United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald J. Trump Administration

January 14, 2018

United States – Frankly Speaking on President Donald

J.Trump Administration

Padmini Arhant

Frankly Speaking, the current administration headed by President Donald J. Trump has enormous potential to achieve goals in national and international interest provided the President’s public statements and views are strictly confined to issues and matter relevant to the subject refraining from unnecessary comments that immediately attracts media and world attention.

The achievements in the first year such as tax laws though favoring the wealthy and corporations continued from previous administration extending Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest hopefully have corporations invest the tax incentives in the economy for job creation and sustenance as expected in this bill. Again, any default or failure on the corporations not sharing the public dollars in enhancing job growth and American economy would impact American business and long-term prospects. Accordingly, the companies as beneficiaries of tax breaks distributing the tax dollars among members of work force all the way to the bottom unlike the trend to benefit top 1% would be wise and pervasively productive.

President Trump’s proposal on health care requiring able bodies to earn health insurance coverage with more than 10 or 12 states having come forward to enact this rule is prudent. The recommendation exempting elderly, disabled, pregnant women and children while having healthy members to earn the health plan coverage not only encourage young and not so old participants to avoid being branded as social welfare recipient which would be the case in this instance but also allow them to contribute to community service and the system.

Those who oppose the suggestion claiming that this would prevent these groups from active job search and the other scenario being there are individuals already working in other fields and therefore would not be possible for them to comply with this requirement.  With the former, the job seekers without insurance qualifying under this program could always fulfill the community or service obligation and organize for job interviews on mutual arrangement between them and wherever they are working that should accommodate requests within reasonable timeframe. In doing so, they might be able to assist the job seekers on community and other social service to move into full time employee status in the work force saving the health insurance coverage for others in worse situations. As for the latter, the employers should be incentivized with necessary tax deductions and use them towards insurance plan for the employed members without insurance coverage. Though this is a standard practice with most companies offering minimum health plan for their workers and staff, the ones yet to assimilate in this category should be advised to do so with tax benefit.

The objection raised in expecting healthy citizens to work for insurance plan is partisan politics. There has been similar proposition in place under earlier administrations like the former democratic President Bill Clinton justifying such requirement on college students qualifying for lower interest rates on student loans to return the favor in mandatory community service.

President Donald Trump waiver on Iran sanctions admittedly done with reluctance is a positive step for that is necessary in honoring United States commitment to ease tensions in the Middle East and discourage any nuclear ambitions from Iran agreed to in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in 2015.

President Donald Trump administration on immigration policy in not ending H-1B visas for professionals awaiting permanent status is practical otherwise the measure would have triggered exodus leaving high tech industry and other sectors dependent on highly skilled work force in disarray.

As for the immigrants certified as undocumented and without legal status residing in the United States having arrived at a young age, The Differed Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) that was introduced through executive order by the predecessor President Barack Obama granting temporary work permits due to expire in March this year having been an incomplete process in nature appears to be contentious at this point in time.

President Donald Trump’s willingness to derive permanent solution to this issue granting legal status with path to citizenship and the Democrats agreement in this respect along with consensus on border security gaining bipartisan support is a good opportunity to move forward leaving behind the political gaffe and denials as well as misinterpretations of conversations proved nothing more than distractions serving none in politics.

The combined efforts from all members of Congress in the House and the Senate on all issues and averting government shut down with the approval of funding bill incorporating essential needs and addressing DACA together with formalizing the DREAM Act would confirm government seriousness in serving American electorate to the best of ability and reliability.

Finally, President Donald Trump and administration focus on getting things done as witnessed in the first year transcending impulsive reactions and response only providing fodder to factions eager to debate and exacerbate problems would be in the best interest of American public and international affairs deserving attention and meaningful resolutions.

I convey my best wishes in reaching amicable solutions to issues confronting the United States and global citizenry.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com














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