United States – Presidential Race 2024

October 10, 2024

United States

Presidential Race 2024

Padmini Arhant

Update October 14, 2024.

The democrat Media embellished VP Kamala Harris health record – as excellent. Obviously like the glorified personal biography not actually belonging to the VP Kamala Harris, rather the usual collection from the member that the politics, media and collective collusion do everything to shun and silence in futile effort. Meanwhile, maintaining unauthorized unethical objectionable attribution of the prohibited individual’s positive profile to proxy candidacy.

Nonetheless, more than the politics and media certified the so-called stellar health record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris,

The incontrovertible dismal economic, national and international record of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the ultimate factor directly affecting the American electorate and their families in this election 2024. 

The frail and fragility related to physical mental health experienced under the incumbent administration not only of the Presidency Joe Biden but also the Vice Presidency Kamala Harris’ incoherence and evasions on vital issues were tolerated by citizens thus far.

Unlike the devastating economic downturn inflicting irreversible financial losses and economic liabilities continually endured by overwhelming majority under VP Harris administration in 2021 – 2024 is personal to every electorate in this election.

Accordingly, the voter prioritizing own economic well being to support the survivors and dependents in the family matters the most for substantial electorate.

Democrat Party Harris – Walz Presidential Campaign from sponsors of 2009 – 2016 Presidency have only two issues they seem to care about and they are;

Color politics: The 2009 – 2016 Obama Presidency sponsoring and promoting the unelected democrat Presidential candidate VP Kamala Harris as the woman of color. The rhetoric heavily grounded in identity politics makes the incumbent VP Kamala Harris a DEI recruit by default.

Even the women of color regardless of hues and racial shades are severely hit by economic decline under the current Harris administration.

The women of color too like other female and male counterparts have to survive and feed their family besides addressing many essential requirements that are unaffordable in the skyrocketed inflation, interest rates and taxes under the incumbent Harris administration. 

One can’t remain content and satisfied by admiring one another’s skin color behind the title of Presidency. 

At the end of the day, any skin color of any variation would have to deal with economic reality they are confronted with in their daily life.

The woman of color is not the answer to the economic woes that is hurting the blacks, browns, whites, yellow, red, green, blue or purple from all walks of life and political or Apolitical resignation. 

The second and only issue made relevant from the democrat campaign till date is ABORTION.

There is no doubt that women have the rights to make own decision about their reproductive organs similar to men having the option for vasectomy without any authority at state or national level exerting control or ruling one way or another that is prevalent in women’s reproductive rights in some parts of the United States. 

While abortion is the hot topic for democrat campaign to lure women votes in the election.

The democrat campaign and even the politics centralized on this subject have not provided the current statistics on abortions based on democrat campaign touted following circumstances;

A. Sexual assault including incest.

B. The unwanted pregnancy related to life threatening issues endangering the unborn child and mother.

C. The accidental pregnancies from unprotected consummation…leading to abortions in by and large diverse situations. 

The democrat campaign rooting for abortions rarely mention about safe and protected mechanisms that are available to those and any in the above highlighted incidents barring sexual assaults as a result of unpredictable behavior.

Otherwise, the safe methods by way of  precautions are always available to both female and male cohabitants to protect one another from the awkward and even risky scenario of abortion especially for the woman. 

The oral contraceptives to myriad options are available other than science via natural process such as ovulation period, social standards and individual responsibility to even avert the possibility of pregnancy eliminating the requirement for abortion. 

Prevention is always better and much safer than cure. 

Last but not the least, the Democrat VP nominee Tim Walz as the Governor of the great state of Minnesota has been in spotlight for apparently authorizing tampons in boys restroom in high school alluding to perhaps trans gender affirmation in the woke culture especially in 2021 – 2024. 

Perhaps there was a mix up in the allocation of these contraceptives when condoms for boys and tampons for girls subject to individual health conditions and preferences in terms of inhibiting the aftermath are more appropriate.

Alongside clinically proven safeguard measures in oral contraceptives and healthy practices in the modern era substantially alleviate the abortion dilemma for both women and men sharing the burden of this decision.

