United States Senate Ratifies New START Treaty between U.S. and Russia

December 22, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The New START Treaty – The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty that was signed by President Barack Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev on April 8, 2010 was approved with 71-26 votes by the United States Senate.

New START Treaty between the two largest nuclear states – United States and Russia ratification replaces the original START Treaty signed in 1991 that expired on December 5, 2009.

The importance of containing the nuclear proliferation and strategic offensive arms is no longer an option but an immediate requirement in the highly volatile global environment increasingly posing greater risks without checks and balances in the critical nuclear and conventional arsenal stockpiles.

It was elaborated on this website when the related article titled – “U.S. and Russia Nuclear Arms Reduction Treaty” was published on March 27, 2010 under National and Global Security in the Politics category.

Accordingly the measures adopted in the New START Treaty is a preliminary step to curtail the discretionary expansion of the strategic offensive arms comprising the ICBM ( Intercontinental Ballistic Missile), SLBM (Submarine launched Ballistic Missiles) and nuclear warheads constituting major threat to national and international security.

As per the official declaration of this important agreement:

“New START limits the number of strategic offensive arms of the US and Russia (within seven years of the Treaty’s entry into force) to:

• 1,550 warheads on deployed ICBMs, warheads on deployed SLBMs, and
nuclear warheads counted for deployed heavy bombers.

• 800 deployed and non-deployed ICBM launchers, deployed and non-deployed
SLBM launchers, and deployed and non-deployed heavy bombers.

• 700 deployed ICBMs, deployed SLBMs, and deployed heavy bombers.”

The arms race that began during cold war through clandestine operations by the Superpowers – United States and the former Soviet Union then precipitated the translucent arms trade up until now.

New START Treaty facilitates nuclear arsenal verification on both sides particularly for the United States to perform inspection of the Russian site since the earlier START Treaty ended on December 5, 2009.

From the National Security standpoint – The Senate and White House claims on the New START Treaty are:

• Preserves a strong US nuclear arsenal as an effective strategic deterrent.

• Provides stability, predictability and transparency between the two largest
nuclear powers.

• Strengthens critical non-proliferation efforts around the world.

• Increases US ability to work with other countries to confront the nuclear
ambitions of countries like Iran and North Korea.

It also emphasized that New START Treaty ‘will not constrain U.S. missile defense capabilities’ – a position that was vigorously contested by some Republican members in the Senate.

Additionally, the treaty consists of the administration plan to invest $85 billion over ten year period in the U.S. nuclear facilities’ maintenance and upgrade.

The directors of the three nuclear laboratories viz. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Sandia National Laboratory are stated to have appreciated the provision.

Any action to restrain nuclear and non-strategic armament is significant considering the prevalent loss of lives from the widespread violence emanating from inconspicuous arms trade and lack of oversight on uranium enrichment.

However, the peaceful existence of all relies on complete nuclear disarmament that was criticized during the contentious Senate debate from the conservative perspective.

What is not being realized in the denuclearization dismissal?

South Africa and the previous Soviet bloc nations like Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Belarus have voluntarily surrendered their nuclear weapons and submitted to IAEA certification setting precedence for others to follow suit.

These nations are part of the same world and continue to exist with their non-nuclear status challenging the political dogma against nuclear disarmament.

Nuclear power is falsely embraced as the formidable deterrent even though the inevitable retaliation could result in mutual annihilation proving the fact –

Reference – the pioneer of peace Mahatma Gandhi.

“An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.”

Hence, accelerating the course for nuclear-free planet is the viable solution to real peace in the long run.

Civilian nuclear program is presently popular with a dangerous potential for further enhancements to nuclear warheads.

The U.S. default on the controversial Iranian nuclear program jeopardize the disarmament and non-proliferation objectives in the sensitive zone – the Middle East.
As per New York Times article – published by DAVID E. SANGER on October 27,2010

Thank you.

Obama Set to Offer Stricter Nuclear Deal to Iran –

“The Obama administration and its European allies are preparing a new offer for negotiations with Iran on its nuclear program, senior administration officials say…

Gary Samore, Mr. Obama’s coordinator for countering unconventional weapons, told an audience at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington last week that if Iran acquired a weapon, it “would have an utterly catastrophic effect” in the region.

If successful, Iran could drive other states in the Persian Gulf to seek their own nuclear weapons. An attack by Israel on Iran’s facilities, he added, could set off a regional war. Mr. Samore described stopping Iran’s program as his “No. 1 job.”

Several European officials have discouraged that approach. But they also worry that negotiating about the fate of uranium that Iran has enriched in violation of Security Council commands could have the effect of convincing the Iranians they could retain some of their enrichment capability at the end of any negotiation.

Mr. Obama’s campaign in 2008 said that would be unacceptable; as president, he has not addressed the question clearly.”
By Padmini Arhant

There is an urgent need for the nuclear and non-nuclear states regardless of NPT and CTBT membership to conform to rigid international rule imposing restrictions on advanced nuclear ambitions.

The double standards in nuclear technology deals create opportunity for violation and defeat the purpose behind treaty establishment.

Therefore the competition among developed nations on nuclear exchange for alternative energy in Asia and Middle East could inadvertently promote unwanted deviation from the intended engagement i.e. exclusive use for energy production.

Regrettably the nuclear energy is the dominant and highly desirable source in the bilateral trade and commerce with little or no attention towards safe natural elements such as wind, solar…for energy supply.

Only the paradigm shift in the nuclear concept could enable the effective containment eventually resulting in the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Again, the New START Treaty serving as the prototype for regional consensus could perhaps contribute to the ultimate goal.

Congratulations! To the honorable members in the United States Senate –

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, Senator John Kerry and Senator Richard Lugar for the determination to succeed in this matter along with participation from the,

Chairwoman of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Dianne Feinstein


Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Senator Carl Levin,

The Republican Senators for bipartisan cooperation,

United States Defense Force High Command for the valuable input


President Barack Obama and the White House officials for the commitment in the crucial New START treaty ratification.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


One Response to “United States Senate Ratifies New START Treaty between U.S. and Russia”

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