Health Care Reform effective 2014

November 26, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

In the health care reform, the ramifications are currently experienced by a vast majority dealing with the health insurance industry detrimental policies on premium hikes and care denial, if not delaying treatment on preventable and serious illnesses.

The health care victims’ anguish cannot be ignored and expecting them to endure the health industry unfair practices for another three years is harsh and already affecting many patients’ lives.

As discussed in the July 10, 2010 post titled “Health Insurance Industry Policy between 2010-2014 – Impact on the Average American Life,” published on this site – the American plight is elevated rather than alleviated in the present environment and,

Beyond 2014 the health insurance industry with a large client base through mandatory insurance are yet to demonstrate that quality health care at competitive costs will be available to all regardless.

The BigPharma deal on prescription drugs and general medications having direct impact on senior citizens and chronically ill patients share similar conundrum with others in the health industry.

These are critical concerns among the suffering individuals and families that need to be addressed effectively by the authorities behind the health care reform and more importantly the health industry – the real beneficiary in the immediate and long run.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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