Veterans Day – Remembering The War Victims and Armed Forces Sacrifice

By Padmini Arhant

On this important day we remember the brave hearts who volunteered to sacrifice their precious life for their nation and humanity at large.

The cherished freedom would not be possible without the selfless dedication of the young men and women in uniform who willfully pledge their service for national and global security.

However, war should never be an option against peace and diplomacy. The simultaneous wars in different parts of the world today have claimed many innocent lives including casualties suffered by the duty bound armed forces in the battle grounds.

It has resulted in enormous pain, grief and agony for the victims’ families all around.

Besides, the economic liability from the relentless wars is exacerbating the national deficit for the U.S and the global economy.

Only if the funds were instead invested in social and economic development the terror recruitment would substantially decline allowing peace to dawn on the war torn regions.

Although many are reminiscent of the victories in the past and argue about the necessity to go to war for territorial conquest or in eliminating authoritarian rule,

They also forget that independence, civil rights and many humanitarian goals were achieved through peace and non-violence by the venerable leaders.

The lesson from history is to pursue peaceful means i.e. constructive dialogue and meaningful strategies as preventive measures than adopting military options.

Violence begets violence and is not the ideal response to belligerence. The incredible loss of life during war cannot be resurrected and nothing can possibly compensate the human tragedies from the horrendous war crimes.

It’s important for the world leaders to pause and deviate from the decisions to engage in war. There are no winners in war considering the inevitable bloodshed, carnage and destruction experienced by all warring factions.

There is an urgent requirement for denuclearization and strategic arms reduction to ensure global security. Universal policy is imperative for the nuclear disarmament and containing conventional weapon stockpiles.

In other areas of warfare, the veterans and their families are often neglected despite their patriotic duty to the country.

Not all human beings can pledge their life to serve the nation in a combat environment and those who come forward to do so are uniquely honorable. Every one of these individuals deserves national appreciation for their tremendous contribution towards security, freedom and humanitarian deeds.

It’s important to maintain the federal run VA health care and rehabilitation programs for all service members and their families.

Further, the government assistance to the veterans’ families with housing, education and other social services are equally essential to help them cope with the economic hardships while their family members are engaged in the active duty or otherwise. It’s the least any nation can do for the armed personnel deployed in various parts of the world.

Since the contemporary wars are conducted for reasons beyond national defense, the exorbitant military spending has taken precedence over crucial life dependent programs for the vulnerable population in the society.

Sadly, in the materialistic world life is easily dispensable. The present is dictated in monetary terms and,

Profit is regarded as the Prophet.

Nevertheless, the world is still intact as there are great many humanitarians, unsung activists in every corner tirelessly devoted to improve the life on earth.

On this day when the parents, young widows, widowers and orphaned children experiencing sorrow and pride in loving memory of their dear ones,

The nation acknowledges the armed forces and national guards’ significant sacrifices towards others welfare.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant