process via abductions and other hostile activities…the predecessor Bush – Cheney era gross violations in every respect emulated and advanced to extreme level under Obama – Biden reign.

Accordingly, all of them are guaranteed and protected with political impunity on treason, corruption, criminality and human rights violation at home and abroad.

The democrat party having seized power in 2008 highlighting Bush – Cheney administration crimes till date could barely afford time or interest to pursue the predecessor Bush – Cheney on any of the monumental atrocities and displacement of democracy.

Meanwhile tirelessly squander tax payer dollars against their predominant common foe – Donald Trump with multiple indictments and mug shot in different angles claiming the political theatrics and showdown as American justice.

Understandably, the partners in crime such as the administrations since 2000 – 2016 resumed in 2020 – until now are unified in keeping American freedom and sovereignty under siege executing anti-democratic plans and policies not barring the cataclysmic pandemic hatched going back in 2002 onwards and the deal sealed in 2015 unleashing the deadly virus on American population and humanity at large exactly at the start of United States Presidential election year in January 2020.

Was it a mere coincidence that the pandemic happened in the Presidential election year 2020?

The democrat political party and leaderships since 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 extraordinary cooperation and complicity sparing their predecessor Bush –  Cheney administration’s political, constitutional, legal and ethical transgressions from any inquiry or investigations as held against their successor Donald Trump from 2016 till date provide clarity on mutual pact amongst members of political establishment in Washington transcending party affiliation.

In other issues, there are some interesting correlations and contradictions in the events coinciding elections in the so-called democracy and otherwise.

The parallel developments nearing election season with the fate of formidable opponents targeted by the ruling power settled on extending terms in office regardless i.e. within or beyond term limit if not indefinitely are uncanny defining the obvious about who is following whom in dismantling democracy.

The election in Russia is carefully watched and monitored by the United States as it is the case with the rest of the world. The Russian election arouse American political interests from adversarial perspective producing topic of discussion.

The main focus is on the conspicuous anti-democratic practice by the long term Russian leadership President Vladimir Putin alternating roles as President and Prime Minister…vice versa. Nonetheless maintaining absolute control over the Russian Federation.

In general, elections are a mere formality to convince electorate of their voting rights and subsequently the elected and the electorate subjugation is inevitable under campaign bidders and financiers’ greater influence and clout.

The Russian election is witnessed with violence against political opposition emerging from people protests demanding fair and equal opportunity to political opposition and factions to compete against the permanent ruling power especially under President Vladimir Putin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s consistent actions against the one and only political rival Alexei Navalny with others largely surrendered to status quo is self-explanatory on Russian democracy denied existence.

The Russian political opponent Alexei Navalny imprisonment and various charges leveled against the political contender, the allegations usually mounting around election time in Russia is in itself attract international attention and concern.

Although, the Russian President Vladimir Putin argue that the political contestant Alexei Navalny is a western appointee to stir political chaos in Russian politics, the Russian leadership’s reaction in handling such situations further generate anti-ruling power sentiments amongst silenced Navalny supporters and moderate thinkers in Russian society and overseas.

The ruling authorities anywhere crackdown on opposition with income tax raids and sometimes even arrests on unsubstantiated charges on their soil squarely describe the democratic conditions or the lack thereof.

Unfortunately, the strategy is the norm in contemporary politics in most parts of the world and prevalent in the so-called democracy as the world’s largest, modern or nascent in nature.

The tradition thus far suggests the ruling power’s preference on no opposition or in the least opposition in name only representing in mere numbers on taxpayers’ funded payroll.

Similarly, the United States touted as the beacon of democracy, the democrat political party and the influencers within the establishment contentious aggressive obsession of their arch nemesis in the form of Donald Trump Presidency right from winning election in 2016 throughout and until the present time with unprecedented congressional hearings, impeachments, indictments pending life imprisonment do not appear to satisfy the vindictiveness in their mind and unresolved acrimony.

As stated above, the similarities in Russian and United States Democratic Party attitude and approach towards strong political contender whether Alexei Navalny in Russia or Donald Trump in the United States are apparent.

The current administration and United States politics criticism of Russian President Vladimir Putin in this context is called out as authoritarianism and dictatorial.

