California – Los Angeles Wild Fire

January 8, 2025


Los Angeles Wild Fire

Padmini Arhant

Update Jan 13, 2025.

Politics’ Hypocrisy : News Reports across the spectrum confirm the devastating impact of Los Angeles wild fire including statements from those – the outgoing Political Administration in D.C. instructing law abiding citizens in California and Los Angeles public in this particular instance to follow evacuation orders.

“Vice President Kamala Harris said in a statement Wednesday morning: “I am urging residents in the affected areas to listen to local officials, remain vigilant, and evacuate immediately if told to do so … As a proud daughter of California, I know the damage that wildfires have on our neighbors and communities.”

“Secret Service personnel are permanently positioned at Harris’s home in the Brentwood neighborhood of Los Angeles.

Evacuation orders posted on Cal Fire for the Palisades fire warn: “Immediate threat to life. This is a lawful order to LEAVE NOW. The area is lawfully closed to public access.”

The same does not seem to apply to them in politics deployed ordinary tax payers funded secret service personnel whose lives apparently don’t matter. 

That is politics’ height of hypocrisy and abuse of people such as risking secret service personnel lives despite mandatory evacuation based on imminent threat to all lives.

Not to mention the service expended by taxpayers money to safeguard the mighty wealthy politics and their personal property and private estate while calling out people on compliance.

Time to end politics’ parasitic culture on ordinary citizens when thousands and millions of people are rendered homeless at this hour.

Politics in and out of Public Office – The new incoming administration claim to focus on eliminating wasteful funding – the ordinary taxpayers funded private security of those in and out-of-public office exploiting free access to such self-granted and not taxpayers approved privileges needs to be axed duly returning the tax dollars back to taxpayers who are unlawfully taxed on their social security benefits and their hard earned investments and life savings.

Padmini Arhant 


Image of Wild fire reported in the local news.

The latest wild fires originating in the Pacific Palisades in the coastal and northern Los Angeles forcing evacuations and massive damages are extremely concerning.

As always, the brave first responders and fire fighters – the true heroes risking own lives to save others’ lives and property including parks and woods in natural environment earn salutations for their valor and sacrifice.

Similarly, the ordinary folks efforts to mitigate crisis while attempting to escape the inferno are quite moving.

Prayers for all those in the midst of the most excruciating challenge.

Padmini Arhant 

Philosophy Definition

January 5, 2025

Philosophy Definition 

Padmini Arhant

Philosophy is the all encompassing natural thought process rooted in logical reasoning and knowledge applying the fundamentals of ideals, ethics and ethos to engage and experience the value and purpose of anything known and unknown such as the system of beliefs, causes, effects and behavioral science.
Philosophy is unlike mundane political sloganeering and cult orientation depicted and practiced in contemporary dark age politics with blind faith cronyism from media and novelty worn celebrity frenzy.
Rest assured, philosophy is a rare discipline focused in appropriate use of reasoning faculties for sound evaluation and outcome. 

That being the concise philosophical essence, the reference philosophy loosely inserted in outsourced articles in adherence to the script / template without conforming to meaning and relevance of the term precisely define the contributors and the opinion of the writer as oxymoron to philosophical sense.

Not surprisingly, the lack of any and all of the requirements defining philosophy otherwise arbitrarily applied as monicker raise the question on the rationale behind impulsive indulgence. 

Simultaneously, the irrationality confirms the acute deficit in knowledge and original thinking the philosophy is defined and premised on with emphasis on reason and rational.

Mud slinging without basis is own burial in quicksand.

Evidently straightening a twisted dog’s tail is possible than addressing a deliberate malignant identity misappropriation and anchored isolated deranged misogyny syndrome.

Not to mention, the foolish trend led by guilt-ridden white and everlasting victimhood black culture in the vain efforts seeking compensation and compromise for mutual benefits from the scapegoat not even remotely related to neither race nor individual legacy when reality verifies the reverse with the former duo as recipients in the combined patronage.

Similarly applicable to the tail wagging crony contingency from anywhere viz. Indian polity, conventional + social media and entertainment – the undeserving parasitic major beneficiary in newly invented unprecedented demented custom.

FPI – For public information all inclusive without exception – My pledge of allegiance  ever remains with none other than Almighty God, Natural Environment and republic – – humanity at large. 

Padmini Arhant 

The Devil and Evil DEI Dichotomy

January 4, 2025

The Devil and Evil DEI Dichotomy

Tell Tale Signs

Padmini Arhant

When the devil can’t handle anything in colossal defeat  i.e. shellacking in 2024 Presidential race resulting in full blown exposure of the devil’s demonic traits, the devil and the DEI evil conglomerate are rattled simply on fait accompli.

