Practicality and Quality

December 28, 2024




Padmini Arhant

Only the ignorant mind would ignore the benefactor evidenced in Natural Creations and Nature.

Whether recognized in tangible such as idol worship with ceremonial rituals or the abstract form – the formless as light, sound, resonance with Universe cosmic vibration emanating from Superconsciousness.

Accordingly, acknowledgment of the Supernatural Power, force and phenomenon – Almighty God. –  Almighty – meaning all powerful and strong to the extent of indomitable is fundamental in the journey to delve into inner consciousness.

Karma and Dharma – The Soul bound by duty and principles defines personal existence. It is entirely discretionary leading to accumulating or relieving the Soul from karmic debts.

There are several options in living – self-betterment or self-detriment.

Karma guided by Dharma would relate to the former.

On the other hand, the latter is primarily pre-occupation in all things negative and counterproductive living other’s life persistently to hurt and harm them and in the process becoming a casualty in the self-inflicted unnecessary vain obsession.

1. God helps those who help themselves. 

God’s creation – Human for example possess physical body with energy, mind with intelligence and heart with emotions are at the basic provided to all regardless of human manufactured race, religion, gender, socioeconomic inequality since time immemorial.

More so in the twenty first century with politics engendered divisiveness and polarization for personal and political interests besides Gene Superiority syndrome exploiting the status quo. 

The car equipped with key components such as an engine, accelerator or gas pedal, break pedal with hand and foot breaks, the fuel tank with fuel i.e. energy in physical body, the gears whether automatic or manual transmission cannot operate until the car is driven however by whatever mechanism. 

Similarly, the human life empowered with physical body, mind, spirit, and heart is provided to all barring impairments and disabilities in the course of birth and in living. 

It is incumbent upon those to utilize these fundamentals to get anywhere in life. 

God’s creation enable survival and even thriving functionality. It is dependent on the individual to utilize and enhance towards personal achievements in life.

Anything whatever it might be with self-initiative, hard labor and strong will, the output would reflect the quality and quantity of input in any endeavor.

The prevalent norm to scapegoat anyone not even sparing God blaming for one’s or collective failure except them further expose their deficiency in meeting the elements of success. Such reaction exemplify the inevitable i.e. them unqualified by default.

That’s why God helps those who help themselves.

2. Becoming God’s tool or human resource in any endeavor. 

In this instance, unless the tool used in any work, project or mission is good in quality and durability, the energy, efforts and economic investment such as finance etc. would be futile or in the least result in liability

The common practical experience is the sharp kitchen knife slices the items efficiently compared to a blunt knife that could often cause physical injury.

Alternatively, sharpening the blunt life also requires good sharpening product that could deliver the desired outcome.

The blunt knife even after sharpening remains blunt  becomes disposable to avoid injury and redundancy.

The crux of the matter lies in individual ability to optimize God given / natural basic capabilities as assets in personal improvement, inner and outer development as well as growth  rather than expecting God or any other external assistance to perform the task throughout in life. 

The caliber and properties of tools or resources used in anything is critical for any accomplishments. 

In the absence of neither nor both would be equivalent to a fancy model car accessorized with latest technology and gizmos exhibited in the elaborately decorated showroom. 

The driver clueless to operate the most sophisticated vehicle and paradoxically an experienced operative stuck with poor operational equipment in cars to airplanes and any other things conclusively are in a bind i.e. immobility in practicality. 

Padmini Arhant  


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