Juxtaposed, the incumbent administration and political party imposed series of judgments and legal quagmire against the leading political front runner in the opposition viz. Donald Trump is justified as protecting democracy and constitution that has long been laid to rest unraveled in the horrendous 9/11 terror on American mainland and recently during the pandemic.

Suffice to say that 9/11 terror catapulted violence, military invasions, terrorism and importantly heralded state terror against citizens in domestic and foreign shores flouting accountability at the cost of millions of lives falling victims to the abominable crime against humanity executed in the abuse of power and electoral mandate.

Anything carried out at the innocents and vulnerable victims’ expense is self-perilous and bear enormous burden on the perpetrators and colluders of such crimes.

Remembrance and gratitude to the brave souls as fire fighters, paramedics, medical professionals as well as thousands of volunteers from civil society for their selfless participation and sacrifice to save lives on 9/11/2001 and the pandemic.

Padmini Arhant 



United States – Inconvenient Politics

September 10, 2023

United States

Inconvenient Politics

Padmini Arhant

United States – Incumbent Administration Vice President Kamala Harris response to MSNBC media on women’s abortion rights and SCOTUS decision on Roe v. Wade.

“I believe that we should put the protections of Roe v. Wade into law, and the way that will happen is if we have a United States Congress, who regardless of their personal view for themselves or their family, would agree that the women of America should be trusted to make decisions about their life and their body based on what they know to be in their best interest,” she said.

“It’s that simple.”


COVID Vaccine – Somehow the same administration neither granted trustworthiness nor tolerated American citizens’ inalienable individual right to exercise discernment and discretion on the haphazardly expedited COVID vaccine to which some had reservations due to personal or family members’ adverse experience not barring vaccine related death denying disclosure and discussion on the topic in public domain.

The censorship on COVID vaccine associated incidents and issues were imposed even on the experts, medical professionals presenting qualified clinical data and credible testimonials from the victims…all of whom were regarded a threat to the major windfall reaped by those behind the entire pandemic from origin to the extended versions of variants promoting opportunity for booster shots and more without any choice to those with medical and family history conditions creating a dilemma for them.

As usual politics hired surrogates from Hollywood and wherever possible to mock and vilify those American citizens with genuine vaccine related problems as anti-vaccinators even though it was COVID vaccine specific and yet they were scorned and ridiculed as vaccine opponents in general which was a blatant false propaganda.

Regardless, politics and the administration in particular in 2021 and thereafter succumbed to intense coercion and influence from vaccine manufacturers evidenced in the later publicly known deal formalized and sealed back in 2015 between Moderna and NIH funded Dr. Anthony Fauci headed NIAID and the likes of billionaire investor Bill Gates…on the corona virus vaccine mRNA – 1273.

May 4, 2023 : “Is Moderna profiting from COVID vaccine?
Moderna said on Thursday it expects a tax benefit of $300 million to $500 million for the year due to credits for research and development and certain one-off items. The company had generated around $36 billion in sales over the last two years from the COVID vaccine, its only commercial product.”

Politics playing politics to suit and maneuver agenda is well known using people as the pawns for political and economic gains with the trend established as irreversible.


Presidency Age: On the age factor concerning the publicly stated 80-year-old incumbent President Joe Biden, the same democrat party and affiliates together with democrat party media collectively objected to then Republican Party Presidential candidacy in 2008, the 71-year-old John McCain running for the highest office.

The Republican Presidential candidate John McCain in 2008 was subject to rigorous medical exam with voluminous extensive medical report demanded and made publicly available.

In comparison, the democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama had a simple wellness certification from personal physician unlike the Republican Presidential candidate John McCain ordered to be seen and certified by the opponents’ nominated medical opinion.

The prominent bias conveniently ignored the fact about then democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama’s publicly witnessed and confessed personal habits on cigarette smoking and other substance abuse. Somehow these were not considered a health hazard in the Presidential selection criteria.

More from the horse’s mouth CNN and alike positioned differently in 2023 with respect to President Joe Biden’s re-election bid flipping from that maintained in 2008 against then much younger 71-year-old Republican Presidential candidate John McCain with democrats raising age as a considerable factor at that time.

The Republican Presidential contestant John McCain was 9 years younger then to the current 80-year-old sitting President Joe Biden insisting on re-election making the candidacy – the oldest incumbent in 2024. 

From: The CNN in 2008

Analysis: Age an issue in the 2008 campaign?

  • Sen. John McCain’s age, 71, has been highlighted in the presidential race
  • It remains to be seen whether McCain’s age will be an obstacle for voters this fall
  • Poll shows voters age 65 and up support McCain over Obama by 8 points

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Is Sen. John McCain too old to be president?

Listen to some Democrats, and you’ll think the 71-year-old Arizona senator is a man lost in a perpetual fog. He is “confused” and has “lost his bearings” or is “out of touch.”

Listen to the McCain campaign, and you’ll be convinced that Democrats are using those terms to exploit concerns that the presumptive Republican nominee is too old to effectively serve as president.

For his part, McCain tends to answer questions about his age with quips such as, “I’m older than dirt and have more scars than Frankenstein, but I’ve learned a few things along the way.”

The first salvo of the general election’s age war may have been launched in May, when Sen. Barack Obama argued in an interview with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer that McCain had “lost his bearings” while pursuing the Republican nomination.

The McCain camp claimed that Obama’s use of that phrase was “a not particularly clever way of raising John McCain’s age as an issue.”

————————————————————————————Apparently, this is Washington politics with hypocrisy running deep aided and abetted by media narratives on any matter.

Padmini Arhant 



Shameful Politics

September 10, 2023

Shameful Politics

Padmini Arhant

Shame is relative.
Lining own coffers and veiling those living in extreme economic conditions with the wall of cloth curtains in proactive pseudo image maintenance is shameful. 

Not doing what is required to alleviate poverty and misery for those and instead engage in their temporary disappearance and erasing their humble dwellings for image upkeep is shame flamboyant. 

Impose draconian rule with curfew and lockdown stymieing daily existence for the struggling to make ends meet in the gala event hosting to boost false pride and seek forgiveness is wickedness ad nauseam besides shameful shenanigans on display.

Plutocracy in politics is the landmine deterring tangible humanitarian progress.

The deceitful and the deceived not gaining consciousness from the coma share responsibility on status quo.

The abject poverty and impoverishment inflicted on vast majority of population due to corruption, criminality, abuse of power and misuse of public money defying transparency and accountability in politics is shameful.

The public as diverse taxpayers funding governance at all levels from the city, municipal, county, district, state to national and federal level are incumbent and obligatory to seek publicly accessible and verifiable spending details from public office bearers as to investment or divestment of their tax money.

Politics mindful of image appearance is a mirage projecting oasis in the barren desert.

Padmini Arhant 

Padmini Arhant Quotes

September 8, 2023

Padmini Arhant Quotes

Padmini Arhant

The spiritual attainment encompassing love, inner peace and contentment is the Supreme status.

What awaits one upon demise truly matter than what one claim to possess in living.

Knowledge is the fruit that satisfy hunger, nourish and promote healthy mind.

Intelligence is nonsense without common sense.

Common sense is real, actual and factual.

Make your mark in life with your feet and feat not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Mud slinging without basis is own burial in quicksand.

The quest for knowledge stems from not knowing the basics and the means to know it and that guidance is accessible from within.

Universe is phenomenal with knowledge about it minuscule.

Accept failure with humility and recognize guilt with responsibility.

Never feed mouths that are habitual of biting the hands that feed or fed them before.

Identity theft is equal and similar to one plus one never equal to one.

Similarly one plus zero (with no value) is also equal to one.

The obvious shady and shifty would use such reference about the one from whom they pirate and plagiarize as the parasite.

Imitation of all things positive, productive and impressive with due credit is flattery and that without is FORGERY.

Don’t waste time and energy that desperately seek attention through provocation, harassment and narcissism.

Greed and envy consume the source leaving nothing as the net value.

Those with nothing to offer demand a lot more and everything from others.

Those unable to hide truth about themselves survive by spreading lies about others in self-consolation.

The burning desire to destroy is the spark that ignites self-destruction.

If you don’t learn from your mistakes in life then you are the biggest stupid.

Heed life lessons and lay mistakes to rest once and for all.

The pain and suffering of those oppressed and denied human status could only be understood by mind that value human life and individual rights.

