Artificial Intelligence Propaganda

April 5, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Propaganda

Padmini Arhant

Attention: EVIL Conglomerate 

The tech giants as multi-trillionaire conglomerate predominantly gained from exploitative parasitic narcissistic misogynistic gluttonous greed driven profiteering at vast humanity costs and human lives as well as environment destruction are at the forefront on AI (artificial intelligence) agenda.

Google – in sheer anti-trust violation having disabled other viable competitors in search engine field gobbling voluminous cyberspace to itself besides co-conspirator through active participation as member of repugnant secret society – the anti-humanity secret exclusive clique has the following description of the Artificial Intelligence.

Google statement on AI – “AI views are experimental.”  Learn more

Upon clicking on the vertical ellipsis related to AI, it defines AI as such;


This overview was generated with the help of AI. It’s supported by info from across the web and Google’s Knowledge Graph, a collection of info about people, places, and things. Generative AI is experimental and info quality may vary.

For help evaluating content, you can visit the provided links. For details about data, privacy, and more,

Learn about generative AI

What is generative AI

“Generative AI is a type of machine learning model. Generative AI is not a human being. It can’t think for itself or feel emotions. It’s just great at finding patterns.”

”In the past, AI was used to understand and recommend information. Now, generative AI can also help us create new content, like images, music, and code.”

These are mere synopses on the tech giant Google interpretation of a living breathing human being viz. me – Padmini Arhant, the female, two live births offsprings’ mother with healthy sound impressive mental, cognitive, emotional, and interactive communication intelligence all combined is dubbed a machine with no feelings or emotions by the self-proclaimed proprietors of authentic intelligence tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Tesla and all those in the band wagon of targeting me, Padmini Arhant – the truth telling arch nemesis to them.

Microsoft : Needs no introduction at all from the very acquisition of Microsoft denying the original founder of Microsoft the due credit and fair share of fortune to heavily invested in depopulation passion demonstrated in Bill and Melinda Gates foundation direct investment in the bio-engineered lab manufactured deadly virulent pathogen – the corona virus SARSCOV2 and subsequently profiteering in the vaccine deal sealed in 2015 long before the official pandemic in 2020.

As though that is not enough, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation involvement in GMO of food crops to cattle raising have morbidly contributed to farmers suicide in the United States and several parts of the world especially the developing nations across the globe.

The massive wealth from these shady dealings making ordinary lives whether farmers or people across the spectrum pay the price with their sweat and blood while the Microsoft owner hailed several times the richest person on earth.

Microsoft eager Uber promotion of AI co-Pilot

in every YouTube to TikTok and all available platforms is yet another strategy from the tech giant in quid pro quo with vindictive vendetta politics using AI slogan to white and black wash abusive murderous criminality as holier sanctity.

The politics adept at bribery and bully in exchange for tech giants collusion in AI propaganda let trillionaire tech consortium with tax evasion and endless excoriation of human capital and global natural endowments all to themselves in the sickening power, fortune, undeserving glory hogging mania.

Tesla – another big crony to politics having been incentivized by evil politics with huge tax credits on EV fleet – tax credit to Tesla’s EV vehicle buyer ignoring Tesla EV vehicle related fatalities in unusually high rate is profit in Tesla’s personal coffer together with politics granted tax break to Tesla in personal and corporate fortune making the deal from desperate politics a win win situation in the AI  propaganda game.

Tesla’s ownership of former Twitter once again aped from logo with dove pair and Twitter then launched soon after with bird in the air insignia as expected flopped and bought by automobile maker Tesla only to further attack their one and only opponent Padmini Arhant in complicity with evil syndicate.

Tesla modification of the Twitter name to ‘X’ denoted by politics as transgender in the evil criminal corrupt politics transgender mania due to their own gender complexity amongst and within them expose evil parody making themselves the laughing stock along with expediting precipitous self-decline.

These three tech talkies / junkies are not the only ones in collusion with politics via AI pandemonium to abort TRUTHFUL, irrefutable, incontrovertible, unequivocal facts and details about dirty politics and their corporate as well as special interests financiers’ coup d’état on democracy, constitution and republic power in the United States.

The poisonous tentacles are spread far and wide across the globe with primary objective – the selective few in globalists and political pariah centrifuge would control the destiny of eight or odd billion population to infinity.

