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Kanish – the oldest son views about his mother – Padmini Arhant

Kanish in 5th grade then was asked to describe his mother in impromptu writing session at school. He wrote the following and surprised me on Mother’s Day!

Padmini Arhant in Nice, France

Kanish – the oldest son’s thoughts on his mother – Padmini Arhant



Padmini Arhant in Nice, France


My name is Padmini Arhant.

Place of Birth – Rangoon, Burma (Myanmar).

Religion – Saivam ( Shiva)

Spirutuality – Meditation, Inner peace via introspection and Soul intuition.

I have utmost respect for all other major religions and belief premised on peace, unity and protecting nature.

I have visited and prayed in Shiva religion temples, Church (the Vatican) and other denominations in Christianity, Islam Mosque, Jewish Synagogues, Buddhist Shrines, Jain temple, Sikh Gurudwara (Temple), Bahai Temple, Shinto in Tokyo, Japan to name a few among several religious place of worship in my lifetime.

Religious Belief in Politics – SECULAR and Constitutional Faith. 

Nationality – American (Global)

Language Proficiency – Tamil, Hindi, English, Urdu.

Language Familiarity – Spanish,  Indian language – Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi

Philosophy – Buddhist – Peace and Non-Violence, respect for life and individual rights.

Favorite PlaceMt. Kailash (God Shiva’s abode), Mt.Everest, Independent Tibet. 

Political Representation – Non-partisan with primary and exclusive focus on humanity and precious nature i.e. natural environment. Strong commitment towards free democratic independent republic with sovereignty and territorial integrity.

My educational qualifications – Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com), Delhi University, India and topped University securing distinction in Philosophy for which I was awarded by then Indian Parliament Speaker Shri. Balram Jakhar, in New Delhi, India. I scored near distinctions in English language in high school and Under Graduate program. My higher studies was Post Graduate course in Computer Programming and Systems Analysis. New Delhi, India. Computer Programming from Chisholm Institute, Melbourne, Australia.

I was accepted at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) Melbourne, Australia for degree in Computer Science.

My career in Banking Industry – International Banks in Melbourne, Australia – Bank of Singapore, Banque Nationale De Paris (BNP) later known as Bank of the West and Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco, California, USA.

Multinational Companies – Worked in major companies in Melbourne, Australia.

Offered full time position in Computer and Systems Analysis. at Price Waterhouse Coopers, San Francisco, California, USA

Represented Australia as a delegate in the Australian Government Information and Technology Ministry led IT delegation. As a delegate addressed international convention in Singapore, Malaysia, India ( New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru)…in the international symposium.

International High Tech Conference in Cannes, France  – Promoting Educational Software.

International High Tech Trade Exposition – Tokyo, Japan.  

Triamf LLC – President and CEO.

Recognition – Poet for composing and publishing Poem – Shadow and won poetry competition and awarded American Poet of Honor by American Poets Society with a Plaque in California, USA. The poem featured in the Anthology of poems by American authors and held in the library of United States Congress.

With humility, I include  acknowledgments expressing gratitude and appreciation from numerous kindred spirits for my contributions and selfless work alleviating human suffering and environment degradation.

My dedication to diverse charitable causes together with concerns on all living species issues across the globe remains an important aspect of my life. These endeavors directly benefitting humanity across the spectrum and environment protection is one of the cherished accomplishments in my life.

In my diverse role as author, creator, presenter and contributor on various themes concerning global affairs in the public domain https://padminiarhant.com the goal is to lead humanity towards a purposeful life.

The world with abundant resources is claimed as the privileged society private estate depriving billions of population –  life with dignity.

The present age i.e. Kalyug or the dark age is represented by degenerative systems overwhelmed with destructive concepts and deceptive ideology exerted via authority and implemented through all available means by those having little or no respect for natural law or rights.

My commitment to humanity is not limited to realizing the importance of freedom from dominance and supremacy but also extends into discovering peace within and  recognition of real identity.

Thought provoking analysis on different issues along with fresh ideas and resolutions to crises despite disdain and disregard from those opposed to free speech will continue on this domain.

