Brahmin Orientation and Affirmation is Fraudulent

November 6, 2022

Brahmin Orientation






Padmini Arhant 


The brahmin orientation and affirmation from the propaganda origin until now is fraudulent.

The caste system induction in Indian society is exertion of dominance and superiority by foreign invaders and nomads  – the topic abundantly elaborated with well substantiated incontrovertible facts and numerous data on this site and sub-domain.

The ancient primitive manu dharma sastra upholding prejudice, misogyny and untouchability practiced till today is fraudulence epitome to prolong illegitimate supremacy.

The brahmin identity marred with complexity and duplicity as Aryans and zionists simultaneously is representation of feudalism and anachronism.

The Hindu (?) – the term coined by foreigners is one of many examples leading to foreign established hierarchy. The holy scriptures pertaining to inhabitants in Tamil Nadu and elsewhere in India manipulated and subverted to suit mythical hypothesis on caste subordination and subjugation.

The concept interjecting brahmin existence in Lord Vishnu’s avatar especially as Parashuram and Vaman is distortion as nauseam. Again the deceitful claims to impose brahmin indoctrination proved baseless and yet the narrative continued in vain confirm desperation.

As such, the world creation began as hunters and gatherers synonymous to survival means by animals and other living species including mankind.

The human civilization began as hunters and gradually introduced by Tamil civilization to agriculture by transforming forests to agrarian lands growing variety of plants and vegetables for human consumption sparing many animal variety to maintain balance in eco system. Again this is explained on this site in the topic Tamil civilization.

In the beginning, there was no vegetarianism in human diet claimed exclusive to brahmins which is again deeply misconstrued position not in sync with reality. There are brahmins exceeding non-brahmins in consuming non-vegetarian items like meat and animal produce in overt and covert indulgence.

Briefly, the human genome never created on hierarchy based attributes since the world onset. The superficial status is entirely man-made inequality and imbalance to address individual and communal deficiency and deficit in intellect, physical strength, entrepreneurial skills and services demanding humility and ability to perform any tasks regarded beneath presumptuous status.

Needless to say the human predator instincts prevalent more than ever prey on anyone considered a fair game in the ruthless supremacy contest with the predators ultimately succumbing to own folly and delusional engagement.

The world and society in the twenty first century glorifying assertion of class and casteism is medieval and mendacious further exposing inherent incompetence to compete in level playing field with equal opportunity barring nefarious unscrupulous suppression of others’ rights promoting fallacy over meritocracy. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter


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