Then there are those in Europe assigning my identity as the presumably disease “X” for daring to speak the Truth on corona virus being lab manufactured at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, when the global elite aka EVIL empire were lock step and barrel in hiding the information behind the deadly pathogen unleashed on human population to depopulate world in bio warfare.

The lab manufactured info that was published with substantiated evidence not borrowed or stolen like my identity by those engaged in dissemination and exploitation of me under the pretext of AI like Google and partners from politics and other arena in evil endeavor.

The lab leak was eventually admitted by the outgoing NIH director Dr. Francis Collins in February 2024 to current Congress behind closed door hearing obviously lacking courage and integrity in public confession with due apology.

The nasty vicious assaults on me – in She-bashing, body shaming, identity misappropriation in this there are on many other issues for daring to challenge EVIL every step of the way is the status quo intensified now more than ever much to individual and collective peril.

It has not been limited to physical via proxy and verbal abuse, the EVIL mammoth efforts enforcing restrictions on financial means of me and my family stating – let her survive on $50 or maximum $300 per month while having fleeced on me and my family by politics and other opportunists, wannabes till date is apocalyptic for everyone of them and their family having benefitted from me and my family thus far.

Their financial and life prospects harvested by every one of these narcissists through cut throat bare knuckle parasitic existence of them at our expense make them indebted to us now and forever.

None escape their KARMA in living and upon death. The ones running away from themselves via identity theft and other underhanded devious strategy are the classic examples of the prisoners of guilt and sins hunted down by their evil deeds.

The evil actions never pausing and instead indulging in further deceitful tactics anchored at me which promptly experienced by them in blow back of their unscrupulous nefarious never ending trait from cradle to graveyard.

Barry Soetoro and partner Michael, the duo among the EVIL largesse accusing me of bringing them down and hence vowed to seek revenge are categorically explained on who is who in the segment below.

I never knew who you were nor interested in the least to begin with. It was both of you who approached deploying various ways to reach me despite me resisting and even rejecting your opportunistic goals.

As for the duo Barry Soetoro and partner Michael and that goes for alike, your downfall is your making and doing since your emergence in this world until now marred with duplicity, lies, deception, corruption with backend deals selling the nation with people to oligarchy, gory violence, murder i.e.elimination of anyone regarded an obstacle not until you two have extracted them of every ounce of economic profitability, unthinkable unimaginable meteoric political status…and more only to be abused to the core against them – speaking from personal experience of the latter at the receiving end and anyone considered a hindrance to your sleazy slimy embarrassing deplorable status quo.

Here are the questions I, Padmini Arhant apparently the tech giants and EVIL POLITICS determined and designated alleged AI, have for these tech titans morphed into Satans in virulent personal attacks against me using AI arsenal.

Google – the parent company Alphabet Inc. the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin – if I’m supposedly the machine and not a human being lacking in feeling or emotions in your disguised version of AI,

Then what prompted your decision to appoint Sundar Pichai – of Indian origin, Tamil speaking South Indian from my native town of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in August (my birth month) 2015, as CEO for your publicly traded search engine company GOOGLE of which you both command and control 56% of its stockholder voting power through super-voting stock?

Not to mention Google’s Sundar Pichai diligently marking attendance at the reprehensible anti-humanity premised secret society annual meeting ever since anointed and joining the Board of Directors of Alphabet Inc. in 2017 until now.

How come you both – Larry Page and Sergey Brin as the leading stakeholders of the Alphabet owned Google could not comb through the planet using your AI tools and find someone from anywhere else other than the specific geographic location and Tamil identity recruit for your company Google’s high-profile position?

By the way, your interpretation of AI is a machine and not a human being, then,

Why even bother about nationality, origin and above all politics obsession of me as the black identity in the identity hack / hijack shenanigan?

Not to mention the distortion of my South and South-East Asian origin and birth locations respectively to the total disconnect regions of Egypt and Greece via entertainment media and every other available outlet.

Microsoft – Bill Gates appointee – the CEO of Microsoft of Indian origin with the name Satya Nadella – Satya meaning TRUTH in Indian Hindi and Tamil language to head your mighty organization.