Simultaneously, relieving the court systems and legislative branches from direct intervention in this contentious matter for politics and personal right for women. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 12, 2024.

The Hope and Change Presidency in 2009 rooting for Wall Street having criticized them as Fat Cats in the same breath.

As for Barack Obama claiming never holding a grudge against those successful in their life in terms of material wealth and other assets.

Really? Why not check with the targets who have been pursued unlawfully and mocked of bankruptcy incessantly throughout up until now?

Some things never change despite crowing Hope and Change slogan.

Padmini Arhant

With all due respect to the sovereignty of the United States of America, the sacred national constitution established for a reason to protect the national interest and the republic rights made possible via democratic system,

I, Padmini Arhant, an American citizen and taxpayer of this great nation do not concur with the democrat party as well as your affirmation of the democrat Presidential nominee VP Kamala Harris as the viable choice to lead the nation post national election on November 5, 2024.

I have no doubt, the majority American electorate regardless of the current Presidential nominees on either side, the individual misgivings and shortcomings among other debatable characteristics, prioritize their personal economic situation and that of the dependents i.e. their family above all.

Unfortunately, the VP Kamala Harris being the core integral member of the current Biden – Harris administration equally shares the burden of significantly declined economic trend experienced by overwhelming American electorate transcending identity politics in race, gender, religion and other denominations.

Had the democrat party followed the democratic process by holding democratic primary even after abrupt elimination of the incumbent President and democrat primary choice Joe Biden with 14 million democrat voters behind the nomination for re-election bid,

There would have been some legitimacy providing opportunity to various democrat contenders within a national political party allowing the democrat base to elect the nominee in a fair contest.

The democratic procedure could have been justified in contrast to the decision made to push forward the nominee VP Kamala Harris long rejected by the democrat electorate in 2019 Presidential race.

Even otherwise, the VP Kamala Harris administration has let down the American republic in many critical responsibilities from neglecting the border issue to crises management in many frontiers with economy being the foremost failure. 

The lack of prudent economic plan with national deficit under this administration @ $1.8 trillion alongside funding two full blown wars in Ukraine – Russia and Israel –  Middle East conflict at American taxpayers’ unaffordable expense is valid assessment criteria.

These developments remain unmitigated and unresolved under this administration despite domestic economic woes saddled with inflation, interest rates and income taxes with no effective solutions or resolutions at present or moving forward.

Accordingly, these are appropriate concerns for voters in this election.

The ongoing climate disasters like Hurricane in Florida and other parts of the Southern and South Eastern states are also affecting the population in those areas with vast displacements in evacuations happening right now.

United States’ electorate are seeking permanent relief from the contemporary economic problems, border and international disputes due to the latter financial obligations enforced on American taxpayers exacerbating personal and collective plight.

Notwithstanding the events endangering national as well as the global peace and security.

The deteriorating economic status together with community safety and security compared to earlier term 2017 – 2020 is the determining factor for most electorate this election year.

In my earnest, honest opinion and firm position, no candidacy, political party or interest and agenda could be more important and valuable to suppress democracy and relevantly deny the republic immediate economic progress and sustainable future.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel – Middle East Conflict Segment -2

October 9, 2024

Israel – Middle East Conflict

Segment -2

Padmini Arhant


The extemporaneous presentation from and by Padmini Arhant.




Israel – Middle East Conflict

October 4, 2024

Israel – Middle East Conflict

Padmini Arhant

Absolutely. Well said. Couldn’t agree more.
Padmini Arhant

Israel owes explanation and accountability if not to Gazans, Lebanese and the rest of the world. Israel is liable to own citizens in Israel, the hostages’ families in particular.

The Israeli hostages’ families have been lied to and betrayed until now by Israel and allies in the Gaza Genocide and murder of own Israeli hostages in the war.

Israel and allies have long lost credibility amongst rational thinkers and human rights advocates as well as general population world wide who respect and value human life and individual rights as important and equal.

