United States – Old habits never die

March 8, 2024

United States

Old habits never die

Padmini Arhant 

Update: March 7, 2024

What is happening in Gaza now in 2024 déjà vu of the carpet bombing under UNSC adopted “No Fly Zone (NFZ)” in the North African country Libya in 2011 – the combined action by United States and NATO in direct violation of own directive NFZ  – no fly zone carried out much to the horror of the rest of the world.

The civilian victims in Libya were made to flee for their lives nowhere to hide just like Gaza now during the air raid with no self-defense in the No Fly Zone implementation on Libya in 2011 while the aggressors – United States and NATO could use that opportunity to shatter the Libyan Sky and ground with military might.

What more – the sadistic drone attacks sitting at the Oval Office and targeting children, women, elderly, the physically challenged didn’t matter like in Gaza right now and were chased from their humble dwellings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia, Mali almost in every part of the world in 2009 – 2016 earning the unflattering title – the drone king during violent political tenure.

The same applicable in declining to ban IEDimprovised explosive device and land mines in particular in 2009 -2010 when brought to attention by human rights groups with both land mines and IEDs claiming children lives in war zones like Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Middle East etc.,different parts of the world.

It was not regarded necessary by then head of the executive branch Barack Obama in 2010 allowing the incidents to worsen at the expense of innocent children and civilian population in the affected destinations.

Old habits not die hard, in fact never die in the abuse of power and misinterpretation of people mandate.

Padmini Arhant 


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