Ukraine War

December 12, 2022

Ukraine War

Padmini Arhant

Update: Whenever war is waged with no political will to end the carnage predominantly for personal and vested reasons among which image consciousness is a dominant factor, the important outcomes such as casualties in human lives extended into tragedies and generational struggles for veterans, families and the country at large besides economic liabilities are completely ignored in the incessant military engagement.

The scenario is standard in most wars and Ukraine is not unique in that respect.

However, there is light at the end of tunnel for all those involved in this warfare.

The saving grace for all parties are as follows:

Russia holding the strings in the military showdown that began in February 2022 is concerned about complete withdrawal though partial retreat and troops pull back witnessed in the past few months attributed to Ukrainian resistance and formidable response to Russian conventional intrusion.

The troops draw down and de-escalation is viewed by Russian leadership especially President Vladimir Putin as political setback in the domestic and international front with impact on Russian role in the region and global sphere.

On the contrary, the take away achievements for Russia and Ukraine are fairly impressive and noteworthy. The major powers on their part such as the United States and EU differences highlighted requiring remedial measures for Europe to assume bulk responsibility in self-defense and security via appropriate monetary and military contribution through investments moving forward.

Russia Attainments:

1. Russian aim was to restrain NATO presence near Russian borders i.e. stave off Ukraine as NATO and EU member against Russia.

The Russian goal is attained in this regard with Ukraine fighting the war on their turf without NATO direct indulgence on the ground albeit weapons and logistics provisions reached Ukraine from the United States and selective NATO allies to contain the war within Ukraine – Russia geographical constraints preventing conflagration beyond Ukraine.

2.Russian achievement in other aspects are  – EU dependency on Russian energy supply even in the critical time of disagreement between them i.e. right in the middle of warfare with Ukraine representing EU against Russia.

Notwithstanding EU objection to other nations in the Indian-sub-continent viz. Pakistan and India chastised for energy procurement from Russia at the onset and ongoing invasion amid own (EU) trade dealings beginning with energy and wheat etc. with Russia throughout and until the present time.

3. NATO precluded from Russian territory whether on NATO volition or Russian intervention in Ukraine regardless. Although the matter could have been addressed by United States and NATO allies heeding Russia’s initial requests and invitation for amicable strategic conflict resolutions.

The Russian outreach until Russian invasion of Ukraine was not paid attention to mitigate relevant strategic problems by the responsible sides leading to further rift in Russia and western relations. Notably NATO dominance in the Baltic and Black sea was definitely unwelcome to Russia.

NATO having assessed regional and global ramifications in the aftermath of Russian invasion of Ukraine, the decision refraining from war with Russia was wise and prudent considering the grave consequences of nuclear powers in the battle.

Ukraine Accomplishments:

1. Ukraine forced into warfare against former trainer Russian army with Ukrainian top military brass having experience from the Red Army aka Russian Krasnaya Armiya from the former Soviet era delivered huge benefits and military advantage to Ukraine.

Accordingly, the message to young and older Ukrainian forces is they can defend themselves without EU and NATO badge against militarily larger and nuclear power near and far.

The Russian military performance not meeting expectations is linked to Kremlin’s unjustified political aspirations and yet another issue is the Russian low morale in the war against neighbor Ukraine with families on both sides subject to unnecessary pain and suffering had drastic influence.

Juxtaposed Ukraine defending homeland, sovereignty and relatively new independent status from former Soviet Union impetus resilience and fortitude to save their motherland from foreign aggression and safeguard newly earned individual liberty and freedom.

2. Ukraine defending their territorial rights and sovereignty in the battle field regaining lost land and enclave is firmly established in the year-long armed conflict.

3. Ukraine emerged strong and hopeful in the military warfare is a precedence in nation building with fortified internal security forces prepared to deal with endangerment and threats from anywhere.

Russia and Ukraine having realized respective objectives thus far, the commonality between two neighbors comprising families on both sides ending the war with permanent ceasefire is in best interests of the population of the two nations.

Not to mention the war yielding irreversible loss of lives and disproportionate damage to infrastructure and institutions is extraordinary with restoration and revival of normal existence – an immediate requirement in Ukraine and affected areas in Russia.

Russia and Ukraine in mutual recognition of strength and endowments as two sovereign nations commitment to forge solid economic trade and cultural exchange together with strategic partnership would guarantee peace, progress, prosperity and security in and around the region.

Peace to Ukraine and Russia! 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


Europe is the biggest beneficiary in this nearly year long battle since Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 early this year.

Reiterating earlier determination and summary in this domain on the origin of Ukraine status quo commenced in 2014 with EU and then United States administration in 2014 launched coup against then democratic government in Kiev, Ukraine is the foundation for the events in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter until now.

Russian invasion of Ukraine allegedly to curb NATO occupation or intrusion at Russian boundary proved devastating and deadly for Russia and Ukraine with EU as NATO representative fighting the proxy war via Ukraine at U.S.taxpayers’ expense while maintaining energy flow and other economic ties with invader Russia.

There is no doubt EU is having the cake and relishing it in this quagmire without having to spill blood and squander own treasure.

Ukraine despite fighting europe’s war against Russia is declined NATO and EU membership. So much for EU gratitude and acknowledgment of Ukraine’s sacrifice in this entire gamut.

United States on the flip side is accused by EU of profiteering from Ukraine war citing high gas prices, weapons sales and trade in the recent statement from EU commission head Ursula Von der Leyen evading self- responsibility as the primary fire starter in 2014 crying foul over then Ukraine’s democratic government and neighbor Russia normal economic deal.

Neither Ukraine – the fighting force on EU’s behalf enduring loss of lives, economic mayhem due to relentless war seeing no end in sight with Russian President Vladimir Putin denial on fait accompli nor United States accused as profiteer from the war by EU are able to impress upon Europe and EU’s gold standard in particular.

Russia in the middle of this conundrum is deeply entrenched draining own economy and exhausting military maneuvers and strategy to the point of no return.

Above all Ukraine war is costing the rest of the world in arbitrary energy crisis and superficial fuel price hikes not without ripple effects on food, transportation and other essentials with oil producers striking on the hot iron.

EU meanwhile enjoys the status as spectator and critic inheriting the best of both worlds from Ukraine expending lives and livelihoods alongside United States monetizing the affair at U.S.taxpayer liability.

Freebies are nice to certain extent and anything exceeding limit produce inverse results for recipients and the provider.

Overall – Ukraine is defending their sovereignty and reclaiming territories lost in the aftermath of western coup in 2014 facilitating Russian invasion and intervention in the eastern region of the country.

Ukraine is adequately demonstrating their goals in protecting territorial integrity violated by both western powers and Russia until now. The tremendous fight from Ukraine against Russian authority aggression since February 2022 is fought by Ukraine without being EU or NATO member.

EU refusal and reluctance to grant Ukraine EU and NATO formal membership is clear to avert direct confrontation with Russia that is being averted right now using Ukraine.

Russia on the other hand declaring war on Ukraine as war on NATO with economic relations remaining intact between Russia and EU – the NATO ally of the United States. The situation essentially funding the war in reality.

United States per EU assessment – the profiteer in Ukraine war is the bone of contention for all parties including the U.S. taxpayer and consumers bearing the brunt of the protracted warfare.

The experience shared among the global population in energy and related inflation challenging normal existence worldwide is a serious repercussion.

All things must end as nothing could continue for eternity inflicting deaths and destruction proven in every warfare in the previous and present century.

Ukraine war is no exception in this context with inevitable conclusion sooner than later.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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