What does the devil and DEI Evil clique do to exhibit original image?

After all, how long could the devil and evil DEI B.S. hide in stolen positive identity and persona of their most envied target and arch nemesis?

At the end of the day, the glove never fits the blood stained hands from emergence in the world to parasitic existence till now.

The devil in particular bolstered by Evil corpses seething in monstrous jealousy, hatred, anger and misogyny…surrender to the demon in their mind and turn berserk witnessed lately in the series of diabolical activities since historic loss in 2024 U.S. Presidential election – no surprise there.

Amongst the devil’s homicidal mania going back to drug peddling childhood rampant in adult “gay hood” preying on own bedfellows black and white especially sodomizing the white male Larry Sinclair on wheel chair to the latest saga involving black female dental hygienist raped deserting a black child from the rape and the raped mother summarily executed using taxpayer provided security personnel by the tran duo were not over.

The latest victim black male personal chef on the paddle boat at taxpayer funded vineyard estate doorstep…merely symptomatic in the otherwise serious personal wreck syndrome. 

How could it be possible?

In conveniently deploying the ridiculous race card having been ironically responsible for abuse and murder of own people while promoting Black Lives Matter imposed on others. Meanwhile, brazenly committing heinous crimes from the political immunity sanctuary. 

The Presidential election 2024 defeat is avenged with drone drama carried out in the East Coast and of course in Californiathe anchored domain for the devil and evil DEI dichotomy.

Upon not being satisfied the devil had to orchestrate the mowing of innocent bystanders and crowd gathered at 2025 New Year’s celebration casting yet another devil’s loss of control in demonic outrage in New Orleans, Las Vegas and New York simultaneously at the dawn of New Year 2025. 

The devil let loose has been causing bloodshed, terror and carnage at the onset and went overdrive since November 4th, 2016 upon the devil ushered into exit having created tremendous pain, suffering and misery to all those the devil has targeted thus far.

There are two outcomes in the attempts to shape anything for useful purpose.

The iron ore – a rough hard core metal is brought to shape for various usefulness by hammering and / or heating that turns into molten state – the idiom – strike when the iron is hot is precisely for that reason as it conforms to malleability.

The other outcome that fits the devil and transcontinental evil conglomerate is the above outlined process only renders them out of shape and beyond any positive engagement as they are paradoxical to the characteristics and personal nature of the devil and evil cohorts hell bent on – our way or highway even when that is in the bottomless pit.

It is not the question of the devil and evil compatriots on the precipice.

The downfall from the self-destructive  provocation for own individual and collective self-serving never to be fulfilled evil aspirations not ever coming into fruition is conspicuously leaving the devil and evil syndicate possessed to own peril. 

Somethings never change for better by design and own volition.

The Gospel Truth – the devil and EVIL DEI Dichotomy may presume to hold the gavel amongst own insular world not barring the natural intelligence subversion convoluted as artificial intelligence though hopelessly fleecing on the contributions of the ones despised and vindictively pursued in obsessive disorder. 

The Supernatural phenomenon is the ultimate  power in the mantel of Supreme Authority as the Cosmic Force since creation of the Universe and galaxy until present into infinity future and beyond. 

Padmini Arhant 

Terrorism – Roots and Distinction

January 2, 2025


Roots and Distinction

Padmini Arhant

The New Orleans attack against innocent citizens is a tragedy and the violence killing 15 people and several injured is reprehensible.

The FBI determination of the incident as terrorism and news reports suggesting the crime was committed by the ex-army driver with ISIS flag on his truck leads to the emergence of ISIS and the real sponsors of this Al Qaeda offshoot in 2010 – 2016 of the 2009 – 2016 Obama – Biden administration.

Just recently the United States incumbent administration and western allies together with the media across the board cheered and rooted behind ISIS overthrow of Syrian government under the former President Bashar Al-Assad.

The extensive coverage of ISIS / Al Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda ransacking Syria dominated assortment communication media.

The ISIS control of Syria was referred to as liberation by outgoing United States democrat administration while the western media and counterparts addressed the Al Qaeda terror outfit ISIS as the “Rebel group.”

Now the same ISIS flag flying pick up truck deceased driver is stated as not a ‘lone wolf terrorist’ and projected to be linked to a terror group.

The roots matter in anything.

In this instance, it could neither be denied nor subverted on the fact, IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and diverse terror outfits were created by none other than the Nobel Peace Prize winning Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama in 2010 – 2016 under the guise of Arab Spring in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

There were no Al Qaeda or terror organization in these domains until then Barack Obama and Biden administration funded, fueled and trained the Al Qaeda members imported from Afghanistan, Pakistan and North Africa by Barack Obama Presidency that conducted carpet bombing in Libya under false ‘No Fly Zone’ in 2011.

