Moscow Subway Bombing

March 30, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

On Monday, March 29, 2010, grief engulfed the commuters in the Russian capital, Moscow.

Terrorism against the metropolitan residents is the latest trend in the threat to global security.

According to the reports, two female suicide bombers strapped with explosives detonated the bombs killing 39 people and leaving many seriously injured.

The authorities in Kremlin have vowed to investigate the terrorist act and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Terror mastermind have not claimed responsibility but the officials have not ruled out the suspects’ connection to the separatist groups in the northern Caucasus region that includes the main rival Chechnya.

National security is a great concern for the governments dealing with terrorism related to autonomy, political freedom, and socio-economic issues in certain incidents, while others instigated by major organization for personal ideology.

Regardless, negotiating for freedom and equality through violence is a path to self-destruction as demonstrated by the suicide bombers.

Targeting innocent lives to bargain with the power is a cowardly act that only prolongs the situation behind the motive and benefits none.

Terrorism is a modern warfare adopted to deliver political messages without considering the ramifications from it.

Those who orchestrate terror against unarmed civilians are false representatives of justice. If they were to be true, they would value life and disavow violence against all.

Violence begets violence. It only leads to perpetual mourning and revenge.

Similarly, pursuing drastic measures in reaction to the terror activities affects the victims more than the assailants.

Tightening security to protect citizens is necessary.

However, implementing rules that would infringe upon civil liberties causing fear and frustration among the elected opposition leaders not excluding the local population is a victory to the terror networks in their realization of constricting the society movement, besides hurting the economy.

The permanent solution to terrorism is to address the problem by identifying the source.

In this instance, the contentious dispute between Kremlin and Chechnya / regional adversaries could be resolved through communication and dialogue.

A sincere attempt to end the political standoff and retaliation is the best approach to a peaceful resolution.

It comes from deep understanding for the suffering population, the real victims on both sides.

Aggression is not the remedy to the political crisis.

Often engagement with empathy along with self-recognition of wrong doings contributing to the turmoil yields success in the difficult political conditions.

I hope that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Dmitry Medvedev will seek peaceful options with the separatist leaders in the northern region, particularly Chechnya and resume political discussions to arrive at a meaningful decision comprising democratic values for all citizens in Russia.

Meanwhile, the rebel groups will have nothing but failures if they persist with violence as the means to achieve their political goals.

Now is the time to renounce violence and harsh tactics by all.

It’s important for the sparring factions to commit towards peace and build a relationship based on trust and mutual respect, the pragmatic principles in dealing with the ceaseless conflict.

I convey my heartfelt condolences to the victims’ families and the Russian leaderships in the moment of sorrow brought upon by senseless violence.

I wish them courage to emerge from the tragic event and pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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