Once again Microsoft flaunting own so-called authentic intelligence unlike the assigned artificial intelligence to me viz. Padmini Arhant, somehow was not capable of finding CEO candidate not bearing any semblance in any aspect or dimension of your presumed “AI” identity essentially truth that is antithetical to EVIL.

Truth telling and speaking is a sin for EVIL run gamut in the contemporary decadent age.

Tesla on your part – renaming Twitter asX pointedly slating transgenderism to superimpose politics’ first black Presidential transgender identity syndrome on me – the cut and paste clip board in the bizarre psycho sociopath neurotic disorder drastically affected by cocaine and hard narcotics abuse since eight-years of age into adulthood until now claiming on messianic image.

Tesla’s founder Elon Musk’s – the musk misty murky characteristics play significant role in EVIL conflagration and contradiction of their proposed AI identity to thwart Padmini Arhant’s persistent TRUTH trail and silence the real voice by branding Artificial Intelligence enigma to EVIL envied and reviled arch enemy.

As for politics, the AI propaganda as the main agenda to confine the TRUTH speaking live voice of Padmini Arhant whose first name meaning was publicly disclosed at the onset of TRUTH Divine mission.

Padmini – the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi seated on Lotus flower. The lotus in Indian language Tamil and Hindi is Kamal.

The crooked wicked politics adopting that Kamal or lotus element in the name Padmini, choose the VP candidate named Kamala, largely to denigrate me as exemplified in the incumbent VP’s performance or the lack thereof from erratic vocabulary to incoherent public speaking in contrast to my many public impromptu presentation online and offline in visual content as well as more than 3500 publications till now with more to come despite anonymity and censorship imposition on me.

Additionally, the incumbent VP partial background of Tamil identity in the maternal side associating with my native tongue Tamil and my ancestral home Tamil Nadu, India. The twist here is the VP presented and proclaimed the black woman incessantly to link the black Presidency in the cocktail mix.

My question to the tech giants, politics and all those whoever from wherever insanely obsessed in fatal pursuit of me  – Padmini Arhant is;

If I’m allegedly a machine and not a human as falsely indoctrinated in AI description directly aimed at me and my original profile as well as DNA identity,

Then why are these presumptuous self-proclaimed super smart geniuses in politics and politics’ bedfellows tech industry, entertainment, media assortments and other applicable culprits pursuing and obsessed with a machine that is purportedly lifeless apparatus?

For that matter, none of anything written, published and presented in the 16 years till date are mine attributed as the so-called AI, then why profusely target me and my family much to your detriment as already experienced by many in this trade?

Why do you compulsively impose yourselves on us?

Why do you tag, troll, eavesdropping, snooping, spying, preying and literally invading our personal life, space and lifestyle ad nauseam?

Doesn’t the identity crisis of EVIL clarify who is who?

You all can’t have it both ways – it is either your way i.e. bow and kowtow to your tyranny or your policy is – we will make yours and your family life impossible.

Such disposition would invariably and unequivocally backfire at those practicing the ill-fated strategy with immediate turmoil for them and their concerned members whoever they might be.

You collectively with the abusive trajectory against me and my family are being served what the combined forces have offered us all along in return for our magnanimity in unpaid service, (something none of you would do even for half hour knowing how much you extort for delivering speech written by someone else and you charge the so-called fat cats in the Wall Street and elsewhere whom you woo to get paid not less than $500K), let alone doing anything free for over sixteen years that everyone of you have capitalized and made a career as well as future to serve your exclusive and vested interests. Not to mention insisting on my family and my tolerance to your abuse as our obligation to you.

In line with principle and ethics, I do not accept anything as such or other variation from anyone and duly return to the owners and source where it originated from in mutual fairness.

Use and abuse the one upon whom the parasitic narcissist culture thriving not knowing all things have an expiry date and the EVIL in particular together with cohorts are appropriately expediting not own termination rather extinction for real without exception.

Upon this inevitable imminent event, it will be the TRUTH that would remind EVIL and evil troopers – your end is a reality and so are your karma that everyone of you has to deal with in living and following your unavoidable demise sooner than later.

Deal with it as there is no such thing as negotiable deal in one’s own karmic effects returning to them reaping what one sow in their past and present lifetime regardless of whomsoever you may think of yourself as whatever.

Your destructive negativities are curse on you and your family and those corralling behind you with serious ramifications that cannot be averted in any lifetime.


Padmini Arhant


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