History Lessons on Warfare

September 25, 2022

History Lessons on Warfare 

Padmini Arhant

Since world creation, humanity has been subject to numerous trials and tribulations. The wars, health calamity in epidemic and pandemic, natural disasters, food crisis and different kinds until now.

The lessons from war in particular is poignant defining the battle fought for interests other than defending sovereignty, territorial integrity, individual freedom and civil liberty as invariably fait accompli.

Despite military prowess, nuclear might, superior defense systems and technology compared to their targets, the military engagement yield major setbacks for the aggressors often leading to economic drain and massive human casualties ending in quagmire.

The ravaging war with serious economic costs including the irreversible ones in loss of civilian and military personnel lives are proved counterproductive.

The reasons being misplaced aspirations and miscalculated strategy for the militarily advantaged unwilling and unrelenting in the face of ground reality.

History is testament to this effect – Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen…to name a few among several war zones and lately the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

It is hard to comprehend the lack of recognition and acknowledgment in the leadership, strategists and think tanks behind protracted warfare to ceasefire and mitigate further catastrophe. Instead the extended war is pursued more for prestige against practicality.

Again the war waged for territorial annexation and dominance is a lost cause designed to be a failure with permanent damage proven time and time again.

The nation led towards military confrontation for strategic goals, economic gains and individual legacy at the expense of own citizens’ lives and future are self-explanatory experiencing inevitable defeat.

The world war 2 with global conquest in mind and similar ones before or in the present to establish superpower status produced negative outcome for aspirants exposing their vulnerability and inadequacy in specific contexts.

The confrontational military means with more weapons and ground forces by no measure guaranteed to reverse events in the battle ground for the invader considering the will of the attacked to defend national independence from any foreign occupation near and far outweigh the former abnormal wishes to rein control.

Accordingly, heeding lessons from global events in history with respect to warfare, the ceasefire accompanied by solemn commitment translated into action ending bloodshed, violence, deaths and destruction is the only saving grace and pragmatic approach to conclusion of hostility and enmity.

When decisions are made ignoring consequences, it is also incumbent upon decision makers to realize the aftermath and reverse course to the path of peaceful negotiations and dispute settlement.

The real leadership power rest in saving not claiming lives and avert situations heading towards the point of no return.

War is not the choice in exerting authority and superiority. They are ultimately tried and exhausted bringing the conflict to conclusion as nothing is meant to go on forever.

Russian war in Ukraine is no different and would rather benefit in renouncing the current policy of shelling and decimation exacerbating resources besides testing citizens’ patience and trust reflected in street protests against war and mobilization.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter




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