India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

February 26, 2019

India – Indian Air Force Targeted Mission on JeM Terror Camp in Pakistan

Padmini Arhant

The latest report in public domain from both Pakistan and India confirming the Indian Air Force (IAF) restrained operation against terror network Jaish-e-Mohammed responsible by own admission for the recent terror attack in Pulwama, Kashmir on the convoy resulting in more than 40 Indian security forces martyrdom and,

Further engagement to launch major terror attack against mainland India per verifiable intelligence is IAF’s measured response to terror infiltration from Pakistan based terror outfits like Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and others thus far.

Indian Air Force precision attack focused exclusively on the terror training camp at Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan eliminating large number of JeM terrorists, trainers, senior commanders and groups of jihadis reportedly trained for suicide bomber attacks against civilians and security forces in various parts of India in the immediate future is claimed as pre-emptive self-defense security action from India.

Pakistan foreign ministry on the other hand characterizes India’s self-defense rationale as grave aggression and Line of Control (LoC) violation.

Interestingly, Pakistan somehow does not recognize gross violations of Pakistan establishment fostered and funded terror networks’ series of violations wreaking terror against India ranging from attempted terror assault on Indian Parliament, Indian Stock Exchange, Mumbai attack, army bases in Pathankot on Indian border with Pakistan, Uri until Pulwama in Kashmir.

Pakistan Army and ISI waging proxy war against India using these terror factions much to own detriment is not justifiable by any reasonable paradigm inflicting thousands of casualties from spate of terror attacks in direct violation of Indian sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Pakistan army and ISI rather than disavow ties with these terror forces within their state and deny them existence adopted reverse strategy that is arguably shackling Pakistan in every imaginable dimension.

Unfortunately, Pakistan establishment divestment in terror emboldened terror networks to run state affairs invalidating Pakistan citizens elected civilian government proved to be nothing more than public relations manager for Pakistan army and ISI.

Any retaliation from Pakistan establishment to Indian Air Force right to self-defense process against JeM would conclusively highlight Pakistan’s status in favoring, nurturing and bolstering terror operatives for wanton missions against India.

Any kind of wars i.e. proxy as promoted by Pakistan against India through terrorism until now setting the stage in escalating to conventional warfare and beyond is not viable for neither states and require considerable concerted efforts to prevent such possibility.

There could be drum roll for wars among political factions and fundamentalists on either side without taking into consideration the aftermath of wars and military confrontation.

Wars not only consume innocent lives on all sides, the economic liability is unaffordable exacerbating financial conditions that are best averted bearing in mind the desirable course available in acknowledgment of common enemy viz. terrorists and terrorism posing impediments to peace between two nuclear neighbors in the region.

Furthermore, Pakistan’s complacency and complicity in providing terror networks safe haven in their territory to destabilize nations sharing borders with Pakistan is a self-destructive policy increasingly becoming a challenge for Pakistan’s sovereign identity.

Not to mention Pakistan’s desperate economic situation.  

No sovereign nation in the right mind would allow terror forces to dictate and demand resources to launch terror within and outside the country at any civilian population expense. Pakistan army and ISI accommodating terror networks as integral force of aggression defines ill-conceived egregious misguided doctrine to demonstrate feigned formidability.

The civilian governments in Pakistan and India having pledged emergence of new image as Naya Pakistan and New India respectively face relevant frustrations in the economic front though they are relative yet converge in reality among the poor and poorest on either side.

Pakistan’s dire economic state and Indian incumbent administration not reaching basic expectations of average citizens struggling to make ends meet with myriad problems ranging from unemployment, inflation to woes from demonetization would continue to determine the actual performance or the lack thereof that cannot be ignored in the wake of contemporary feud becoming a deflection from domestic environment.

Security is undoubtedly a primary concern for any nation especially when situated near belligerent state actors deploying terror operatives to cause bloodshed and unnecessary tension serving none not even those behind heinous crime against humanity.

Pakistan is at the crossroads to abandon refuge to terror organizations and sincerely involve in peace initiatives to be taken seriously at the national and international level.

There could be no double standards in Pakistan crying foul upon Indian Air Force performing their solemn duty to the nation and citizens they are bound to protect from any harm while the former choosing to remain oblivious to terrorism emanating from their origin despite terror groups like JeM and LeT unabashedly accepting responsibility for terror activities against India.

Pakistan has the unique opportunity to take the positive step towards expunging terror that is strangulating the Islamic state confining citizens within the country to extreme poverty and generational suffering needlessly imposed upon them due to the establishment’s misplaced priority to terrorists over the people of Pakistan.

Indian Air Force dispensation against Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp is commendable in the absence of civilian casualty as there appears to be none according to international reports.

Peace with a genuine approach and actions against terrorists extraditing perpetrators to affected nations applicably India for judicial proceedings would clarify Pakistan’s commitment translating into delivery.

Again, I reiterate it is never too late to be wise in life.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter









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