U.K. Elections and the Political Dilemma

May 10, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The last week General Election results in the United Kingdom generated political confusion.

With the conservatives aka the Tory Right led by the leader, David Cameron as the front runner and the incumbent Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown trailing behind, the liberal democrats’ leader Nick Clegg is the ‘kingmaker,’ in the hung Parliament.

In the absence of a clear majority, the political parties are attempting unconventional alliances to form a government raising anxiety among the observers at the domestic and international front.

According to the reports, the Tory Right members are advising their leader David Cameron to function as the minority government daring the opposition majority in the Parliamentary affairs.

Unfortunately, it’s an ill advice for the majority could render the minority redundant in the legislative voting process and turn the tide against them in the next possible election.

The conservative leader, David Cameron’s approach to seek liberal democrats coordination is better in resolving the political dilemma.

Moreover, in politics, the public trust and patience is like a flickering candle light particularly in the backdrop of political scandals, high unemployment, and housing market crisis.

Political stability is crucial for economic recovery, national security and the future.

The conservative party and the liberal democrats’ merger characterized as the ‘odd couple,’ are trying to reach a workable agreement on major issues.

Recent discussions held between the two political factions appear promising.

However, the electorate would prefer the talks delivered in actions.

Since the liberal democrats are urging on the electoral reform to increase the marginal winners leverage in the Parliament and during political negotiations,

The conservatives reluctance to accommodate the liberal democrats’ valid proposal could diminish the prospects for a viable coalition.

If the liberal democrats step away from the much-anticipated electoral reform,

It might jeopardize the momentum considering their victory was way below the expectations despite the leader, Nick Clegg’s popularity in the political debate.

Further, the supporters’ confidence in the leadership could potentially dwindle for not remaining firm in the political bargain.

Similarly, the conservatives artful maneuvering on this issue might backfire projecting them to be domineering and unreliable even while being dependent upon the liberal democrats for majority rule or in the legislation.

All of this would exacerbate the electorates anti-government sentiments producing more of the same electoral outcome in the forthcoming elections.

Therefore, the ideal political settlement would be to minimize the risks of losing the liberal democrats cooperation on issues relevant to their base.

Sharing a macro vision on the economy, deficit reduction, bank regulations, foreign policy, social issues and environment are quintessential to reaffirm the solidarity in the unique political mandate.

The U.K. economic situation could greatly improve with the immediate financial sector regulations and demonstrating fiscal responsibility through deficit reduction programs.

Auditing defense spending and eliminating wasteful expenditures is the beginning of the end to national deficit.

Reallocating and reconciling Social services funding to identify excess and shortfall is prudent.

Job market review and curbing housing market decline are the immediate priorities in the global recession.

Providing tax incentives to the corporations, small business and Retail industry for hiring and retaining jobs would stimulate the economy via consumer spending.

The tax breaks on applicable sources to corporations and other industries for job creation would generate tax revenue from the employees personal income tax, business payroll tax and consumer sales tax.

Housing market could be revived by containing foreclosures and enforcing rules through bank regulations to reassess the loan status on individual basis,

Apart from resuming credit facilities to revive qualified mortgage financing and business borrowing.

Upon adopting appropriate measures, the United Kingdom could emerge from the political and economic strife.

Congratulations! To the winners of the various political parties and,

Good Luck! To the leaders on the political decision to serve the people in the United Kingdom.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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