Egyptian Revolution Latest Political Development

February 7, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

President Hosni Mubarak firing party officials and internal modifications within NDP are welcome.

However the President’s decision to remain as the party chief and the head of the state whether official or ceremonial is unwise due to public rejection in this regard. It also exacerbates the political situation.

The corruption allegations and other political issues against the ruling NDP (National Democratic Party) members is indicative of the rationale that they would not have been in a position to act independently without the party’s prior knowledge or approval.

Such anomalies signify leadership failure for a dominant political party having claimed electoral victory in all three unopposed general elections over three decades.

Initial round of talks between government and opposition to study reforms is appreciative.

Again the meeting held without the youth activists – the revolution organizers and the stake holders is incomplete in representation adapting to the exclusive instead of inclusive process.

Upon imminent Presidential resignation the speaker of the house is to assume the head of the state position in accordance with Egyptian constitution to prepare the nation for a democratic election in 60 days.

As discussed at the meeting the following Presidential actions are necessary from the interim government for any further development in the political standoff.

Presidential decrees to amend articles 76, 77 conforming to democratic principles are crucial to move forward in constitutional reform.

The referenced articles are related to Presidential election that currently allows the Mubarak’s ruling party to choose the successor for unlimited terms.

Additionally dissolving the Parliament, lifting President Mubarak imposed indefinite state of emergency and exonerating all political detainees in government possession are significant for fruitful negotiations among various political factions.

It would be enormously helpful to implement them now and not differ until March 2011 to mitigate growing tension between the government and the main street.

Moreover procrastination on urgent national matter generates a perception among frustrated public at breaking point as President Mubarak government excuse to prolong undemocratic rule.

Meanwhile the peripheral U.S. efforts with the Mubarak government to remain in power essentially qualify as candid endorsement of status quo.

Nonetheless it is conveyed as a conciliatory message to the oppressed population despite these steps not representing the fundamental change required in Egyptian political landscape.

Hence the Egyptian President immediate resignation as the party chief and the head of the state is paramount to facilitate meaningful democracy in Egypt and elsewhere.

According to AFP news report published Monday, February 07, 2011 – Thank you.

Clinton hints at unease over early Mubarak exit

“Clinton said retired diplomat Frank Wisner, whom Obama sent to Mubarak with a message last week, did “not speak for the administration” when he said the Egyptian leader should stay in office during the transition.

She, like other members of the administration, have distanced themselves from Wisner’s remarks but have not actually said he was wrong.

“President Mubarak’s continued leadership is critical,” Wisner told the Munich Security Conference, the same one Clinton attended.

“It’s his opportunity to write his own legacy. He has given 60 years of his life to the service of his country, this is an ideal moment for him to show the way forward,” Wisner said.

Clinton also praised Mubarak for the steps he had taken toward his own political exit and to ensure that his son Gamal – whom protesters fear is being groomed as the next president – would not succeed him.

“They have to be viewed as an important set of steps that he has taken to keep the movement” toward a transition going, she said.”

Egyptian Revolution…contd. – By Padmini Arhant

United States standing by their ally President Hosni Mubarak for strategic purpose rather than liberating the persecuted Egyptian people is ironic considering the self-pride and admiration as the world’s ideal democracy.

Anything other than that would be synonymous to U.S. and allies appointed governments in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Egypt to proclaim supremacy at the 80 million population plight directly contributing to the propagated fundamentalism and radicalism – premise used in prolific arms trade and perpetual warfare.

The global poverty and human suffering predominantly attributed to foreign power conglomerate’s dogmatic policy in the Middle East and across the world notwithstanding the widespread detrimental effects in disease, terrorism and environment.

Egyptian revolution is the result of discriminatory strategies implemented throughout the region post world war II with little or no respect for the general population struggle under democratic governments backed totalitarianism.

United States, France and Saudi Arabia successfully led the recent democratic government collapse in Lebanon strictly for political reasons and,

Contrarily in Egypt the citizens uprising against autocratic rule challenged with violence by the dictatorship encouraged to stay in power against strong public protest.

The foreign powers enforced double standards in the region for political dominance and economic gains has corroded the trust between the oppression sponsors and the victims – the beleaguered citizenry and,

Further foment anti-sentiments evolving into terrorism – the major threat to international security.

While these interventional powers cherish democracy in the domestic front with human rights violation against targeted groups in the backdrop,

The systemic obstruction in native driven non-violent pro-democracy movement is a serious credibility factor as the reliable peace broker besides defining the established complacency to despotism for vested interests.

It is important to realize that the people in the revolution are enduring extreme adversity to achieve political freedom.

They have been camping out on the streets and surviving on the extraordinary human spirits shared among the vast majority unlike the authority’s residence in a Presidential palace.

Therefore expediting the conflict resolution in republic favor with the President resignation would conclude the Pharaoh rule and mark the beginning of a democratic system.

The political arrests of media personnel during the pro-Mubarak groups’ attacks against unarmed civilians last week are unacceptable especially when NDP is claiming to crackdown on unruly and unethical conduct.

In this context, the news report – “Egypt’s security services have arrested Al Jazeera bureau chief in Cairo Abdel Fattah Fayed and the journalist Ahmed Yousef,” the pan-Arab channel, banned since last Sunday from operating in Egypt, reported on its website.

The Egyptian government is obliged to release Al Jazeera and other news media representatives unlawfully held against the international law on Free Speech, Freedom of Press and Peaceful Assembly.

Preliminary step to democracy is civil rights recognition and the incumbent authorities’ positive response by releasing journalists, news media staff members, political prisoners and peace activists held in custody are instrumental to promote confidence with the protesters and international community at large.

The news regarding the Google Middle East and North Africa representative Wael Ghonim’s release agreement by the authorities is a progressive trend and praiseworthy.

As stated earlier intentions swiftly exemplified in delivery would always enhance better relationship in disputes.

Egypt crisis could not be resolved to republic satisfaction until the mass plea to end President Hosni Mubarak era is honored with integrity confirming the foreign powers non-interference in Egyptian political mandate.

Such action would provide the Egyptian electorate an opportunity to elect a leader pledged to Egypt sovereignty that guarantees political freedom, social justice and equality leading to economic prosperity for all.

President Hosni Mubarak has served for 30 long years and it is time to step down with dignity enabling peaceful political transition suppressed since republic declaration in 1953.

Wishing phenomenal success to Egypt Revolution in the political strife for freedom and urge the authorities to cooperate for rapid democratic evolution.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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