Politics – Public Service or Gold Mine?

February 18, 2017


By Padmini Arhant

Politics – Public Service or Gold Mine?

Choosing political career and joining the government would be normally considered a sense of duty to serve constituents, district, state, nation and the world at large.

The meaning of Public Service leading to the term public servant is regarded derogatory by members in government. Instead the designation preference is authority and powerful entity or lawmakers even when they are lawbreakers with no respect for rule of law and ethics they enforce on citizens of the state.

Not surprisingly, the recruits in the administration are usually the ones committed to not necessarily serving the nation but the head of the administration and in most instances the spouse in particular.

How does one explain the wealth acquisition among White House staff with annual salary $172,200 and upon exit at the end of the term their net worth is millions of dollars? The same would apply to members of Congress as well.

Are they all born with silver spoon and pledged to serve the country?

In that case, shouldn’t they bequeath their wealth alleviating economic disparity?

Unless, the situation is other way around.  The primary purpose is to make hay when the sun shines and in politics it happens rain or shine – the perennial season.

How about the administration using IRS to intimidate political opponents or organizations for partisan agenda?

While protecting administration members in serious violation of tax evasions and tax fraud.

The administration of the former President Barack Obama hired White House Staff have done remarkably well considering the Hope and Change platform enabling the victory in 2008.

Synopsis on public service guaranteed wealthy status.

In 2012, the ex-President Barack Obama White House members on annual salary $172,200 or more net worth were as follows;

Susan Rice – $20 million plus

Valerie Jarrett – $3.3 million to $13 million

Christopher Lu – $2.3 million and $5.2million

David Plouffe – $3.6 million

Jay Carney – $3.2 million

Dan Pfeiffer –   $2.1million

Just a few names among several for whom politics apparently is a gold mine.

No wonder the selective choices effectively compete in the gold rush.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission














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