India – BJP Loss in Bihar State Election

August 22, 2022

India – BJP New Delhi Loss in Bihar State Election

Padmini Arhant

The BJP government in New Delhi abysmal performance in Bihar state election in August 2022 securing mere 36 seats out of 196 assembly seats is a serious setback for the national government under incumbent leadership despite falsely hyped popularity ratings and alleged rising evidently reflected otherwise in the election result.

Bihar, once regarded the Hindutva government’s strong Hindi and Hindu belt serving as the fertile ground for the national government and major political party BJP to carry out religious sacrilege by cow vigilantes and RSS promoted hate crimes in the northern state.

The dismal outcome in Bihar is the aftermath of New Delhi’s controversial and detrimental military defense policy Agnipath (the path of fire) literally proved highly inflammable via electoral backlash for the presumptuous leadership and political party at the state and national level.

New Delhi preoccupied in toppling state governments through unlawful unscrupulous horse trading has suffered severe Agnipath blowback in Bihar.

The horse trading normalized under BJP and the regime chief in New Delhi routinely engage in open bribery with illegal cash and black money buying opposition MP’s and MLA’s in the national and state assembly.

Failing that, the political opposition members are selectively subject to central government agency financial raid and other form of blackmail and even loss of life. 

These atrocities are subverted and promoted as pluralism and capitalism in society.

Nonetheless, the proof is in the pudding i.e. the  electoral whip in Bihar is the beginning of the end  of decadence and pseudo nationalism.

The disillusioned unemployed youth in Bihar warned about the inevitable electoral defeat for BJP and New Delhi regime’s head in the wake of Agnipath defense recruitment denying the potential recruits any retirement or medical benefits besides diminishing job prospects contracted to five year term with no employment guarantee.

Politics is now forced to deal with electorate will as witnessed in Sri Lanka, Bihar – India or anywhere.

The time is not far when politics will be replaced with suitable and effective technology based system appropriate in the prevalent contactless era deemed ideal for military operation and management of national defense force.

The politics becoming a thing of the past might also save tax payers money from huge taxes by and large squandered and unaccounted for as political tradition.

Not to mention the politics elimination sparing the society and country from corruption and treason.

The right to self-determination is a matter of recognition and experience for citizens across the spectrum in society barring politics instigated divisiveness and polarization.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


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