Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

August 4, 2017

Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power

By Padmini Arhant

The media discussion on conducting probe on Congressional aides should go beyond and involve high profile entities responsible for serious crimes ranging from treason, abuse of power, sponsoring terrorism, authorization of illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretext to billing the United States taxpayers phony bills that are routine.

Bush-Cheney administration raking a fortune viz. Halliburton and Kellogg Corporation at the expense of army personnel deprived of appropriate facilities during combat situation in Iraq is just one example amongst myriad exploitations.

Under the same administration, the former NAVY SEAL officer Erik Prince founded private army Black Water deployment in Iraq committing atrocities over there. The Black Water resurfaced under Xe Services operating in Pakistan in 2009 and then recruited in Ukraine by successor President Barack Obama administration. None of these regarded worthy of national address. 

The lies and deception on deceased Osama Bin Laden since 2001 maintained throughout both republican and democrat administrations with the latter claiming Abbottabad mission as a landmark victory in the absence of any evidence to public in the United States and the rest of the world. Subsequently, eliminating NAVY SEAL engaged in Abbottabad operation that also submerged along with other crimes at the helm somehow escaped media and press attention. 

BENGHAZI gate like everything else dismissed as unfortunate event despite serious dereliction of duty from the administration and then State Department leading to a major political and security fiasco. 

The former Congresswoman democrat Jane Harman connection to striking a deal on Israeli espionage agent apprehended following FBI investigation swept under the rug with little or no media focus for reasons well known are not the only issues granted impunity from crimes against citizens in the United States and world over.

On the other side – Why not shed light on Pentagon and Federal Reserve yet to account for more than $20 Trillion respectively evaporated with open threats and ultimatums issued to rare Congressional hearing daring to question the department and private institution profiteering from unaccountability?

Is there really a democracy?  If so, 

What kind of democracy would grant carte blanche authority to political parties, administrations, institutions and departments to run a muck and glorify their legacy as remarkable instead of holding them accountable?

Any incident regardless of activity related to ordinary citizen tried by controlled media prior to any formal investigations and charges from relevant authorities. On the contrary, the influential members, organizations and political figures monumental crimes, complicity and deliberate indulgence for self-interest and political aspirations causing enormous liability to the nation and taxpayers are completely ignored as inconvenient.

Their actions compromising national trust and integrity and most importantly resulting in loss of innocent lives in domestic and international front are either vehemently defended or discarded to protect fraternity and maintain status quo.

What democracy would have mandatory health insurance tied to penalty shifting the burden of costs on the saddled middle and lower income category not qualifying under Medicaid or tax credits not meeting premium and healthcare expense?

What democracy would preserve flawed electoral process like the electoral college at national level and Superdelegates in political party viz. United States democratic party overriding voter participation?

Are there any interest or initiatives to reform the archaic failed electoral system?  NO 

Instead any other country such as Venezuela reforming the political system for meaningful all inclusive democracy is condemned and punished with sanctions.

Any investigations and inquiry targeted for political reasons while approving blatant misuse of position, capitalizing from various ventures and deals by members in political circle and around them would not be tolerated in functioning democracy.\

Above all, the media and press collusion in suppressing facts substituted with fabrications and false propaganda is indicative of the demise of democracy.

Is there any more information required in the reality confirming that fascism rules the world?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission





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