United Nations – Social Economic Equality Possible Upon UNSC Dissolution

August 20, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United Nations inception following world war II in the twentieth century with United Nations Security Council (UNSC) comprising imperial powers – Britain, France, United States, China, Russia and new addition Germany in P5+1 mislead UN purpose.

UNSC five permanent nuclear nations with veto authority is a hierarchy in contradiction to contemporary  economic dynamics and geopolitical landscape.

The global powers syndrome exercising prerogative at UNSC slight remaining members of United Nations set up as an international body.

UN poised as an International organization is on UNSC oversight.

UNSC P5+1 along with counterpart EU aim to prolong imperial era.

UNSC imposing economic sanctions against non-western countries and fomenting international crises through military interventions and operations involving terrorism rather than preventing them proved counterproductive.

UNSC arbitrary dealings against nations regarded adversaries with trade and financial embargo viz. North Korea, Cuba, Syria and lately United States and Israel created South Sudan are few examples of ongoing economic warfare.

Imperialism revived in UNSC ambit with P5+1 as former imperialists renewing aspirations in respective regions for economic and strategic dominance.

United States military prowess demonstrated in militarization of Africa besides extending support to France in neocolonization of the continent.

United States sprawling military bases worldwide not sparing island nations defines imperial goals despite colossal failure in invasion and occupation of foreign land adventure.

The expedition downside experienced in national front costing United States taxpayers in trillions expended in destruction of nations backfired in domestic economic situation far from recovery.

United States direct control over Latin America conspicuous in disabling democratic governments and promoting contraband substances ranging from drugs to arms in North, South and Central America.  The economic strategy Free Trade Agreement is one of many dimensions to exert rule in that domain.  The Caribbean nations debilitated by enforcing foreign economic and military plan.

United States and NATO military drills in Baltic sea, presence in Afghanistan covering Central Asia, United States activity in Korean Peninsula implementing Pivot Asia policy claimed as curtailing Russia and China incursions in the respective regions perpetually escalate tensions and proliferate conventional as well as nuclear arms race.

The skirmishes are also impetus for disproportionate defense spending producing more poverty and economic struggles worldwide.

Britain’s unwillingness to renounce empire trait in the twenty first century evident in impugns on Malvinas of the Argentinian coast, Gibraltar in Iberian Peninsula and nations held under dominion status notwithstanding substantial landmass in Antarctica and waters in Indian Ocean declared private estate.

France relentless pursuit in Africa is a lost cause refusing to learn from the past exploitation of Africa.

Russia having gained from territorial annexation of Crimea in the wake of Ukraine destabilization ominously assert Arctic zone i.e. the North Pole as state owned property.

Russian Federation attempts to resurrect ex-Soviet bloc largely attributed to United States and NATO upsurge in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

United States and NATO coordination in Eastern and Central Europe other than Central Asia generated Russia formation of Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) with Baltic states membership and China-Russia initiated Shanghai Cooperation Organization to counter existential territorial ambitions.

China’s predisposition on stretching border lines apparent since seizure of Tibet.

Furthermore, Maoist infiltration in Nepal and north eastern India enlarge China’s encroachment on Indian frontier with Arunachal Pradesh,  Ladakh and Aksai Chin Kashmir remaining contentious in that context.

Subsequent to economic rise in the latter half of twentieth century, China’s territorial disputes with neighboring states in South China Sea has intensified offering United States pretext to besiege Asia Pacific.

Middle East – Imperial alliance with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey engaged in endless violence and proclamation of nuclear treaty between P5+1, EU and Iran epitomize two sides of the coin.

The paradigm shifts in western powers partnership with Iran in the region is reminiscent of western approach towards Libya for easy access to Libyan oil and economic resources during Libyan leader Muammar Gaddaffi governance.

Western maneuver in replacing Saudi Arabia with Iran and incentives to convince Israel on Iran nuclear deal clarifies imperial powers classic characteristics on enmity and amity to suit convenience.

Similarly, Iran’s close economic ties with Turkey amid Turkey’s overt indulgence in terror against Iraq and Syria spilling over to Lebanon pose conflict of interest exacerbating humanitarian plight.

The quid pro quo between P5+1, EU and Iran sharing commonality on imperial legacy depends on western forces balancing act with old ally Israel.

Western strategy with Persian nation Iran in Arab oriented Middle East is enactment of Persian and Ottoman reign vying for regional superiority.

EuropeGermany as P5+1 entity, European Union dominant member and euro zone chief beneficiary is hegemony augmentation in transatlantic..  Germany capitalizing on vulnerable EU members viz. Greece economic woes facilitate international creditors ECB, IMF and EC monopoly in executing imprudent economic scheme under the guise of rescue package.

UN credibility and viability jeopardized with UNSC decisions on international matter and UN missing in action on pivotal issues related to human misery. UN peace keeping corps reputation compromised in war torn nations especially Africa with allegations on certain UN squad for sexual assault and atrocities against women and children.

UN performance or the lack thereof in resolving Palestinian problem and leaving Sri Lankan Tamil civilians to fend for themselves from Sri Lankan military raid and summary executions…not barring partisanship on sectarian clashes confirm one world government agenda and resistance to transformation seeking departure from exclusivity and unipolar mechanism.

UNSC dissolution abandoning flawed system and relieving UN organization from external jurisdiction prevalent in UN Secretary General appointment and diverse engagement is the preliminary step in building reliable global consortium.

UN addressing disparity within would set precedence for universal equality.

Humanitarian progress made possible with recognition of errors and sincere commitment to amend and adopt positive measures benefitting the world at large.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




















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