United States – Middle East Affairs

January 3, 2020

United States – Middle East Affairs 

Padmini Arhant

United States latest missile strike targeting Iran’s military commander General Qassem Soleimani beckons clarifications from President Donald Trump administration’s idea of peace. 

Is the assassination of a foreign high rank official regardless of diverse perspectives on the deceased profile, a demonstration of destruction of peace?

Could United States claim innocence when indulging in accusations and arbitrary military interventions with routine unilateral decisions on assassination of anyone not barring series of violations on sovereignty and integrity of other nations on earth?

What is the precise agenda behind designating Middle East – a perpetual war zone besides promoting military industrial complex incessant strategy to utilize the region for testing new weapons and technology, exhausting inventory to replenish weapons stock piles at the cost of millions of lives thus far?

Should citizens of nations under constant fire and infiltration via western power and allies sponsored terror as well as military base endure death, starvation and refugee status as their fate?

How long should the population in the Middle East and conflict zones subject to eternal bloodshed, immense suffering from economic sanctions – an experience never ever felt by any western nation in the world while being in the forefront to impose on nations of choice deemed adversary for defending sovereignty and natural resources remain at the mercy of supremacy syndrome?

Who created terror organizations like al Qaeda including the terror chief Osama Bin Laden with whom United States political family and Presidency of George W.Bush maintained trade and cordial relations well after September 11, 2001 attack in the United States?

How about the U.S. administration under former President Barack Obama direct involvement in the past decade generating terror outfit ISIS evolving into ISIL that is now known as IS?

There is a pattern for U.S. administrations – democrat and republican alike and allies to prolong the so-called war on terror despite them being instrumental in creating, fostering and funding terror since terrorism become the premise for exerting strategic dominance and economic interests in the Middle East and rest of the world.

Why is it necessary for hawks and neo con policy to dispense belligerence and bellicose rhetoric against nations at the expense of lives whether civilian or defense personnel to justify unjustifiable intrusions and presence in foreign land?

Warfare in military or terror format have consumed scores of innocent lives leaving significant population stateless and homeless in their homeland only to be rejected upon arrival on western shores, the same forces behind such activities and human rights violations with no accountability.

Not to mention the environment carnage affecting air, water and soil posing existential threat to humanity existence from shelling, bombing using nuclear component laden weapons and other arsenal endangering all species in the present time.

To all those for whom peace is antithetical for exclusive economic and political benefits, the era of violence and aggression is best left behind with a rational approach facilitating peaceful resolutions would be wise to prevent undesirable unsustainable outcome moving forward.

All must depart from this world at a certain time sooner than later that cannot he postponed indefinitely and will be judged accordingly that would determine their soul final destination.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com






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