Israel needs to look no further. ISRAEL is the existential threat to own Israeli peace and security.

Padmini Arhant 

Update October 8, 2024.

Israel and Israeli lobby in Washington such as IAC – Israeli American Committee seeking peace for Israel, Iran and the entire Middle East is possible as follows.

Israel’s adherence to latest UNGA resolution for Israel to end illegal occupation, colonization and complete withdrawal of troops from Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Unless and until the Palestinian statehood is not recognized with independence and sovereignty of Palestine including territorial integrity and self-determination for Palestinians similar to that in Israel, no effort in the regime change in Iran, Lebanon and Syria sought by Israel would be successful.

Israeli politics and leadership compliance with the recent UNGA resolution demanding end to Israel’s occupation of Palestine in reciprocation to UNGA consensus in the establishment of Israel in 1948 is quintessential for Israel’s existence in peace and regional stability.

In addressing the cause of the long standing problem that Israel is responsible for, the effects from it such as the nearly eight decades conflict continued until date in ongoing turmoil could be mitigated and brought to a permanent rest.

The bottom line is for Israel to acknowledge the overwhelming majority international consensus delivered in 124 nations solidarity to free Palestine in UNGA resolution in September 2024 remain the immediate priority and obligation for Israel and their lobby from wherever.

Free Palestine is the fundamental solution to Middle East crisis.

Padmini Arhant 

Update: October 7, 2024.

Israel and United States administration’s rabid cavalier actions in play in the Middle East with rhetoric to target and torch Iran’s oil fields is reaction to fait accompli on the anniversary of Gaza war.

The hegemony driven into morbidity is essentially a move against the entire global economy in the already exhausted energy crisis. The energy supply and distribution disruption not only from the Middle East including elsewhere is the nerve center in the economic viability.

The energy diversion to fuel the violent aggression involving heavy artillery and ammunitions in the pounding of civilians occupied Lebanon and Gaza is madness and savage indulgence in epic proportion.

The Biden – Harris administration run by machinery behind the scenes is determined to exacerbate sky high inflation depleting consumer affordability on basic survival from food to transportation costs in the cyclical economic necessities all around. 

The bulk of energy production whether in the United States or other oil rich sources in the global regions expended in simultaneous warfare in the Middle East and Russia – Ukraine conflicts is a major assault on global economy.

The developments since February 2022 – 2024 in Russia – Ukraine war and Gaza war since October 2023 till date protracted across the region bear serious ramifications on the politics, the military industrial complex with defense contractors and dealers selling arms to all warring factions at the destruction of lives and economies unraveling with no desire to permanently pause and reverse trend.

It is incumbent on the Biden – Harris administration to explain to American electorate in the election year. Similarly to global citizenry affected en masse due to the administration’s prisoner swap deal in compliance with proponent from behind the scenes running the U.S. administration to engage with Russia in the release of notorious arms dealer in exchange for female African American athlete held in Russia with charges on possession of drugs upon arrival for international sports event.

The global citizens must rise to the occasion and demand the termination of warfare all around premised on baseless back and forth retaliatory fire power. The aggressors ignoring the massive loss of lives with immense pain and suffering to the population primarily remaining the target. 

The end-result critically aimed at the collapse of global economy.


FAILURE TO HEED CEASEFIRE IS INVOCATION OF SELF-ELIMINATION of all elements and factions accelerating the events evading own political debacles and war crimes much to own imminent dissipation. 

Padmini Arhant 

Update: October 6, 2024.

Israel’s unnecessary warfare expansion against Lebanon, Iran and Yemen…shifted the Gaza war dynamics into a broader conflict in the energy buoyant Middle East,  the principal energy and economic corridor for global economy.

Israel’s war quest on the backs of ordinary Americans having funded $26 billion with another $8 – $9 billion added recently despite being financially broke from the inflation saddled economy under Biden – Harris administration could no longer be the war chest for Israel’s hegemonic goals and territorial annexations.

