
July 24, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

What is elitism?

Status specializing in hubris, ignorance, xenophobia, megalomania, sneering, jeering, condescendence, contemptuousness, envy, prejudice, polarization, deception, subversion, treason, deceit, duplicity, demagoguery, debauchery, perversion, promiscuity, plagiarism, grand larceny, misogyny, gluttonous, cronyism, servility and last but not the least parasitic existence conveniently asserted as elitism amongst contemporary feudalists and fiduciaries frozen in the medieval era.

Perhaps the dog’s tail could be straightened but not the twisted twits set in one direction with a dead end.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhsnt.com

Spouse in Divine Mission







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