United States – 9/11 Anniversary

September 11, 2018

United States – 9/11 Anniversary

Padmini Arhant

The terror attack on September 11, 2001 provided ammunition for misuse of power and authority in United States and other nations declared as the so-called democracy. 

Under the guise of national security, the laws enacted in the United States and followed elsewhere set precedence for gross human rights violations with immunity.

Furthermore, the harassment of minorities and targeted individuals with no criminal record or threats of any kind persists with TSA’s unapologetic mistreatment of men and women in racial and ethnic profiling exceeding the norms and civility of public scrutiny.

Since those who legislate such violations into law are exempt from the criminalizing ordeal in the name of security given the self-assigned VIP and VVIP status, they remain oblivious to innocent citizens trial and humiliations at the airport.

The State and administrations assumed unconstitutional and undemocratic extra judicial power to crack down on civil rights, curbing dissent witnessed in many incidents like in Chicago during NATO summit in May 2012 was the tip of the iceberg.

Similarly in September 2011, the Occupy Wall Street emerging from economic woes with ripple effects across many parts of the world was shut down with brute force deploying tasers, water cannons and arrests demonstrating zero tolerance to peaceful assembly and public protest on relevant issues confronting citizens and humanity at large.

The administrations in power exercised carte blanche authority apprehending foreign nationals especially Islamic descent holding them in Guantanamo Bay denying them habeas corpus i.e. legal rights in addition to subjecting them to renditions, torture, dispatching them to foreign prison camps and undisclosed locations for indefinite period with many still held in these detention centers. The U.S. administrations after 9/11 conducted arbitrary abductions at ease without any accountability.

The United States administration since 2001 and subsequently launched drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Yemen in North Africa, West African nation Mali, Djibouti and  Somalia in the horn of Africa and Columbia in South America were few among many spots relentlessly pursued with predator drone operations. Thousands of civilians in these regions were casualties to these drone attacks with utter disregard for life in general.

The 9/11 terror was New World Order agenda with agreement among global syndicate colluding in secret location barring public and citizens press as well as media entry to carry out Pearl Harbor kind of aggression in the United States to catapult the Project for New American Century aka PNAC.

The pre-meditated and pre-conceived plan was then enthusiastically executed by the neoconservative and hawkish elements represented in the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney administration to materialize the project for New American Century (PNAC).   The chartered course involved illegal invasion and occupation of foreign lands with regime change in countries listed in the master plan.

Having deceptively achieved public empathy and support on the fateful day of September 11, 2001, the authorities then onwards abused citizens’ consent against people worldwide.

Notwithstanding, the decimation and annihilation of nations and inhabitants in Africa, Middle East, Afghanistan in particular that continues unabated until today.

The government, intelligence apparatus and national security teams have systematically expanded dragnet surveillance in every possible way spying, tracking and trolling citizens’ activities depriving all a normal life.

The government introducing measures like biometric and optic (retina) impressions of all citizens, monitoring public communication in cyber space via social media such as Facebook, Twitter and other mediums is the standard practice. Then the corporate media and press having become propaganda machinery, the task to mislead and misinform viewers is the primary purpose. The entertainment industry is also complicit in this regard.

In the so-called democratic nation like India, 9/11 laws in the United States is loosely cited to arrest human rights activists, civil rights attorneys, journalists, trade unionists and intellectuals in society viewed as enemies of the state.

The United States administration under then President Barack Obama in May 2011, misled the Americans and the world at large in falsely claiming the capture and assassination of the long deceased Osama Bin Laden who actually died in 2001. He was quoted as the mastermind behind 9/11 though he was the CIA asset and had visits from FBI in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and Dubai to check on his well being while he was undergoing dialysis treatment for his chronic kidney disease.

President Barack Obama authorized Abbottabad raid produced no evidence stating the body was disposed in Arabian Sea and the NAVY SEALS deployed in Pakistan were also eliminated sparing none soon after the fake Abbottabad mission.

In a nutshell, the architects in Secret Society successfully transformed United States into a police state – the main goal of New World Order to suppress public voice and alternative views in society. The model was then to be replicated world over. Many nations follow suit despite maintaining the deceptive perception and image as a democracy like in India and elsewhere.

There is no doubt with elections marred in corruption found in voting irregularities, vote rigging and massive campaign funds influx from unverified diverse sources, those usurped to power diligently serve personal and vested interests in compliance with the established trend in the past and present.  The individual ambitions to rise and retain power find the subversion of constitution and democracy convenient that were lawfully implemented in the wake of 9/11.

The Gestapo rule has been overtly instituted with a free run for those at the helm of power to exploit electorate mandate, violate citizens trust and subjugate nation with impunity.

Interestingly, al Qaeda blamed for 9/11 became the terror operatives representing United States and allies in the war against Libya, Syria and Iraq in 2011.

However, there is hope to restore democracy and civil rights that has been seriously infringed under the pretext of 9/11. The forces behind the strategy having exhausted the illegitimate means, the system is on the brink of collapse together with public awareness and mass consciousness challenging the status quo.

Nonetheless, 9/11 will ever remain a memorable event in American and World history to remind the present and future generation on terrorism and state sponsored terror facilitating abuse of power.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com





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