Notwithstanding, United States in the front line since Israeli aggression began on October 8, 2023 until now has jeopardized American security overseas with military base in the middle east and elsewhere already facing retaliation all around. The U.S. citizens security is also compromised as a result of United States propelling Israel’s war.

The so-called ally Israel is increasingly proven a dead weight financially and in reality to the United States taxpayers funding and perpetually aiding the State since inception until now treating U.S. as the fiduciary and vassal state.

The status quo place the American ordinary lives in further economic decline and generational indebtedness.

Charity begins at home prior to elsewhere.

Padmini Arhant 

The extemporaneous presentation on the topic from and by Padmini Arhant.

Israel, United States and Western as well as India’s lost cause – the net zero sum game. 

Israeli leadership Netanyahu in the course of eliminating Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran’s key members have also wiped out Israeli hostages in Gaza – most of them killed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza.

At the end of the day Israel has lost the war in Gaza having prolonged death, devastation and carnage with predominantly United States alongside together with other western allies and non-western ally leadership from the so-called world’s largest democracy India joining the bombs-missiles among them futile Brah(MO)s squad in the year long war in the tiny strip of Gaza proving the net zero sum game.

The one above all – none other the Supreme force as the natural phenomenon is the indomitable power over any political leadership, military might including nuclear arsenal, financial, technology, intelligence and logistics at their disposal.

Man proposes and Almighty God disposes with God’s will prevailing ever based on justice and injustice.

Padmini Arhant 


No hegemony, Supremacy of any kind and propaganda warfare can ever win hearts and minds anywhere anytime.

United States and western allies’ war in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now in Gaza…left the invader and aggressor United States and NATO besides Israel with generational losses in lives, economic liability in trillions $$$ and persona non grata i.e. unwelcome in those regions.

The weapons, military might and ruthless bombing of lives and infrastructure never deliver success. Only produce repulsions and formidable resistance against those responsible for the deaths and devastation.

The aggressors’ expectation and even demand that victims of their abhorrent crimes should be merciful to them.

Meanwhile, they are resolute in their merciless repeat onslaught against the same victims and increasing more in and around, near and far in the protracted warfare.

They are denialists with no remorse or regrets and yet insist on redemptions as entitlement.

God’s judgment never befooled by such feigned evasions and falsehood. Not to mention their karmic woes and debts weighing down heavily on them without exception.

Those who never learn from the past and present resign to the extension as future surrendered to unwillingness to change course and political will.

Padmini Arhant 

Western Political Ideology

October 3, 2024

Western Political Ideology

Padmini Arhant

Western political ideology is self-contradictory.

West is actually anti-democracy. However, the status maintained as ideal democracy. The despotism, fundamentalism, dictatorships, authoritarianism, totalitarian leaderships and governments were invariably launched, installed and supported around the world by the western political ideology.

Although, there are several examples in this regard from around the world where governments are toppled till date by the west either aiding military coup, political unrest, economic sanctions and / or political assassinations.

The west asserts such indulgence as ideal democracy to masquerade anti-democracy even on own soil as lately experienced in the United States democrat coup against own incumbent Joe Biden in 2024 Presidential race.

The foreign cases in point are Iran, Lebanon Palestine, Thailand and Ukraine.

Iranthe first and only leadership Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh to have been democratically elected in the once referred to as Persia.

Iran’s first and last democratically elected people’s choice leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh was violently overthrown out of power by United States CIA and European oil corporations to capitalize on Iran’s oil resources.

The western blatant coup replaced Dr. Mosaddegh with Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Former Shah of Iran rejected by the people of Iran as the repressive dynasty rule.

The status then triggered Iranian revolution by none other than the late Iran’s revolutionary leader, titled Iran’s Supreme leader Ayatollah Khomeini, who was in exile in the western nation France. The west provided safe haven facilitating the return of then Supreme leader Khomeini.

While the west criticize own proxy leadership of Shah of Iran as opulent lifestyle despite admiring and adoring even more opulence and extravagance of the colonial imperialist British Monarchy. The latter ever surviving over generations on the so-called commoners’ wealth and reining control on Britain’s politics as the constitutional head, the pledge of allegiance to the crown rather than the national constitution and the republic till date.

