Incognito Deep State – New World Order

April 3, 2023

Incognito Deep State’s

New World Order

Padmini Arhant

Update April 3rd 2023 :

C’mon CALM down NWO – New World Order.

Your collective incendiary attacks through left, right, left of center, right of center, so-called moderates, so-called centrists and progressives in the far left besides vast dragnet media assortment ranging from 60 minutes telecast to podcasts…and entertainment industry etc., at your disposal are conspicuously exhausted and still felt inadequate for incessant assaults against me.

NWO agitation and regurgitation against me as a woman on the one hand and NWO and servile contingency assigned Trans gender, binary, gender neutrality and so on status on the other hand unbeknown to me as a living breathing individual is astounding.

As a woman, NWO fraudulent insinuations against me is someone allegedly being ejected from office in the accounts presented earlier on this site – the chronicle on women leaderships systematically targeted and removed from office on alleged corruption and abuse of power charges interestingly in the timeline 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 – 2023 till now.

Notwithstanding the profile also including me as supposedly contesting and losing elections in France as Marine Le Pen to the latest Finnish incumbent Prime Minister Sanna Marin “ousted” from office in Finland per the headline in your dominant media.

NWO – you amaze me in depicting me as omnipresent contesting elections in the Arctic – North Pole to polls in the South Pole perhaps even hypothetical race in the Antarctic and,

Simultaneously NWO your yet another projection of me nuanced as Trans gender being the favorite of yours only reveal your collective inner turmoil within yourself and confusion not knowing how to classify me in your extended gender category in direct contradiction to nature created natural distinctive male or female orientation.

NWO – you and your slavish minions obeying your marching orders making a mockery of self and their representation might be racking the brain (?) on my gender.

Nonetheless, I’m crystal clear about who I am and my biological, physiological and intellectual specifics although I appreciate yours and your servile crews’ deep interest and concern about my personal identity.

On a personal note to the rookie Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene hired to balance the squad on the left political aisle.

In the latest show and tell organized by NWO media via 60 Minutes – the reference pedophiles initially posed as an attack against NWO political faction – the democrats and upon being nudged by media host, immediately retracted by the interviewee Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene with the statement –

“I’m not calling anyone names. I’m only calling on the TRUTH in the reference pedophile.”

Obviously in the provocative shadow comment against TRUTH, the Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as NWO new albeit temporary recruit was relating to personal trait in this account.

Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is yet another addition on board the sinking NWO titanic deployed to assail Truth on the platform generously provided by NWO media.

Wolf and hyenas can never remain in sheep clothing for too long. Their own indulgence in publicity starved gimmicks expose them much to self-embarrassment and indignation of those behind the charade.

The consolidated consistent mammoth attacks against one person i.e. me is an enormous honor as it only proves the vulnerability and insane insecurity amongst the so-called most powerful forces on earth.

On other matter shielded from public scrutiny;

New World Order (NWO) – your staged democracy in different parts of the world while having devoured democracy beginning with the United States of America is a profound tell tale sign of the beginning of your end in your own game.

Why are you so afraid and petrified of TRUTH?

NWO – more than anything your guilt and culpability on evil inflicted on global population and planet environment is haunting you and your sycophants in your captivity.

Those who assume themselves the most powerful engaged in relentless battle against facts and reality ultimately succumb to own warfare from the weaponry used offensively in self-defense.

All said and done – NWO and your proxies, puppets and pawns – I must say – Your buffoonery is mind blowing making you the spectacle in the sloppy circus misconstrued as spectacular like everything else.

Time will tell who will have the last laugh – evidenced at the moment.

So long! 

Padmini Arhant 


One cannot reason with the brain dead is an absolute fact.

However, one could avert the contagion effect of the radical anti-humanity actions experienced in the present century with the latest being the gain of function research manufactured corona virus wiping millions of lives transcending age, race, religion, gender, binary propaganda and life in general violated and annihilated unleashing the deadly pathogen.

The next move for anti-humanity evil forces to strike global population with biological pathogen, economic decline underway through inflation, interest-rate hikes under the pretext of curbing inflation, social degeneration premised on identity politics and mind control deploying their puppets, proxies and pawns are vehemently guarded maintaining fake news, disinformation, trans mania and hocus-pocus right now.

The individual and collective awareness in this regard is no longer the choice unfortunately a necessity to face the existential crisis.

The environment is rife with divisive and dismal events masquerading the once touted in faint voice – New World Order now established having experimented control of human population with corona virus.

The global lock down, mandatory rules, vaccination controversy and aftermath with information withheld from public knowledge are all familiar routines conditioning human behavior to New World Order regime.

The New World Order by deep state and secret society promote One World government already in place with democracy threatened if not subverted wherever any democracy exist thus far.

The democratic systems are in the process of being dismantled falling in line with one party under one leadership in return pledged allegiance to One World government under New World Order.

Accordingly any challenge to New World Order franchise of one party one government displacing democracy arise, the extreme measures ranging from illegal indictments to disqualification from Parliament and dismissal of cabinet minister position in the wake of judiciary overhaul witnessed lately are the norms targeting democracy everywhere.

The respective national and global awakening is feared the most by New World Order and delegate leaderships engaged in one party one government with weak or no opposition agenda to retain status quo.

Inducing slow death of democracy is the primary goal of New World Order in the hope of ultimate en masse surrender.

These are dangerous signs of losing freedom, individual liberty and sovereignty already undermined domestically through deep state and incognito power engineered New World Order.

The population attention is diverted away from real danger highlighted above and instead driven towards trans mania, false flag events and politicized legal proceedings while evil engaged in what evil is best at mayhem and catastrophe.

Padmini Arhant


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