The best attitude to nastiness, bitterness and unprovoked hostility is to live own life to the fullest and happiest like never before making the most of the rain and sunshine.

Perception is the reflection of mind subject to convenient thoughts.

Sometimes negative results and setback are good in life with best to happen soon after.

Life is a learning center 24/7 – no fees but penalties upon not learning from mistakes.

Reconciliation with reality is the preliminary step on clarity paving way towards sanity.

Anything attained and acquired at other’s peril is self-perilous.

Never mind the fools in paradise for they alone have to deal with rude awakening.

Trust is easily and readily violated. Mistrust the repeat untrustworthy at all costs is the trusting testimony.

Being true to oneself enables truthfulness in general.

Respecting others’ rights in the manner expected regarding own rights is the basic characteristic of human nature and value.

Often one’s own life has the answers to many questions and problems in life teaching you to begin with introspection, reflection and action taking the present as the relevant in time and space.

What you are today is related to who you were yesterday in deeds. Accordingly, what you are today in action and virtues or the lack thereof determine who you might be tomorrow.

Enemy within is – The Worst and Most Dangerous Enemy Amongst All.

Natural Effects:

Propaganda brings down the propagandists to the point of no return after exhausting its course.

Similarly, spewing venom incessantly at the target consumes the source post depletion with nothing to protect itself from imminent hazards within and in the environment.

The Kingdom of lies, deception and dishonesty denying other’s rights and life ultimately crumble from the extensive damage inflicted by own doing.

Plagiarism, identity theft, pseudo performance…is escapism from self-embarrassment, ineptness and insecurity typically running away from self to be another by forgery. The actions, nonetheless instantaneously expose the desperate fraudsters and fakers’ futile engagement.

The irony is such indulgence often presumed convincing to captive audience. However, the witnesses to duplicity i.e. inner conscience besides the all knowing all seeing Supreme Light that dispels darkness remain the constant reminder to the guilty shackled in sins of their sinful existence.

The outcome representing the natural effects.

What is served to others is received in fair and equal proportion if not more in accordance with laws of Karma.

It is wise to be mindful not to ignore the inevitable from own action.

Devils’ Advocate 

Those who engage as the devils’ advocate in disguise or overt surrogate. Regardless have chosen pitfall in their destination individually and collectively on own volition.

Choosing friends carefully and enemies wisely serve well in own survival in the toxic environment.

Jealousy is poison that consumes the one from where it emanates more than the one it is directed at in life.

Make your mark in life with your feet not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Real talent is resistant and resilient to emotions arising from inadequacy and insecurity whether within or outside.

The best response to usual and unusual hostility is unbecoming of such personality and let own positive track record serve as testament.

Honesty and dignity visible even in opacity through exemplification in life.

Honor and acceptance best achieved in modesty rather than by demand and imposition.

Hostility is the adversary of humility.

Hospitality abused is hunger exposed devoid of contentment. Discontentment in life is the worst disease.

Holier than thou is flamboyance doused in condescendence and insolence.

Desperation is the foundation for the frantic and fanatic.

Digging own grave begins with the desire to dig for others.

Demonization is characteristic of hosting the demon in mind wreaking havoc within.

Padmini Arhant


Philosophy Definition 

Padmini Arhant

Philosophy is the all encompassing natural thought process rooted in logical reasoning and knowledge applying the fundamentals of ideals, ethics and ethos to engage and experience the value and purpose of anything known and unknown such as the system of beliefs, causes, effects and behavioral science.
Philosophy is unlike mundane political sloganeering and cult orientation depicted and practiced in contemporary dark age politics with blind faith cronyism from media and novelty worn celebrity frenzy.
Rest assured, philosophy is a rare discipline focused in appropriate use of reasoning faculties for sound evaluation and outcome.

That being the concise philosophical essence, the reference philosophy loosely inserted in outsourced articles in adherence to the script / template without conforming to meaning and relevance of the term precisely define the contributors and the opinion of the writer as oxymoron to philosophical sense.

Not surprisingly, the lack of any and all of the requirements defining philosophy otherwise arbitrarily applied as monicker raise the question on the rationale behind impulsive indulgence.

