India – Lalit Modi Twitterati Causing Political Storm

July 1, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The Indian political establishment is presently engaged in mudslinging and screaming match desperately trying to protect them from the political storm caused by IPL founder and chief Lalit Modi.

IPL – Indian premier league, the cricket tournament started few years ago attracting investors from the entertainment industry, economic sector and political arena.

IPL founder and mentor Lalit Modi – allegedly a fugitive facing various allegations ranging from embezzlement to corruption scandals in India.

As I mentioned earlier much to Bollywood Moguls’ irate for they are prime investors in IPL, IPL – Indian Premier League facilitates money laundering and tax evasion for the bourgeois – the rich, famous and the powerful in Indian society.

Indian political class with all sides having some relationship and connection with the controversial IPL icon Lalit Modi are currently involved in the blame game.

Indian Prime Minister Modi remarked in the latest speech on the potential cyber threat claiming anyone with mere 10th or 12 th class education miles away could potentially wipe away the bank account and warned the nation to be prepared for the ‘bloodless’ cyber war.

Yet supposedly learned IPL chief Lalit Modi from miles away implicated on embezzlements running into billions technically siphoning Indian national treasury with members of Indian political apparatus collusion and complicity exemplify the state of affairs in multidimensional context. i.e. education, ethics and economic bankruptcy.

Lalit Modi’s twitters from offshore evidently prompting the Indian Parliament chirping and I play this song from Indian cinema that aptly describes the present somber mood in Indian political scene.

This song is brought to you with pleasure from me for your entertainment.

The song subtitles briefly is –

Let me remain behind the curtain

Do not lift the curtain

If the curtain is lifted

Then the secrets will be out in the open!

Enjoy the melody.

Courtesy: Padmini Arhant


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