UNHCR Seek Support on Refugee Crisis in Libya

March 4, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

As we all know that aerial bombing and ground assaults against unarmed civilians in Libya has produced mass casualties alongside refugee crisis with an estimated 180,000 people fleeing the country across the borders to Tunisia and Egypt.

United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) is on the ground providing relief to the refugees and displaced population.

However considering the tragedy of greater magnitude, the international support is vital to expedite the humanitarian aid desperately required to save lives.

Visual images and victims’ personal accounts confirm the deteriorating situation with the escalating violence inflicted upon citizens both domestic and foreign nationals forced to leave in fear of being killed by the regime.

Although UNHCR is diligently engaged in the rescue effort, the worldwide response with a generous donation would be extremely helpful in meeting the basic requirements as outlined hereunder.

Your $200 could be used to purchase a tent for a family of five in need of urgent accommodation.

Similarly $80 would allow the organization to distribute 40 wool blankets to protect families with young and old members from the cold.

Then there are medical supplies as well as essential items that could be covered with your generosity.

Please step forward and reach out to our fellow citizens in Libya especially those in transit to a safe haven having abandoned their home and belongings are now left at the mercy of compassionate beings in the global society.

We could all make a difference in the moment of tremendous humanitarian challenge in Libya and elsewhere.

Please visit UNrefugees.org for further information.


Mailing Address:

USA for UNHCR – 1775 K Street, NW, Suite 290, Washington DC – 20006

Life saved at every opportunity makes life worth living and defines the purpose in life.

Your donations to UNHCR for Libyan and many other humanitarian causes are deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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