No Nation is a Poor Nation on Earth

November 17, 2022

No Nation is a

Poor Nation

on Earth

Padmini Arhant

इन लोमड़ी भेड़िये और उनके चम्चे चाप्लूसियों को ठुकरावो और गरीबी मिठावो ।

Natural endowments is gifted by nature in some form or another in every part of the world far and wide including the remotest corner of the planet.

When plants and animal species in infinite variety survive and thrive,

Why do human population face death from starvation, preventable disease and lack of basic survival needs like clean air and water?

Unlike plants and animals in environment not invaded and encroached with human foot prints facilitating natural survival and healthy conditions, human surroundings and habitat is exploited, excoriated and depleted by human greed prompting grand larceny from land to all and any natural resources as well as economic assets by the selective privileged few leaving the rest entirely at their mercy.

In reality, any nation’s economic status could be assessed and verified by that nation’s government head and political members’ personal wealth hoarded and stashed in predominantly offshore bank accounts, tax havens and investments depriving the nation they are elected to govern due economic development and equitable income distribution in society.

Then there are the self-proclaimed influential affluent amassment of illegal wealth again held overseas in numerous format account for significant national financial drain in the economy leading to abject poverty, hand to mouth living, generational indebtedness, economic slavery creating social subjugation for overwhelming population.

The equitable income is by no means socialism or communism – the concepts conveniently coined by feudalists and plutocrats essentially deploying the strategy in wealth and power concentration within the core integral circle.

Regardless of economic system ranging from socialist, communism to different types of  capitalism, the oligarchy, feudalist and upper echelons direct and indirect control on economy is dominant.

The rampant corruption among the powerful, wealthy and famous exerting influence and dominance evade accountability through self-granted political impunity.

With transparency oxymoron to them flouting checks and balances, the exclusive segment in society possess vast economic advantage over the remaining abandoned in their dire situation.

The incorrigibly corrupt system represented by gluttonous greed together with incompetence and dereliction of duty in public service and all matter largely contribute to poor economic status for a nation.

The topic will resume with more details on the subject.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


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