Trojan Horse

May 24, 2021

Status Quo

Padmini Arhant

There is persistent alarm about the so-called A-symptomatic COVID carriers threat to others while sinister and serious global financial system sabotage under GREAT RESET underway since 2015 neither discussed openly nor presented with facts for once in adherence to transparency.

The A-symptomatic GREAT RESET catalysts endanger average ordinary lives with their secrecy and sycophancy to architects behind financial system maneuver and manipulation.

The digital currency and much more in operation merit scrutiny and open public discourse to save ordinary lives across the globe from being robbed and ruined as witnessed in nation like India.

The Indian government and leadership in 2016 obliging international monetary authorities’ order implemented woeful demonetization to eliminate cash economy in preparation for digitalization of monetary units worldwide beginning with Indian economy having wide cash circulation.

These setbacks suffered among ordinary citizens increasingly warrant transparency from those setting and promoting financial and economic apocalypse experienced in global economic shutdown via pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Trojan Horse

Padmini Arhant

Lot has happened and more happening in the occupation of throne and re-establishing mantel of power, yet the media is far from displaying courage and integrity in bringing the actual situation to light.

What and whom are they protecting in the eternal game of secrecy?

The media hints and headlines pretending to spill the beans but not necessarily having discussion on the content explicitly made public. The latest trend reveal true colors in the communication outlets’ adeptness in propaganda adding insult to human intelligence.

What is the goal behind such gimmick?

Haven’t there been enough shock waves on citizens beginning with unleashing scientific lab engineered virus branded COVID-19 and the intentional economic collapse to sync with World Economic Forum’s sinister Great Reset?

The latest developments in Washington D.C. and across the globe deserve transparency.

The tech oligarchy viz. Facebook, Twitter and Google’s You Tube gag order on free speech to subvert democracy, electoral process and basic rights witnessed and experienced in 2020 United States Presidential election was mere tip of the iceberg in silencing public voice. Not to mention the tech giants actions suppressing facts and truth in every angle.

Those using these so-called social platforms that are anything but social are predominantly responsible for status quo.

Why would anyone promote any business or social platform that are unabashedly in violation of individual rights and privacy besides denying fair and equal access to all maintaining political bias and social prejudice?

Facebook, Twitter and You Tube partisanship clarified them being partial to one political view and faction against another rather than them remaining unbiased and neutral as service providers in public domain. Such policy speak volume of their ideology determined to replace democracy with secret society represented feudalism worldwide.

Notwithstanding Facebook’s overwhelming election funding exceeding United States election commission rule limiting campaign contribution explain the overarching support and emboldened role in delegitimization of democratic election.

On accountability, the game changers and saboteurs such as George Soros and alike with long standing record in political and economic destabilization of sovereign nations presumptuously remain steadfast in their ominous activities regardless of mayhem and catastrophe inflicted on humanity. Again, these individuals and organizations they create are aimed at serving personal and vested interests at global population expense and misery.

As they gain momentum, they eagerly expend their influence and direct indulgence wherever possible i.e. across the globe. With media and communication channels under their control, they engage in deciding global destiny. These fierce wicked minds completely detached from own soul never deter unconscionable deeds ultimately succumbing to self-inflicted peril.

The recent events transpired in the month of May 2021 until now in Washington D.C. – the Capital of United States hosting government and judiciary could no longer be camouflaged especially in the information era.

The political theater long been a kabuki theater much to performers’ carnage with credibility having lost meaning in the entire script, the show by design necessitate unveiling of the Trojan Horse.

In doing so, the audience would also be relieved from propaganda fatigue in the perpetual twilight spin zone.

Openness and candid revelations demand grit and honesty. These characteristics in scarcity leave the stage with impostors and opportunists sooner than later crumbling to the point of no return.

Without a shadow of doubt, all  actions bear consequences delivering outcome based on internal and external involvement.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



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