Terror Attack – Moscow, Russia

March 22, 2024

Terror Attack

Moscow, Russia

Padmini Arhant

My sympathy and personal condolences to the victims in Moscow terror attack as the latest violence to distract attention from Gaza genocide.

What else is new?

The terror against Gazans and Palestinians is now shifting world focus to their yet another enemy – the people of Russia already bogged down in western war using Ukraine against Russia.

United States administration and Israel having bombed Gaza and slaughtered more than 50,000 innocent civilians among them nearly 16,000 children falling victims to the gruesome genocide and humanitarian blockade is hardly over.

The U.S. administration in 2010 having created ISIS, IS, AL Nusra front etc. as various al Qaeda offshoots, with United States and Israel together funding, fostering and Israel even providing medical treatments with surgeries etc. to their sponsored terror factions to displace the Syrian President Bashar al Assad under the the pretext of CIA enabled Arab Spring hoax are evidently on the rodeo in Moscow demonstrated in this terror attack.

Terrorism goes back all the way to the bombing of King David hotel in Jerusalem targeting all those they now claim as near and dear to them with the exception of Arabs, the ever principal target in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

“On July 22, 1946, Zionist terrorists set bombs in the basement of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, killing 91 people and injuring 45, including 25 Britons, 41 Arabs, and 17 Jews.”

Then the Zionist terror plotted, conspired and executed the 9/11 terror attack in American soil on the fateful day of September 11, 2001 killing more than 3000 Americans and front line responders like brave firefighters and humanitarian rescue operatives on that day and thereafter.

The 9/11 event then catapulted the pre-meditated and pre-organized illegal invasion and occupation titled the Project for New American Century (PNAC) aimed at slew of nations viz. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the list extended into other pre-determined regions as well.

The 9/11 terror plot was also a leaf plucked out of the earlier Pearl Harbor dynamic and using that event the war mongering factions in the United States at that time did not even refrain from deploying the deadly nuclear arsenal – the Hydrogen bomb against the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan.

The nuclear holocaust reverberates until now with United States as the only nation thus far to use a nuclear bomb on civilians in the history of mankind in modern era.

So much for the western Superpower being the most responsible nuclear nation on the planet?

Needless to say, the Zionists’ PNAC operation had nothing to do with glorifying America.

On the contrary, the Zionists’ PNAC tarnished America in the ruthless barbaric attack on nations in the Middle East and other domains, bled American lives on 9/11/2001 and depleted American treasury that is continued till date via financing the Zionist State of Israel.

United States administrations regardless of left or right, flanked by neo-cons during Bush – Cheney tenure and neo-liberals in the Obama – Biden since 2009 until today taking marching orders from Zionists diktat and the profiteers of warfare – the defense contractors in the military industrial complex ever remain hungry to make a killing from killing innocent lives world over.

The actions and decisions of the Presidency of Bush – Cheney administration and Obama – Biden are primarily responsible, culpable and liable for the massive casualties, bloodshed and unbridled violence against victims in the war zone as witnessed in Gaza today.

Accordingly, the terror group al Qaeda including the late leader Osama Bin Laden regarded the American CIA’s high value asset in living and beyond, Taliban in Afghanistan to ISIS, IS, Al Nusra Front and more in the terror outfits reserve…were created and produced by then democrat National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter administration – the late Zbigniew Brzezinski and alike in the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, various neo-conservative and neo-liberal think tanks as well as the academia leaning left or right in the United States and western politics.

As for the current Obama – Biden U.S. administrationthe frontline assailant of Gaza victims with American tax payer money to the tune of $17 billion besides the regular annual $3 billion to belligerent Israel share the legacy from 2009 – 2016 as terror and cannibal sponsors wreaking havoc in the Middle East and Libya in 2010 – 2016.

Then resumed the war game from the earlier actual violent insurrection in Ukraine against the democratically elected government in Kiev in 2014, leading to the mayhem reignited in February 2022 leaving Ukraine and Russia as the fiercely embattled zone.

The Presidency of Barack Obama penchant and obsessive passion for drone attacks earned the title the Drone King rejoiced along with yet another companion from the so-called Royal ranks – none other than Harry chasing men, women and children from their humble dwellings in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia and other parts of Latin America.

As if these were not enough for the Barack Obama Presidency, the personal policy of Barack Obama together with then attorney general Eric Holder designed and directed the notorious fast and furious arms policy arming the drug cartels in Mexico and states in Central and South America resulted in the tsunami of population exodus from their native destinations in Latin America and Mexico fleeing drug cartels violence from the United States armed weapons cache.

The systemic violent policy transformed into do-nothing border crisis under the same Obama – Biden administration since 2021 – 2024. 

Above all, the western pioneered, funded and bio-engineered deadly virulent Corona virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China with the vaccine deal sealed in 2015 under Obama – Biden administration consuming millions of lives besides devastating several million population health, life and livelihoods to the point of no return is unparalleled heinous crime against humanity.

Nothing comes as a surprise as old habits evidently never die especially when it comes to all things terror, apartheid, genocide, colonization and profiteering from conventional warfare, terrorism to biowarfare unleashed on humans across generations and spectrum is the existential threat to humanity at large.

The evil forces as fanatics and fundamentalists orchestrating these terror events and genocide often abuse religion and innocent lives for their hideous ideological delusional pride in the inevitable perilous adventure with history as testament to this effect.

At the end of the day, the innocent citizens desirous of living their normal life anywhere are forced to pay the price.

Whether the terror in Moscow, Gaza or for that matter in the United States murdering the  Indian students from India attending different Universities for higher studies…are all apparently a fair game to the mastermind and catalysts of terror. 

Terror will be eradicated by own downfall when caught in the vortex of deceitful manipulation, connivance and fatefully target any particular religion, entity or for that purpose the Supreme natural force – the Almighty God.

Supreme justice might be delayed never denied to all those innocent victims falling prey to evil predators’ self-termination.

Padmini Arhant





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