The west simultaneously mock Iran’s theocracy rule as medieval having paved the way in the ejection of democratic leadership and populous leader Dr. Mohammad Mosaddegh.

These two for that matter are uncanny in western choices via intrusion and subsequently branded as repressive, extremists, militancy and radicalism without acknowledgment of them being the western favored and seated in power.

Either way the west was responsible for Iran’s democracy to transition to dynasty and then theocracy rule prevalent in Iran up until now.

Lebanonthe democratically elected head of the government Prime Minister Rafic Hariri was assassinated in Beirut, Lebanon in 2005 under the former U.S. Bush and Cheney administration causing tremendous sectarian violence and rift in the Middle East.

Palestinethe moderate Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) confronted enormous resistance from Israeli politics and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in particular together with western ally United States and others in Europe.

Prime Minister Netanyahu then replaced PLO with Hamas as opponent to PLO. The PLO leader Yasser Arafat was assassinated by Israel in Paris.

Israel’s assassination tradition continues against Israel’s appointed Hamas or Israel’s colonization and illegal occupation in Palestine impetus Hezbollah leaders systematically targeted and eliminated by Israel as the so-called axis of evil.

ThailandThe South East nation’s first female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on popular wave was democratically elected in 2011.

Only to be brutally removed from office in 2014 during Barack Obama Presidency.

The Thailand’s people elected leadership was overthrown by disconnecting electric power and utilities to PM’s office in the United States and western backed military junta in Thailand.

The former PM Yingluck Shinawatra was accused of corruption charges by then western promoted military junta.

PM Shinawatra was acquitted of all charges in the latest decision by Thailand’s highest court.

UkraineThe latest being Ukraine – The democratically elected government in Kiev then headed by President Viktor Yanukovych was removed from office at gun point in world view together with entire cabinet in 2014 by then U.S. administration of Barack Obama and EU in the coup promoting violent insurrection against foreign government.

The democratic government was displaced with United States and EU installed neo-nazi rule in Kiev leading to status quo in Ukraine.

Owing to western trajectory in the twentieth and twenty first century, the west is not an epitome of viable vibrant democracy as claimed much to the contrary.

Padmini Arhant 

Political Configurations

October 2, 2024

Political Configurations

Padmini Arhant

Response to Politics.

It is not unusual for politics to remember those only when it is convenient. It is déjà vu from 2008 until now. The rest of the time the same individual then and currently approached is the arch nemesis with emphatic persona non grata – simply unwelcome even to share one’s thoughts and concerns as a taxpayer and a citizen in public domain.

Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz – please have those pulling the strings from behind and have been running the administration until now with your knowledge and complicity do the following as the immediate priority. 

1. Please close the border on all frontiers of this nation, you are vying to head after November 5, 2024.

2. Please fix the economy now not after November 5, 2024.

3. Last but not the least, suspend financing, weaponizing Israel using taxpayer dollars against taxpayers’ categorical dissent and objection as your administration has done including the predecessors earlier.

The tradition maintained as status quo making yourself and those in this collective military aggression and unmitigated war crimes directly responsible for the horrendous Gaza Genocide now spilled into Lebanon wreaking havoc, deaths and devastation. 

You need to accept responsibility on all these monumental issues and address them effectively in utmost sincerity and commitment to the citizens in the United States.

Whom, you are expecting to vote for you to extend the administration term for another four to eight years on behalf of the illegitimate power and members never ceasing to quit office regardless of their catastrophic dismal track record.

Your obligation also remain with Gazan victims, the entire Palestinian population as well as the Lebanese citizens, Syrians, Iranians, Yemenis by your default drawn into the broad spiraling conflict in the Middle East.

As a result affecting the global consumers and economies due to the conflict triggered energy crisis having economic impact on transportation, food…quintessential for human survival experienced in soaring inflation and cost of living in the United States and around the world exacerbating conditions especially in the war zones like Gaza and lately in Lebanon. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant