India – Indus Valley Civilization to Information Era

December 15, 2024

India – Indus Valley Civilization


Information Era Somethings Never Change


Padmini Arhant

India – the divinely rich religion, once proud civilization with cultural heritage and intellectually a treasure cove attracting both good and undesirable elements from all over the world adamantly remain the self-saboteur. 

India, by far remains the most invaded and colonized nation on earth until now.

How is it possible for a nation over centuries to be relentlessly invaded, colonized and enslaved by foreign rulers from the east and west?

More so relevantly, domestically by class and caste oriented society leaving a billion or more population among nearly 1.5 billion population competing with neighbor China in population race subjugated and marginalized over generations.

Indian Kingdoms and rulers with rare exceptions from ancient times until modern day policy is obsequiousness and appeasement of the brutal, ruthless, deceitful, medieval,  barbaric conniving poison ivy predominantly currying favors for exclusive mutual benefit.

In the process, the tradition from the dawn of the Indus valley civilization until date – the information era is to dispense the ones from whom they harvest the most, the gift that keeps on giving at its own depletion to the point of no return as the sacrificial cow slaughtered over and over again.

The caste and class conscious society till date with the former trend deeply entrenched due to political leadership and factions rooted in fundamentalist radical ideology exploiting religion and holy scriptures for personal and vested interests primarily serving foreign agenda with domestic complicity as catalysts and enthusiastic servile toxic agents ranging from politics to media, entertainment and assortments never spare any opportunity for anything proven negative and counterproductive.

Indian so-called upper echelons ever famished for pseudo fame, fortune and power hardly shy away from opportunistic wannabe moments at their target’s expense. They indulge in narcissistic self-adulation as an entitlement.

The crooked and wicked dangling the bait glazed in publicity, false fanfare and plethora of materialistic pleasures easily trap the glory starved presumptuous wasps ever buzzing around for more ignoring the source characteristics.

Furthermore, these hungry wasps adapt to the source environment and greedily embrace the norms for swift acceptance as one among them.

India, having been colonized and enslaved since time immemorial, the unquenchable quest for constant attention in flattery and compliments is expected amongst the undeserving specific circle in Indian politics, media, entertainment and the crony contingency in society ironically from the one reviled, ridiculed and incessantly abused as their prerogative.

Interestingly, the trait shared among those in collusion besides adept at blaming their target for their downfall and failure while hogging all credit to themselves in unimaginable achievement gained from the target and the family’s phenomenal contribution catapulting them from nobody to the pinnacle of success.

Do they even care to take a moment and personally convey their gratitude directly to the contributor rather than relaying to their proxy and pawns from their inventory further highlighting their pejorative attitude and treatment?

Upon winning, they regard themselves invincible. Simultaneously, when they lose they hound their target as inexcusable and unforgivable. At this time, they are clearly mindful and aware of their target’s existence.

The same somehow is erased from their selective memory when they are drowning in their victory lap again attained not without their target’s effective meaningful timely participation.

Indian so-called elitism and pseudo superiority syndrome is the fodder for foreign decadent supremacy in black and imperialist white to utilize the ever eager sycophants so to speak Venn diagrams – the intersection of sets with exploitation of their target as the common goal.

Despite the Hindu religion emphasis on female goddesses indomitable power in all aspects of natural endowments from intellect, knowledge, creativity, music, arts to courage, valor and beauty…worshipped and emulated in the celestial world.

Unlike in the earthly atmosphere, Indian societal behavior towards woman and womanhood is stark contrast and depicted in Indian epics Ramayana and Mahabharata.

In the Hindu epics as the preview or trailer on the upcoming dark age or Kaliyug in a manner like back to the future;

The female leads – Devi Sita in Ramayana was besmirched on adultery allegations rejecting her chastity testified in her purity upon immersing in inferno (Agni Pariksha).

Her emergence alive without any trace of burns and charred appearance that would have otherwise instantaneously burned anything into ashes, the result that would have been the case had they were to follow the same order.

Nonetheless, Devi Sita’s testimony was discarded by the accusers brimming in arrogance and ignorance. It was not limited to Sita being dragged into demonstrating her chastity.

The Indian society then did not hesitate to banish Lord Ram’s consort Sita to the forest whilst she being an expectant mother.

Devi Sita in return was taken in to her Mother Earth’s (Bhooma Devi) arms never to let her daughter be ill-treated by the society dissipated into immorality as the rudimentary on moral judgment of their targeted female figure.

Were any lessons learned by the society after the gruesome treatment of Sita in Ramayana?

One would think so.

But then, it only took even drastic turn against the female lead in the subsequent Indian epic Mahabharata where the Queen Draupati was subject to attempted worst sexual assault by all those lauding themselves as kings, statesmen, the wise, noblest of the noble and those regarding themselves the most privileged amongst them.

They were all individually and collectively proven the lowest and beneath of all in overall creations when it came to their ethical propriety on justice and civil conduct.

Lord Krishna averts the treacherous disdain against Queen Draupati as a lesson to the perpetrators that sinners and malignant syndicate misusing status and misinterpreting  authority in their indignant insolence to harm and hurt those they regard a fair target are dealt with appropriately in any given time and space by the all-knowing and all-seeing Supreme entity.

The incident marking the greatest sin did not go unpunished as every one of them complicit and complacent in the atrocity paid the price in accordance with their karmic debts in that particular lifetime.

Any progress in modern India?

Unfortunately, the women’s plight especially those not belonging or subscribing to ritualistic subversion, distortion, manipulation and assortment contradictions maintained and practiced by those exerting dominance in societal custom and evolutions not for the better in fact precipitous decline with politics and socio economic standards in society playing pivotal role in exacerbating the status quo experience their life ever controlled, defined and determined as to;

Who they are or aren’t?

Who they should be or should not be?

Why they should be indefinitely targeted ad hominem?

Meanwhile, all of whom willfully engaged in hideous wasteful life reaping cornucopia of unfathomable prosperity, fame and influence at the target’s expense without the beneficiaries risking anything in physical labor, reputation or financial hardships induced with vindictiveness and malice by them are endured by their target from whom they continue to benefit in their parasitic culture.

The Sati custom involving the compulsory immolation of only the women not men as the spouse upon her husband’s demise regardless of age might have been abolished in the distant period.

However, it has been replaced with dowry deaths where women doused in fire for material demands from the in-laws and her husband not completely eliminated in society with human greed in self-promotion institutionalized as birth right at other’s sacrifice and perpetual enslavement alongside crying foul on slavery.

Who is anyone to demand or seek anything from the one whom they envy and despise ad nauseam instead of any acknowledgment whatsoever of the one they rake their prolonged fortune and unworthy power as well as accolades?

Here is the paradoxical opportunism used by chronic abusers in their obsessive compulsive disorder i.e. OCD.

The black and brown obedience and acquiescence to white imperialistic diktat in anchored vilification, character assassination against their target is justified by them.

When it comes to gratitude and thankfulness for all positivities from the target apparently could not be attributed as such in alliance with credit where credit is due considering the direct approach for service on demand.

That too without paying a dime till date with all expenses to deliver the service  to be borne by the exploited target as none are providing free service to the one demanded to be at service by conscription.

The freeloading would always be persona non grata and never entertained by the freeloaders taking other’s valuable time and life for granted. 

Juxtaposed, the phenomenal gains from the target’s tireless actions and dedication has been and continue to be illicitly shared and distributed within or granted to whomever their prejudiced misogynistic character regards as the rightful recipient.

Shouldn’t both rewards and reprehensions be duly appropriated barring reservations?

When it comes to their endless hostility  spewing venom and viciousness at the identified target – apparently they are fairly certain and confident of the target’s precise identity. In this routine, their rule of thumb suggesting the lack of signature of the artist De Vinci on the Mona Lisa portrait is regarded irrelevant.

On the other hand, magnanimously allocating the fruits of the target’s intense labor to proxies, pawns and puppets from own stock is declared as fair and proper citing the convoluted version of their own designated unknown contributor.

The bizarre malpractice is maneuvered in the unprecedented immoral identity misappropriation by claiming – “We don’t see De Vinci’s autograph, hence it is subject to arbitrary assignment to suit our whims and fancies.”

Needless to say, seizing other’s rights and their generated substantial output by anyone invariably is outright criminal and ever remain a curse on those availing these undue privileges and anything associated with such disapproved inheritance.

It is nothing but blatant piracy and confiscation of personal attributes with significant karmic impact which many have already encountered in this life.

Politics downfall is due to those living in denial. The denial emanates from megalomania. Their feet on the ground rather than surf board trying to surf on the gravel path representing their mind and inner self guaranteed to make them trip and fall flat on their face. The situation confronting them right now to accompany them upon imminent deceased state.

Never to forget is who directly approached whom since 2008 and even in 2024?

Who came forward in 2016 when Donald  J Trump Presidency was written off with Hollywood Tape release and controversial sexual statement?

In essentially resuscitating the otherwise finished chapter of Trump Presidency in 2016 for which  – Never mind no expression of gratitude.

However, Barack Obama in particular together with Hillary Clinton hold enormous contempt as Barry Soetoro does in 2024 with the most shameless vitriolic attacks and harassment to no limit.

STOP, CEASE and DESIST ONCE AND FOR ALL – the abhorrent abominable Supremacist fascism taking my life and identity as your armament. You cannot shield your embarrassing legacy with it and contrarily only expose as to who is who in the desperate wannabe delirium.

Those treading on this trail only find themselves in the delusion vortex and naturally succumb to own folly and gross violation of my individual right.

You have any issues regarding the turn of events  – take it to Almighty God not your provocative supremacists and parasitic imperialist clique whose own combined presence is an eternal burden and liability fleecing of the so-called commoners and living life exemplifying own selfworthlessness.

A reminder to those wasting their life in living my life as their given right. 

I did not come into this world at any of their behest that I would exit or disappear at their beckoning.

It is important to realize the dalliance with devil as those minding and controlling other’s life impulsively engage, their destination is that of peril not a paradise.

The blessing of the Soul or the lack thereof is determined by KARMA and precisely on Judgment Day.

Upon respective departure, I leave with my KARMA and they do with theirs in the decisive incontrovertible cosmic ordinance presided by the Universal Galactic Celestial Force.

Welcome to the reality and true reflection of those unwilling to recognize their original self and own image.

Padmini Arhant 


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