Do Straight Talk Not Crooked Talk

April 5, 2023

Do Straight Talk


Crooked Talk 

Padmini Arhant

The nuance, innuendoes and insinuations…having become the long held tradition in the past 15 years, the practitioners at the political helm and lackeys are reminded to engage in straight talk referring to actual names and individual rather than using and abusing infants to fossils and in particular women and transfixion serving the cowardly asinine indulgence.

The ingenuity and integrity is integral in straight talk unlike the ambush and incognito attacks defining incompetence and impropriety.

Whatever you want to regurgitate obediently following the script from behind the scenes operatives, do so in straight talk not crooked circuitous perambulation.

Showcase your so-called organic intelligence while you hopelessly rely on and obsessed with the purported artificial intelligence (AI). 

Padmini Arhant 


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