Despite such incontrovertible trajectory of the Barack Obama Presidency with Joe Biden as then Vice-President and Hillary Clinton as the Secretary of State in 2009 – 2012 and,

Obama – – Biden administration continued in 2012 – 2016 stepping up to the plate and accepting responsibility for their egregious violent actions and decisions would alleviate politics’ serious trust and credibility crisis only gotten worse in the twenty first century and especially in the last four years with continuation of Barack Obama Presidency by proxy.

Notwithstanding, amidst the violent terror dominant track record of Barack Obama Presidency, the self-adulation via political incentives to democrat fringe members lured with local political representation in City and State politics on taxpayer funded antics naming public streets and boulevard in San Jose and Los Angeles, California after self i.e. Barack Obama is megalomania narcissism ad nauseam.

The Barack Obama Presidency created and funded terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front… as the seed of DEI – diversity equity inclusion in 2009 – 2016 remaining the irrefutable Barack Obama legacy.

The latest stunt involving installation of Al Qaeda transitioned Al Nusra Front as the state actors heading the government in Syria in November 2024 with U.S. administration and allies celebrating the fanfare over their achievement in the aftermath of colossal defeat in the U.S. Presidential 2024 election are indeed the chickens coming home to roost as usual sadly at the expense of innocent lives in New Orleans and whenever terror strikes anywhere.

The roots of terrorism creating Al Qaeda began under then President Jimmy Carter administration with National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzeziński. The late Jimmy Carter was awarded Nobel Peace Prize.

The DEI terror outfits – Al Qaeda transformation were carried out in 2009 – 2016 and recognized as head of the State viz. in Syria in November 2024 and also in Libya in 2012 by the Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama Presidency.

The history of terror and terrorism began and remain integral part of western politics from terror in bombing King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 by the right-wing Zionist organization running the Israeli government in the present time.

Similarly, the NSA Zbigniew Brzeziński then serving the democrat administration of the deceased Jimmy Carter was the architect of the terror behemoth Al Qaeda. 

Politics introspection on own deeds verified in image reflection is paramount prior to casting unrelated shadow inevitably reverted to the actual origin and the source.

My sincere condolences to the victims and their families grieving over the loss of the lives of their loved ones in the heinous crime in New Orleans at the dawn of the New Year 2025. 

Padmini Arhant 

P.S. Talk about “spinning fellas” – the one who is unparalleled in this trait and trend – is none other than the one with the real name Barry Soetoro spinning to Barack Hussein Obama.

The one conning citizens from all walks of life asking for campaign donations of $5 – $5,000 and more with fake fraudulent requests including enrollment in Obama University (that’s right fellas and folks – Obama University – Perhaps in the Obama University specializing in con, scam and art of deceit).

The shenanigans in 2008 – 2016 as the so-called community organizer deriding the Wall Street as “Fat Cats” in own lexicon while firmly seated on the same Fat Cats’ lap since debut in politics and multipolar 2007 election campaign and thereafter by selling healthy, hardworking ordinary American citizens to health care industry historic scam in the name of the abominable OBAMACARE. 

In return for trading American average citizens in the health care gimmicks with mandatory health insurance rewarding the combined health care industry with windfall absent stipulations on the health industry to meet fair bargains ignored for mutually exclusive financial gains – cashing and capitalizing with mansions, seaside castles, vineyard estates… on treason in quid pro quo in the healthcare scam and several scams throughout 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – 2024.

These alone besides endless blatant violations of electorate trust and plethora of flip-flops make the spinning top collapse turning upside down witnessed in the U.S.Presidential election 2024.

Something to deliberate and ponder – the process known as Soul Searching for the irreversibly stained pot calling the kettle “black.”

The irony in misogyny is denial of own emergence and existence otherwise impossible in the absence of woman’s reproductive organs.

The spermatozoa without ovum would be extinct is empirical fact. The natural factor.

Rooster in the Hen House – Never mind on what emerged first the chicken or egg even though the emphatic response is egg hatched into chicken. In the course producing roosters and hens by the hen.

What is relevant in the contemporary era?

The hyenas guarding the chickens (roosters and hens) den proven existential threat to own citizens and humanity at large.

As for ‘thirsty’ slang – the same is epitomized and exemplified by the source and catalysts in colonial imperialistic hegemony involving terrorism, oppression, repression and supremacy syndrome.

Whoever says and thinks – narcissists as compulsive impulsive abusers admire their image upon shown the mirror?