Soul Searching and Healthy Living

May 8, 2022

Soul Searching


Healthy Living

Padmini Arhant

There is no effort required in Soul searching. Soul is inner light placed within to dispel darkness in mind and purify thoughts generating good emotions for positive, productive and peaceful existence. 

The healthy habits confined to physical body alone are not enough to healthy living. The cleansing of primordial mind and heart is quintessential to sustain healthy survival. The mind cluttered with negativities, malice and harmful notions remain ever disturbed and in eternal turmoil. The heart lacking in genuine empathy, kindness, gratitude, love and sincerity is a train wreck regardless of health protocol concentrated on body mass index (BMI), slim and trim statistics or six pack regimen appropriately. Similarly behavior reflecting character devoid of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness besides evading responsibility for actions or inactions in life are equally important and represent integral part of soul searching. 

The compulsive disorders like persistent malignant conduct, malevolence, narcissism, hypocrisy, vendetta, envy, jealousy, misogyny, hatred, prejudice, hubris, lies, deception, deceit, duplicity, abuse, exploitation, violation of rights, life, space, home, privacy via spying, eavesdropping, unlawful surveillance, snooping and propaganda. Not withstanding gender distortion and profile appropriation. The worst amongst all theft of all kinds including ideas, lifestyle and identity  and myriad carcinogenic characteristics consume most energy leaving behind a void internally with no prospects for constructive pragmatic evolution. 

The denial and dismissal of Soul unheeding inner conscience, the primary witness to all actions, thoughts and feelings set the motion in self-destruction.

Accordingly, beginning with the soul guided mind directing the heart and delivered in deeds would naturally radiate healthy status without having to strive hard for superficial appearance.

Pure mind and heart functions in harmony with inner conscience and clarion call from the Soul within. The care and attention to physical body while neglecting or rejecting contamination of mind and heart corroding with impurities is window dressing a damaged show room. 

Soul is the bearer of sins in living and upon ultimate journey from the world with the physical body discarded on earth. Hence the relevance to mind, body and spirit encapsulate the definition of soul searching.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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