International Affairs

July 12, 2018

International Affairs

Padmini Arhant

The current administration under President Donald J Trump policies and strategies are the highlights in this discussion.

Snapshot of core issues are as follows.

United States Migrants Children Plight – Delays and debacles in reuniting children with migrant parents subsequent to inhumane and unethical separation is a tragedy.

Furthermore, the migrants detained prior to verification and confirmation of background – criminal profile in particular is a major setback for democracy not to mention human rights violation apparently relevant to United States with respect to other countries track record cited in imposing economic sanctions. One has to be the example in anything expected from others and more so in important issue like family matter with children born in the United States sharing the constitutional rights as any other citizen in the country.

North Korea – Following the gala summit in Singapore on June 12 between the leaderships
in the United States and North Korea, the former imposing sanctions against DPRK for another year rather than lifting them to build trust- quintessential in any agreement creates credibility problem while accusing DPRK of not submitting to US and allies demands explains US foreign policy vulnerability subject to vested interests over trustworthiness in honoring mutual commitment.

North Korea is a serious player along with neighbor and family South Korea to forge peace and security in Korean Peninsula. However, United States expectations from DPRK for unilateral denuclearization in
the face of prominent nuclear powers viz. Russia and United States declining such necessity on them i.e. global nuclear disarmament given the stockpiles and legacy concerning them is an irony. United States moving forward in improving relations with DPRK would demonstrate US independence from fringe elements influence hindering success in Korean Peace Treaty. Peace requires solidarity and reliability from all sides without subjugation of any one party involved in the agreement. There is potential for permanent resolution upon United States willingness and courage to engage amicably that would guarantee stability and economic prospects for all.

NATO Summit – President Donald Trump stance in urging NATO allies to contribute to self-defense is valid and reasonable. When small developing nations in other parts of the world are providing for their security by any means, the industrialized European NATO partners modifying priorities is long overdue.
United States tax dollars expended in safeguarding foreign nations borders essentially addressing their security concerns meanwhile neglecting US taxpayers requirements is unsustainable. Since the
introduction of euro valued at present US $1.17 arguably proved expensive for US taxpayers in maintaining  NATO predominantly serving hegemonic goals like in Afghanistan and earlier in Iraq and Libya and using Turkey against Syria had nothing to do with NATO allies security. Instead the operation were aimed at gaining economic interests and strategic dominance in the respective regions.

Similarly, further back NATO decimation and Balkanization of Yugoslavia had grave consequences with massive casualties and political upheavals paving way for extended intervention in the Balkan states that were all paid for by United States in blood and treasure. European NATO coalition formalizing economic ties with Russia on gas pipeline suggesting the deal favorable and affordable to them viz. Germany, Belgium and others might be acceptable on financial feasibility compared to importing same energy product from United States or elsewhere based on Europe’s proximity to Russia besides the price factor.

European NATO allies dependence on United States for security at US taxpayers expense and economic benefits in utilizing Russian energy exemplify them taking advantage of the best of both worlds. Nonetheless, the situation merits proportionate defense spending easing the burden on United States taxpayers footing the bill thus far for the reverse would not be entertained let alone bearing the extraordinary financial responsibility. Hence, United States is justified in seeking NATO countries to allocate appropriately towards own defense.

Haiti – The Caribbean nation in the Western Hemisphere going through political unrest is the result of US foreign policy and previous administrations direct involvement in destabilizing the democratically elected governments in that country. The topic was discussed on this site extensively during the turmoil when Haitians sought the return of the first democratically elected President Jean- Bertrand Aristide.

The people choice leader and former President Jean- Bertrand Aristide was deposed by earlier US administration under ex- President George W.Bush and before that the state was forced into extreme economic struggles through US economic policy and political establishment key members such as the Clintons interference depriving the population normal existence. Haiti also had to deal with natural disasters of epic proportion in the past years exacerbating survival.

Thailand– Cheers and Kudos! To Thai Soccer Team – The Wild Boars having emerged from harrowing experience. The incredible efforts and successful rescue mission headed by Thai NAVY SEALS with international support saved lives enabling them to safely return home. I convey my best wishes to the young brave boys and their coach for speedy recovery.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter


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