Federal Program Evaluation on Mortgage Refinance and Foreclosures

April 1, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Please refer to the details laid out in the preceding articles from other news organizations published on this website under the title ‘Mortgage Refinance and Foreclosures.’

Information is also available in the article, @www.mercurynews.com

“By Sue McAllister – San Jose Mercury News, Saturday, March 27, 2010 – Thank you.

“Titled – Debt Relief – Mortgage program: Who will benefit?

Answers to how the federal plan will work and whom it will help”

Program Evaluation – By Padmini Arhant

Making Home Affordable program targets the vulnerable homeowners on the verge of losing their homes.

Mortgagees who are unemployed, underwater and delinquent in their payments could seek assistance upon they meet the criteria.

Aligning mortgage debt with the asset value in order to help people retain ownership is a prudent measure to stabilize the struggling housing market.

It’s evident from these news reports that the program is well intended but the burden rests on the taxpayers through,

Federal Housing Administration insured loans absorbing the entire risk on potential loan default,


Incentives to lenders to reduce principal value for the underwater and unemployed customers provided from the TARP funds…

The finance sector responsible for the subprime mortgage crisis is exempt from any liability.

On the contrary, they are being coerced with the federal funding that appears to be inadequate to rescue the vast majority from foreclosures and loan qualifications.

Federal programs or reform requires oversight to ensure the rules adherence by the industry.

Again, an independent / non-profit consumer rights agency is appropriate to avoid the conflict of interest.

As stated by the consumer advocates, the bankruptcy procedure for loan modifications is more reliable than the service offered by the federal partnership with lenders.

When a particular method is not yielding the desirable results, it is best to choose the option with a positive outcome.

Since the rules are ignored by the industry, setting consequences for non-compliance is an effective approach to limit the program failure.

If the borrowers are subject to terms and conditions then it should be applicable to the lenders as well.

Finally, the program would be beneficial with the banks accepting a fair share of monetary obligations in the principal reduction and the refinancing structure, having been the beneficiary of taxpayer bailout.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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