United States – Protecting Workers and Women’s Right

October 29, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Citizens across the nation are requested to extend support on two issues:

1. Wisconsin State – Recall Governor Scott Walker

Citizens Grievance Since assuming office Governor Scott Walker has targeted workers, introduced undemocratic Voter ID and dedicated to corporate donors agenda.

Public dissent in the state was witnessed throughout the year and the decisive response is to recall Governor Scott Walker for the remaining years expected to exacerbate the electorate plight.

Wisconsin voters are urged to rally behind the progressive movement engaged in Governor Scott Walker recall.

Please reach out to ‘Progressives United’ in the State of Wisconsin and defend republic rule with democratic values intact.

2. Congressional House Republican Members’ Misplaced Priority

Honorable Republican members pledged ‘Jobs for All’ on the campaign trail in 2010.

While jobs bill impending action, legislation restricting women’s health care passed this month clarifies the regrettable congressional discretion on citizens’ requirements.

There is an urgent need for female members and families to defend women’s right to decision on their health.

Please call your representatives in the U.S. House and Senate to reverse course by protecting Medicare, Medicaid and funding for women’s health.

Your solidarity will guarantee victory against powerful industry backed political leaderships and the erroneous legislation hurting the vast and vulnerable majority.

Life threatening laws undermining equal opportunity deserves mass attention and necessary intervention to establish effective governance.

Good Luck! to Wisconsin electorates in the Governor Recall and the rest of the nation on restoring women’s health.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/qCsG4g0dzJo http://youtu.be/gZOJZW3bQdA http://youtu.be/XIQx3ajqGq4 http://youtu.be/TzfH5XCWCM8


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