Simultaneously, the irrationality confirms the acute deficit in knowledge and original thinking the philosophy epitomize and ensconced with emphasis on reason and rational.

Mud slinging without basis is own burial in quicksand.

Evidently straightening a twisted dog’s tail is possible than addressing a deliberate identity misappropriation and anchored isolated deranged misogyny syndrome.

Padmini Arhant  


Jealousy is Poison

Padmini Arhant

Jealousy is poison that consumes the one from where it emanates more than the one it is directed at in life.

Make your mark in life with your feet and feat not using others or at others’ dispensation.

Natural skills and verifiable deeds attract genuine admiration and appreciation.

Real talent is resistant and resilient to emotions arising from inadequacy and insecurity whether within or outside.

The best response to usual and unusual hostility is unbecoming of such personality and let own positive track record serve as testament.

Padmini Arhant 

Species Classification Conflict

September 7, 2023

Species Classification Conflict

Padmini Arhant

The self- denial for demons pretending as human species gory violence, sodomy, littering and deserting litters from rape with summary executions in the paranoid purge carried out as the norm throughout life is natural.

For that matter, indulgence in orgy in Epstein island or wherever and rendezvous in the Bohemian grove…summarize eclectic debauchery and bipolar mania.

The conflicting personality trait and characteristics shunning own reflection in the guilt ridden profile and legacy is a hot potato prompting insinuations of their life as not theirs rather those they are obsessed with in the narcissistic obsessive disorder.

The leopard changing spots to stripes or the hyenas scavenging on corpses always remain a misfit in any normal civilized environment.

The only option for them is to accept original self correlating with unsavory accounts burdening their soul with irredeemable karmic debts in the self-inflicted sinful existence and journey thereafter.

If you are ashamed of who you are, involving in identity-theft would not transform the biometrics and DNA footprints in any aspect especially in unabsolved crimes and horrific trajectory, the karmic effects guaranteed to accompany the Soul upon demise.

Reconciliation with reality is the preliminary step on clarity paving way for sanity.

Padmini Arhant 



Politics – The root of all Evil

September 2, 2023


The root of all Evil

Padmini Arhant

Politics run and controlled by crime syndicate in return overwhelmed by greed for power, fame and monetary rewards is the proven root of all evil exacerbating natural life existence and sustenance of all species in the devil fight for undeserving supremacy.

Politics recruiting riff-raffs ragtags hoodlums servile subservient wannabes opportunists committing treason, mass deception, embezzlements, murder and variety of crimes are the preferred choice representing the criminal clique.

With politics bought and sold through bidding on candidacy prior, during and post so-called free and fair elections, the process is reduced to a mere formality to deceive and mislead gullible electorate.

The supposedly elected in actuality selected serve as the ideal fiduciary to investors viz. bidders on candidacy from beginning until the end and beyond the term in public office.

Politics as the government in central, state trickled down to local municipal authority are funded by the public with ordinary / average citizens’ taxes that are collected deploying hamstrung aggressive tactics stated as policy involving intimidations not barring hefty fines, penalties, exorbitant interest and even imprisonment only against the law abiding ordinary citizens in society.

However, the law makers notoriously as the law-breakers and their campaign donors as well as financiers representing oligarchy, special interests and from wherever funding the campaign overtly evade due taxes despite their survival from debut in politics until departure from the world is premised on public taxes enabling self-enrichment and empowerment lasting several generations at the vast majority generational expense.

The principal slogan claiming individual origin as humble modest background meaning presenting self as someone from a poor impoverished lower economic situation to attract population in that segment is standard.

Though the poverty or meager economic strife of these candidacies are true at the time of political entry, their meteoric rise from rags to riches, the vertical climb from financial struggle to Super-rich club joining the ranks of millionaire, multi-millionaire and billionaire…i.e.contemporary politics’ status is the trend.

Politics is the cash cow and treasure trove for quick rich ascendency not an exaggeration.

Considering politics legislate laws, rules and regulations conveniently exempting selves, political allies, cronies and those serving individual and collective financial inheritance,

The legislations and enactment of laws are exclusively meant to satisfy lobbyists’ goals mandating laws to benefit corporate and personal gains besides political witch hunt pursuing opponents of status quo.

