Factual Doctrine

November 23, 2020

Factual Doctrine

Padmini Arhant


Truth needs to be spoken once. Lies require thousand or more lies unable to run away from self ending in tragedy.

Wealth promoting hunger for power and more wealth reflects abject poverty in the seeker ever famished and wanting more until consumed by gluttonous greed.

Facts countered with threats, intimidation and falsehood are classic symptoms of cowardice and caprice. 

Those who can’t be true to oneself rely on fraudulence contingency.

Animals, birds and other living creatures live freely in the natural habitat. Humans contrarily enslaved to own negative vices remain prisoner of guilt and evil actions in obedience to devils order. 

Million forces against single formidable person verifies weakness of the former never matching strength of the latter in a lifetime.

Truth evaded leads to endless misery and misfortune drowning in sea of treachery and trickery.

Evil doers concoct, collude and collide with each other in the end justifying the means revealing naked lies and faulty ties leaving them buried under the pile.

Ignorance brimming with insolence is abyss.

Greatness never stoops to underhanded tactics nor bows to desperate despots.

Life lived with dignity never compromising on integrity leaves behind indelible credibility.

Above all, there is no question of conceding to anyone regardless for I represent the divine mission unlike those rolling over to devil’s instruction.

The truth lies on who approached whom to get where they wanted in their political career and turning around to claim authenticity is the biggest travesty and impropriety despite fraudulent and tarnished legacy.

The record marred with creating and sponsoring terrorism, cannibalism, genocide, generating refugee crises, abhorrent violence during two terms in office, health care distortion, massive corruption, transforming imo police state on invasion  of privacy and individual rights, public lynching of own folks – the African Americans killings and Navy SEALS mercilessly terminated by the federal and state all under ex-President Barry Soterro aka Barack Hussein Obama  Presidency and Joe Biden Vice Presidency. 

The return of scandalous and violent administration to power deceptively declared winner in 2020 election to wreak more havoc and catastrophe is a dismal invite expediting the demise of democracy.

In the eyes of righteous divine entity, there is no approval or acknowledgment of such unruly power and undemocratic representation in the United States or anywhere around the world. 

Padmini Arhant

 Politics and Judiciary


Padmini Arhant

The virulent attacks day in and out targeting me as a woman through proxies by deep state misogynists and their sycophants perhaps could clarify on the lame reference ‘she is not a lawyer’, denying the inalienable right to self-defense reveal the deniers inadequacies magnifying insecurity in epic proportion.

Your worship of masculinity color coded in BLACK or any shade and TRANS MANIA again premised on superficiality and toxicity is a pathetic pathological disorder beyond remedy.

Here is the basic lesson for all those in dismissal of truth and reality.

In reference to ‘she is not a lawyer’ :

One need not possess the highest degree and doctorate in law or for that matter be a law novice to defend oneself even in the court of law in light of incontrovertible truth substantiated with evidence based facts and information and good understanding as well as comprehension of the challenges and odds one is fighting against in any situation.

Any court of law cannot deny the right to self-defense and/or decline request to self-representation in litigation and matter concerning unjustified actions.

In the United States, the judicial system obliging and providing jury trial upon requests in civil and criminal proceedings maintain the tradition on faith in people’s court otherwise ordinary citizens as young as 18 years old to older adults presiding jury trials are not necessarily luminaries of law and legal expertise. Yet the jury picked among average citizens from diverse backgrounds and all walks of life are selected to serve in the court on any lawsuits. So much so the jury duty imposed as mandatory civic duty with penalty $1000 fine and imprisonment upon failure to comply juror summons from the U.S.District court and other judicial levels in a democracy rejecting freedom of choices is the irony.

The judicial system entrusting duty and responsibility to reach verdict by jury with or without legal credentials though majority of jurors falling in the latter category is not uncommon in jury trial exemplify trust in human discernment and benefit of doubt to individual ability to analyze and rationalize to arrive at collective conclusion.

How is it the prosecutor, defense counsel and the judge allow and accept common citizens’ participation as jury and anxiously await jury decision on civil and criminal lawsuits despite jurors lack of legal profile or accreditation from State Bar association and formal legal discipline?

The reality being politics created judicial system disenfranchised whenever anything found inconvenient by political class and establishment to suit their definition of who is acceptable and what is permissible in their interpretation of representation on all matter deficit in ethical efficacy and willful violations of rules applicable to all exempting none in a free democratic society.

Judge me not through your prism of prejudice. Fairness and tolerance require integrity and civility defining human character and real value.

Padmini Arhant
















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