Moscow Terror Attack

March 26, 2024

Moscow Terror Attack

Padmini Arhant

The individuals engaged in terrorism do not emerge anywhere without being funded and directed to engage in terrorism.

Often these individuals are exploited by politics to serve as proxy in wars as seen in Syria, Libya, Iraq…in 2011, 2012 and thereafter. They are also deployed in terror attacks and other destructive purpose which is a tragedy for them and importantly terror victims considering innocent people fall prey to such predator politics.

There is no doubt the mayhem created by those in Kyiv in 2014 upending democracy and installing neo-Nazi regime of their choice i.e. the administration in Washington D.C. in 2014  together with EU engaged in violent overthrow of democratic Ukranian government in 2014 is responsible for Ukrain’s status quo then onwards until now in 2024.

The administration in 2014 in Washington D.C. also been behind creation of ISIS, IS and various terror outfits in 2011, 2012 and beyond wreaking havoc in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon etc., is a case study on terror manufacture.

Poignantly, the October 7 attack in Israel involving victims in a concert replicated in Moscow targeting concert audience generating a copycat pattern is an odd coincidence.

The Gaza Genocide by Israel and coalition in the six-month-old bombing and shelling, and further military aggression planned against population gathered in Rafah by Israel was met with global dissent on military invasion and pressure to end war in Gaza.

Accordingly, the possibility from those desperate to prove anything at whomsoever costs producing a mirror image scenario cannot be ruled out either including the terror attack in Moscow choosing the concert venue.

The masterminds will eventually succumb to their folly and wicked ploy.

Ukraine and Russian war coming to conclusion initiating amicable peace treaty between the two nations resuming normal relations and economic ties is the best outcome.

As mentioned earlier prior to and at the onset of war between Ukraine and Russia in February 2022 and later through video presentations on this website urging both leaderships in Russia and Ukraine not to get entrapped in war that was most likely to get protracted and prolonged through external intervention.

The request was made to both leaderships to prioritize interests of citizens in both nations who also happened to be related as a close and / or extended family in one way or another only yearning for peaceful co-existence.

Unfortunately, the foreign western intrusion repeating episode from 2014 was replayed fueling tension and provocation that led to deaths and devastation suffered by people in Ukraine and Russia.

Meanwhile, those adept at igniting confrontations to jumpstart weapons cache sales to all warring factions regardless of human casualties and immense suffering as usual raked a fortune out of human misery and nations’ decimation.

There were no regard or concern for global consequences in terms of triggering energy crisis from such warfare either.

As result, the fuel price hitting sky high hurting global citizens and consequentially food and other commodities costs also reached beyond ordinary consumer affordability with status quo remaining poor and deteriorating further.

Such inflation could have been averted abandoning the old ways of political interference in foreign destinations that becomes stagnant compromising domestic economy.

Notwithstanding the blowing up of Nordstream gas pipeline admittedly at the behest of the incumbent U.S. administration publicly claimed at the press conference by the U.S. President was anything but helpful.

There are many flagrant violations by those involved in such decisions that are invested in warfare and hostility with little or no effort to defuse and end the progression of violence.

The massive damage on all sides exhausted of means and human drive especially the troops on the ground experiencing war fatigue contribute to aimless extension minimizing opportunity to peace prospects.

The long-drawn-out warfare is a major economic liability due to political mismanagement lacking in reason or rationale as well as exit strategy.

It is never too late to lay the arms and artillery and engage in peaceful respectful dialogue for lasting resolution.

Russia is a mature experienced nation from world war to regional wars fought in different timeline. However, the war with no end in sight serve none not in the least the citizens in civil society nor the military whether national defense force or private army.

Ukraine on the other hand recognizing those who sabotaged Ukraine’s political stability and economic growth in 2014 and misled Ukraine towards the current situation are not the benefactors rather beneficiaries in arms trade with Ukraine and other factions in the embattled war zone.

Ukraine’s direct meeting with Russian leadership for a permanent ceasefire and bi-lateral discourse setting all differences and grievances aside towards a mutually beneficial relation renewing economic and security ties is the viable solution to the Ukraine – Russian crisis.

The people in Ukraine and Russia deserve peaceful normal existence.

Good Luck to Russia and Ukraine! 

Padmini Arhant 


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