Palestine Freedom and Peace

December 14, 2023

Palestine Freedom



Padmini Arhant

Update: 12/18/2023

The Nobel Peace Prize winning incumbent democrat administration predicament merit attention.

The Democrat administration’s steadfastness in curbing the most sensitive 2nd Amendment Bill of Rights in Gun Control contrarily engaged in the past fast and furious detrimental program arming the drug cartels in Mexico and Central America resulted in influx of population seeking asylum at the U.S. southern borders, the contentious issue for the current administration created by self during 2009 – 2016. 

The cause of this unnecessary chaos at the U.S. borders was predominantly due to alarming violence from the drug syndicate against locals in the villages and towns of the countries with then Obama – Biden democrat administration and Department of Justice headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder between 2009 – 2015 promoting and executing the controversial fast and furious program arming the drug cartels with U.S. supplied weapons cache.

Fast forward to 2023 – the Democrat administration declaring self as the stalwart on Gun Control in the United States is currently the foremost and primary provider of deadly weapons and ammunitions aiding and abetting ally Israel’s GENOCIDE in Gaza since October 7, 2023.

The Democrat administration has also vehemently opposed permanent ceasefire.

The administration’s pro-aggression stance is echoed  in Israeli leadership’s statement –

“Gaza Ceasefire would be Collective Suicide.”

The status quo continued despite the U.S. supplied military arsenal to Israel having killed at least 18,000 innocent unarmed civilians among whom 8000 or more children including neonatal in incubators with respirators have fallen victims in this merciless U.S. coalition with Israel’s military aggression against Palestinians in Gaza and the rest of Palestine

The Democrat administration’s Gun Control policy to disarm Americans in the domestic front while maintaining relentless violence evident in the above outlined activities explain politics’ dichotomy revealing true colors.

Padmini Arhant 

Update 12/16/2023

Israel exporting technology and military hardware  to any buyers world over not barring regimes and unscrupulous entities deploying them for perversions near and far is multi-faceted economic activity.

Besides technology spyware viz. the controversial Pegasus and other sensitive intelligence assets exported to interested purveyors much to United States angst and frustration,

Israel’s offense supply militarily to ruthless Rajapaksa regime along with Indian politics and others for ethnic cleansing against Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009 targeting children, women and civilians in Tamil Eelam in the northeast of the island nation resulting in UN estimated 100,000 – 140,000 civilians in the prolonged conflict ended in Tamils Genocide in 2009. 
Elsewhere, Israel’s alliance with United States and Britain from the western front together with Middle East factions against Yemen in the endless military intervention against Houthis is raw and reflected in the latter response lately in the Red Sea extending solidarity to Gaza.

In the backdrop of Israel’s primary economic ventures involving offensive goods and services world over as an established status, committing war crimes in Gaza is evidently natural.

The global community report on Israel prohibiting health care professionals in Al-Nasr hospital to safely relocate premature babies in incubators denying them respirators and abandoning them to die in Al-Nasr hospital as reported in the visual content below is self-explanatory.

Politics committed to crimes against humanity abusing power defying international law, humanitarian, ethical and moral compliance is the existential terror endangering and consuming lives in epic proportion.

Unless this madness is stopped and brought to a permanent end, the Western coalition terror with United States leading the graveyard mission behind Israel in Gaza and the rest of Palestine would be colossal failure of humanity in saving and protecting lives alongside reining in on unbridled hubris demonstrated in blatant atrocity.

Not to mention, those who dig grave for others invariably find themselves in it sooner than later in consequential to actions ignored by political belligerence.

Free Palestine. Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and the remaining Palestine is not an option rather mandatory and not subject to political will but heeding SOS to humanitarian crisis in the embattled enclave Gaza.

Padmini Arhant 

CourtesyAl-Madhad – AJ+ – AJ+ is stated as the global news community for the connected generation focused on human struggles and suffering.  Thank you.

No peace corridor connecting the proposed territories and regions would be possible or sustainable unless Palestine is Free from illegal occupation, colonization and violent settlements over 75 years and the latest bombardment brought to an end with permanent ceasefire.

Israel established in Palestine in 1948 and since then until date emerged and continued as oppressor, occupier apartheid regime with aggression and violence as the means to exert dominance over Palestinians in the meager territories – Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem is unacceptable condemnable status quo.

Israel’s peace and stability is directly linked to Palestine’s independence, sovereignty, liberty, peace, progress and prosperity for all Palestinians including the Palestinian refugees forced into exile since 1948 and maintained until now. 

Israel, the state within Palestine acknowledgment with cooperation in the global declaration of Palestinian independent sovereign statehood is paramount for the state of Israel to legitimize own sovereignty let alone democratic status.

None of the plans such as the unlawful cartography would materialize or guarantee any peace and stability for Israel at the expense and displacement of indigenous and repatriate Palestinian refugees from their native land Palestine.  

Above all, the ongoing shelling and decimation of Gaza and reprehensible GENOCIDE must cease effective immediately to save lives on all sides and expedite the arduous healing and recovery with humanitarian assistance to the victims including western funding to rebuild Gaza. 

Freedom and Peaceful Palestine is quintessential for any territorial, regional and global peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 


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