The site also project the political dynamics and provide a platform for social awareness on matter that largely impact ordinary citizens at national and international level.

I have been involved in humanitarian service since childhood and continued as a college student and beyond. I shared my concerns and reservations against warfare during the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in 2001 and 2003 for which I had to endure personal attacks synonymous to the past decade persisting in the present time.

I was subject to individual rights violations in 2002 onwards for my peaceful and non-violent opposition to illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land and human rights abuse in different parts of the world.

Subsequently, the current website was launched in 2008 and still going strong with articles on different topics and events published to inform, educate and create awareness on range of issues that are relevant to humanity with focus on the past, present and future. 

The website is primary source of information in dealing with complexities of contemporary environment.

I have dedicated my entire time in the past 14 years  writing more than 2500 articles and essays with more on the way to promote transparency and accountability in political, economic and social systems that are otherwise withholding progress for all to benefit selective few in society.

Contrary to the Gold Digger allegation against me, I have not earned a dime from anyone or anywhere in cash or benefits in the last 14 years or earlier for my tireless contributions and ongoing hard work until now.

In contrast, my family and I were depleted of our personal assets and hard earned savings to the point of financial distress with accusers politically and economically profiteering at our expense especially from 2009 – 2016. The mockery and ridicule citing bankruptcy was exchanged rather than gratitude from the beneficiaries revealing true human colors. 

The personal experience in this context was an eye opener with life teaching a harsh lesson to exercise discernment in generosity prone to human abuse and exploitation.

The worst of all, I am robbed of my life and personal identity that is assigned and attributed to anyone the abusers deem fit in the illegal unethical identity appropriation. The custom violating my individuality and DNA that is unique to every species in the universe denied to me in the so-called cultured civilized world.

The compulsive human behavior is not confined to specific domain like the United States and western world. The trait persists from India and elsewhere until now. However, life lessons serve in dealing with such repetitiveness appropriately.

The chilling truth is the exploiters and abusers had to pay the price in this lifetime in accordance with their karma. The ones assuming exemption in this regard will leave the world with their Soul burdened in sims pending due judgment. Having deprived themselves from redemption, there is no such thing as free ride in karmic debt settlement in living and beyond.

Additionally, my work involves poetry, music composition, innovative creativity and multilingual presentations available on my website and sub-domain prakrithi.padminiarhant.com.

I am currently engaged in writing my first book and committed towards publication to set the trend for more thereafter.

I like humor in good taste and believe laughter is the best medicine to woes in life. I enjoy cooking, singing and physical activities such as work out, yoga, walking, hiking and riding the bike. Other recreations include swimming, horse riding in the past.

Scuba diving in the Caribbean sea, Bahamas  in 2002 with my two sons (Kanish and Rish) on a family vacation.

Sea TrekkingCaribbean sea reaching the Ocean floor on a scenic tour to view sea creatures on the bottom ocean bed in Cancun, Mexico in 2005. Again this was during the family vacation with my sons – Kanish & Rish in  summer June 2006.

Air – Flying the plane in 2018.

Mountain Top – The pilgrimage to Mt. Kailash, Trekking Mt.Everest, independent Tibet in 2019. 

Air – Skydiving  in Southern California in November 2021.

I also like interaction with nature and beautiful surroundings in the form of hills, lakes, oceans and greenery soothing mind towards inner peace.

I like animals, birds and blue sky.

Animals – they are all unique and special in their own ways like most human species.

However, the ones I like in particular are – Elephant, Dogs, Dolphin and Lion.

Birds – I like the Majestic Eagle, Melodious Humming Bird and Koel /Cuckoo, Brilliant Peacock, Bright Parrot and of course the Dove representing Peace.

Butterflies are the ornaments in nature.

I love my family. I respect and admire the sacrifices of great courageous souls who fought for freedom and justice. The special ones for me are the unsung heroes and soldiers as ordinary citizens performing extraordinary tasks in their selfless pursuits for a better world.