Nuclear Reactor Leakage in Fukushima Power Plant

March 12, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Japan declared nuclear emergency upon one of the five nuclear reactors explosion in the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) operated power plant in Fukushima about 240 Km or 150 miles north of Tokyo.

It is a matter of grave concern considering the radiation leakage impact with news report on three citizens having been exposed despite the evacuation from the area in close proximity.

Nuclear energy being vigorously pursued regardless of safety issues poses a major threat to humanity.

Besides the civil nuclear program inevitably leading to nuclear arsenal status is predominantly responsible for the nuclear arms race not to mention the rhetoric on global warfare to deter one nation while entering into agreement with others thereby promoting defiance in the contentious nuclear armament.

Even with Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and yet to be implemented Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty (FMCT) the radioactive material storage and disposal arrangements or the lack thereof endanger life on the planet.

On FMCT – the UN General Assembly passed resolution (48/75L) in December 1993 for a comprehensive ban on fissile material production along side the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) monitoring and verification.

Then the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in March 1995 enacted the UN General Assembly resolution (48/75L) and agreed to mandate cut-off treaty negotiations through Ad Hoc Committee.

Subsequently in May 1995, the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) during review meeting had called to expedite FMCT given the international support in this regard.

However, the Conference on Disarmament (CD) unable to act without general consensus on FMCT has been forced to retreat due to the impediment in combining FMCT with other nuclear disarmament issues contributing to the status quo.

Further in 1998 – apart from the CD reaction to India and Pakistan nuclear testing, the progress in the FMCT measure effectively taking stock of nuclear production to non-proliferation is hindered by the nuclear powers’ double standards creating a hierarchy detrimental to disarmament efforts.

Previously Chernobyl and now Fukushima nuclear blast is a grim reminder to accept the facts on the serious ramifications of nuclear site management when subject to unpredictable catastrophic events. It can no longer be dismissed as sporadic occurrence especially with the generational ill effects evident in the health and environmental degradation.

It is time for global commitment towards complete nuclear disarmament without exception to protect life and maintain planet sustenance increasingly under attack on land, air and water.

Thus far the nuclear industry, coal mining and oil companies have successfully led the continuation of environmental abuse under the pretext of high energy demand suppressing the alternative sources like solar, wind and hydro power emergence in the mainstream utility supply presently unaffordable with unreasonable constraints such as ten year contract in addition to government rebates benefitting the solar companies than the average consumer.

Exorbitant profit margin takes precedence in the free market lacking competition to curb the essential commodity price experienced in the energy sector.

Shifting focus on Japan’s nuclear contamination – the emergency stop-gap on the Fukushima power plant reactor has not effectively addressed the damage from the devastating earthquake and tsunami leaving the residents vulnerable to potential health problems.

The world has an opportunity to abandon policies proved cataclysmic to life on earth and instead adopt a rational approach in the energy consumption arguably instrumental in the contemporary wars notwithstanding complacency to brutality resulting in human annihilation in Libya and oil rich nations confronting political uprising.

Japan is faced with a huge humanitarian crisis deserving universal empathy and formidable action at the nuclear front and planet preservation.

International community could set the FMCT in motion and conscientiously engage in nuclear disarmament to honor life and the humanity’s only habitat.

Keeping the worst affected citizens in the northeastern region of Sendai in the Miyagi Prefecture in thoughts and prayers – wishing the people of Japan renewed strength to rise again like the glorious Sun.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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