Australia – Human Rights Issues

November 17, 2017

Australia – Human Rights Issues

Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! Australia on legalizing same sex marriage.

Similarly, addressing the following human rights problems would be significant considering Australia’s economy and stability in Asia Pacific is largely dependent on immigrants contribution.

The tolerance to diversity and acceptance of multiculturalism providing equal opportunity to immigrants, minorities and importantly indigenous people down under would be mutually beneficial.


1. Stopping hate crimes against immigrants of color.

2. Referendum on recognition of Australia’s native population Aborigines as the first people protecting them from prejudice and human rights violations especially preventing Aborigine youth deaths in prison cells that are barely reported in the news media.

Last but not the least,

3. Vote on Australia’s transformation to republic from the current common wealth status pledging allegiance to British monarchy expending Australian tax dollars to safeguard Royalty.

These measures would by far confirm Australia’s commitment to real democracy and human rights issues.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



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