United States – Intel Memo and Russia Investigation

February 2, 2018

United States – Intel Memo and Russia Investigation

Padmini Arhant

The latest furor in Washington D.C. on congressional staff drafted memo for the Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair, Republican Congressman from California Devin Nunes and subsequent approval by the White House to release the intelligence memo hardly escapes attention.

The rebuttals from FBI, the justice department and the democrats’ memo in response to the development is the other aspect of the issue.

While there are arguments on the procedural and constitutional implications with back and forth statements along with media perspectives escalating the problem, the basis of the entire uproar is undermined that deserves focus.

The purpose should aim for transparency in the political system ominously missing much to public frustration and disappointment. Then the use and misuse of intelligence apparatus by one political party against another and especially citizens in civil society in addition to emphasis on Congressional oversight to prevent infringement on civil liberties in the course of overzealous espionage activity that is a persisting tradition in politics.  

The news media published details claimed as information directly from the respective sources on both sides acknowledged as credible data leads to more than it meets the eye.

The saga leading to Russia Investigation with calls for indictment of the incumbent President appears to be the primary objective ignoring the past administrations actions in consciously misleading and misrepresenting American electorate as well as constitutional violations amounting to treason clarifies the political motive behind the pursuit.

What needs to be understood in this particular dispute is the Russia investigation headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller and overseen by deputy attorney general Rod Jay Rosenstein. The controversial Russia investigation is to determine the alleged involvement of President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers and associates with Kremlin and their alleged efforts to obtain findings on the democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from Russian sources in order to gain political advantage in the 2016 Presidential election.

Interestingly, the origin of this quagmire setting precedence inviting foreign intrusion in the democratic process of national election and obstruction of justice to seek warrant is omitted in the protest.

The democrats apparently engaged a foreign national, the former agent of the British intelligence and paid to conduct research on then Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump alleged ties with Kremlin.

The British ex-spy supplied clues without proper verification were then used by FBI and the justice department to get a warrant against Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign foreign adviser Carter Page from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) withholding the British agent’s involvement from the FISA judge issuing the warrant.

Clearly, the obstruction of justice had occurred in the onset with non-disclosure on British foreign agent hired by the major political party viz. the democrats competing in the national election during FBI and justice department submission to FISA court thereby misleading the court in issuing the warrant.

Furthermore, the noise over alleged Russia interference in 2016 election overwhelm the foreign entity participation i.e. the former agent of British intelligence agency through paid service for the democrats in acquiring potentially damaging material against the Republican opponent in the Presidential race.

As highlighted recently on the topic of Russia Investigation on this website, the democratic party has plenty to address to their own base and the nation at large in the ways and means adopted to nominate the establishment candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton that were admittedly rigged leading to the expulsion of then DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the murder of the democrat staffer Seth Rich with police investigation results not yet made available since the incident in July 2016.

Amid these events, one side crying foul against another is equivalent to the pot calling the kettle black.

As for alleged Russia meddling, the foreign intervention in the national election has been facilitated with the democrats appointing the foreign spy agent followed by obstruction of justice in abstaining from truth in the FISA court that merits appropriate explanation prior to proceeding with Russia investigation.

The rules and laws applied across the spectrum exempting none regardless of position and status barring partisanship and bias would exemplify credibility and justice in the otherwise structure fraught with political acrimony.

The earnest quest for truth would hold all those in violations and abuse of power accountable not the selective few in the bitter political environment seeking elimination of anyone against the core entities agenda.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com















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