The members in politics from any political party involved in harming and hurting the public are treated indifferently from that of the general citizenry applying the extreme law to the fullest against the latter including brute force, incarceration and denial of fair due process.

Notwithstanding, the law enforcement, judiciary and military – funded by the public are also politicized and confined to political capitalization.

Additionally, the ordinary taxpayers’ financed government agencies like the income tax, intelligence agency and national security are weaponized and used against own citizens in politics.

In contrast, those in politics engaged in rampant violations of laws, others’ individual rights and invasion of their life, home and privacy are invariably granted immunity.

The politics’ crimes against citizenry from infants to the elderly in cases such as rape, pedophile, sexual harassment, summary execution of unarmed civilians in private and public property, murder of own staff or political party workers and anyone regarded an obstacle or threat to their political image and position are eliminated at ease as prerogative.

The criminal offenses never subject to the same law and scrutiny that otherwise are enforced on mainstream population and whoever enlisted as their arch nemesis.

The politics as the epitome of corruption, criminality, prejudice and partisanship consistent abuse of power is the routine.

Accepting responsibility on anything from economic failure to social fragmentation and overall degradation is unbecoming in politics’ character.

As for transparency and accountability, the jargon let alone practice is persona non grata – unwelcome and rejected as an insult to the privileged in politics and their cohorts precisely shunning TA (transparency accountability) for obvious reasons – avert hidden skeletons tumbling from the closet.

The politics’ erroneous decisions, dismal performance, societal  polarization, identity politics with interference in human anatomy, distortion of individual physical characteristics and orientation, waging wars with ordinary taxpayers money and profiteering from it, colluding with science  in unleashing ravaging pandemic on humanity, heeding and implementing religious fanatic ideology, nurturing parasitic culture citing race are all fair and equal in politics’ mindset and justice system.

Similarly affirming support to the so-called political ally with perpetual aid at average taxpayers’ cost, domestic and foreign policy maintained to appease influential dominant forces’ agenda, complicity as beneficiary in domestic and international corruption deals, …are prominent political serial crimes justified as appropriate exemplar trajectory.

In adherence to zero tolerance to constructive criticism on politics, the cancel tradition and censorship are the favorite norms to silence critics shunned to anonymity and even assassination.

Politics protected in all fronts with political impunity on crimes further buttressed with crony sycophant media defending anything and everything that are conspicuously criminal yet obnoxiously ignore the track record, misuse entertainment media for propaganda, commercial sector for economic windfall in the ever revolving door reserved for own kind.

The conundrum is – the rookie to seasoned political members declaring themselves as one among the ordinary citizens on the campaign trail and political debates while bankrolled by Super PAC, special interests, foreign sources especially governments offshore, oligarchy at home and abroad have no valid explanation in this regard.

Those running for public office at any level choosing ordinary citizens’ name tag customarily switch gears and shift to wealthy donors’ and special interests loyalist camp midway in election or upon assuming office.

The rare exceptions serving constituents, the state or the nation at large are usually isolated, targeted and removed or replaced with proxy for intended purpose.

The other category – branding self in the race as self-made billionaire in the absence of incontrovertible evidence to that effect in facts and figures except for the backing and sponsorship of media baron and syndicate media, foreign government with vested interests exerting clout, the incognito controllers puppeteering politics with chosen puppets in the game are pledged allegiance for propping the candidacy.

The self-made millionaires and billionaire desire to serve the nation or the people could be met altruistically utilizing own money for the progress and development of mankind without participation in politics and importantly declining public taxpayers’ funded payroll and privileges that could be divested in the critical sectors of the economy.

In conclusion, plutocracy disguised as democracy laden with hypocrisy is the biggest irony in politics with eyes ever set on reaping a fortune in political career.

The other aspect is the enslavement of ordinary people through laws and rules that are arbitrarily imposed on those against the establishment in deep state control and alternatively waive the rules for those criminally exposed based on political affiliation.

All said and done, politics is the pawn for abusers and exploiters with members in politics readily selling the Soul, submit the nation and people as easily disposable in the sweet heart deals and nefarious bargains.

Politics as a result is the root of all evil committing, enabling, accommodating and facilitating crimes against nation, citizens and humanity at large.

Padmini Arhant 



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