Venezuela – Moving Forward with President-elect Nicolas Maduro

April 15, 2013

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To President-elect Nicolas Maduro on recent electoral victory.

Venezuelan electorate demonstrated their resolve in moving forward as a Bolivarian Republic committed to their beloved late President Hugo Chavez doctrine on political, economic and social progress with resources and income invested in national interest.

President-elect Nicolas Maduro face impediments from foreign powers constant intrusion in Venezuelan affairs synonymous to their involvement in other parts of the world.

Nonetheless, President-elect Maduro pledge to Bolivarian-Chavez pragmatism combined with people power guarantee promising future despite challenges ahead.

Venezuelans being political savvy and having participated in thwarting external interventions are aware of foreign instigated crises not only in their domain but also across Latin America and throughout the world.

Venezuela support behind the newly elected government and President-elect Nicolas Maduro fulfillment of former President Hugo Chavez dreams for South American nation and the continent in maintaining and harnessing prevalent growth in all areas would further strengthen Venezuela’s political and economic stability.

Best Wishes to President-elect Nicolas Maduro and people of Venezuela for continued success and achievements in all frontier.

Peace to Venezuela!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


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