United States – Electability and Accountability

July 6, 2023

United States

Electability and Accountability

Padmini Arhant

Update: 07/07/2023:

Politics and Entertainment World – the latter convenient ally for politics to launch nuanced and overt bashing of the target – a trend emulated from none other than Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to the extent of even leaving behind the origin in the tradition.

The politics’ evasion of public transparency and accountability on all matter is least surprising.

Beginning with campaign financing – the fundamental cause for republic and democracy under siege making a mockery of the so-called electoral process as free and fair, when it is anything but otherwise.

The proof is in candidacy to public office and Presidency bought with highest bidding from myriad sources in anonymity and failing that foreign governments liaison with nation’s highest office bearers and their family in funding shell companies in billions of dollars barring investigations despite the status quo compromising national interests, security and above all sovereignty.

Amid the facade and phony rancor in politics,

The legitimate question that arise are;

Where is the comprehensive independent investigation on CORONA VIRUS contributing to the devastating COVID19 that consumed millions of lives world over?

The catastrophe that involves both Beijing and western nations’ funders such as Bill Gates and others in the manufacturing and unleashing of bio-engineered virus on human population.

Why is COVID19 that decimated health and economic status of millions across the globe is inconvenient for politics to deal with when there appears to be ample time and taxpayers money available for grand jury indictment of sex scandals going back to more than three decades ago?

How come Beijing welcoming western corporate moghuls in the tech industry ranging from electric vehicles, microchips to practically every sector of the global economy apparently have no problem in the alliance with western world ignoring Asian roots that is being reminded by Beijing to suit own geopolitical supremacy? 

The western corporate giants in the United States and Europe represented by EU and similarly those in South Asia as well as anywhere perhaps might be able to shed light on Beijing’s assertive territorial annexations, invasions and expansions in South China Sea – South East Asia, South Asia and not excluding  the mainland United States. 

In a nutshell, the political authorities in Beijing, the western world and the rest aspiring major role in the world stage are accountable and responsible for the geopolitical and economic dynamics in the present time.

The noise from Beijing, the western sphere and allies from wherever is indicative of none willing to recognize nor acknowledge their collusion and complicity in all major issues and critically facilitating Beijing in evolving into global manufacturing base viz. economic superpower furthering into global conquest. 

Understandably, the recent COVID 19 disappearing from the radar of international probe and inquiry could only be expected as a result of odd yet solid solidarity among all those major powers in quid pro quo. 

The climax in all of this is the show and the script are no longer hidden behind the smoke screen regardless of the western entertainment industry in which Beijing is a prominent stakeholder as well trying their best to amuse viewers whilst in the real effort to mute serious queries surrounding contemporary politics.

The grim scenario and actual outcome is Beijing and global corporate conglomerate are successfully transforming democracy in the west and anywhere to prevalent plutocracy aimed at weakening majority human race reduced to powerlessness and vulnerable to globalists diktat.

The agenda not barring serving insects and critters in the human menu as novel idea in addressing environment pollution. 

Padmini Arhant 




The election season in preparation for 2024 Presidential race have both left and right engaged in dog fight to reach the finish line.

While there are usual aiding and betting involved in the primary lasting until the final challenge, the key factor in the election is anchored on;

Mirror Mirror on the wall,

Who is the cleanest and corrupt free of all?

The mirror is puzzled at this quiz, stares at the image and replies;

Why don’t you all demonstrate and prove as enunciated below.

Every contender from left to right political factions detail your donors leaving none beginning with the big mighty whales to small school of fish bankrolling your campaign.

Importantly leaving no omissions and commissions in the deal between every one of you and foreign governments, special interests and those running the gamut in the world stage. The exercise would clarify the electoral process legitimacy besides shedding light on the deep state status. 

The foreign governments regardless of communism, so-called democracy and the variety in the contest amongst them as to who is the deepest gold digger in the United States election are vying for bumper harvest in the race.

After all, accountability would matter when transparency is complied with and more so critical in the election designed to focus on cleanliness and lawfulness as the electability criteria especially in the backdrop of covered up corruption scandals on one side against avalanche of indictments and legal quagmire on the other.

Furthermore, it is an open secret that campaign financing from all different sources, elements and channels funding election and candidacy make running for public office at the local to national level a phenomenal financial extravaganza.

Notwithstanding, the highest bidder on candidacy expecting the most in return exceeding value for money upon the candidate assuming office is considered normal.

Ac such, career in politics in key positions ain’t cheap costing at the minimum few million dollars to billions in this day and age.

Accordingly, the candidates from rookie to seasoned political contenders presenting their financial sources to the electorate without cutting corners and routing short cuts, letting the public know about their direct and indirect alliance with financial stakeholders via their candidacy is the cornerstone for the election to be more than a catharsis and formality.

The mirror then let the image know that the former is not required to respond as the answers to the question on who is the fairest and electable of all if there are any would be found in the compliance or rejection of the fundamental ethical responsibility.

The mirror can’t wait to see the results of the litmus test despite knowing the TRUTH in the periodic political event.

Padmini Arhant 




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