Afghanistan – Troop Withdrawal for Redeployment

May 22, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The legislation on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan for redeployment per the White House proposal requires clarification with specific details.

Bill sponsored by the Honorable Democrat Senators Barbara Boxer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Richard Durbin and Sherrod Brown seeks the following actions:

The legislation is defined as:

The Safe and Responsible Redeployment of

United States Combat Forces from

Afghanistan Act of 2011


1. States that is U.S. policy to begin the phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from                     Afghanistan by July 1, 2011.

2.  Requires the President’s administration submit a plan to Congress by July 31, 2011,                           for the phased redeployment of U.S. combat forces from Afghanistan

3.  Requires the plan include a date certain for completion of redeployment.

Reiterating the response provided to Senators Barbara Boxer and Kirsten Gillibrand,

Adopting peace over protracted war is productive in many aspects.  Peace is powerful and constructive from the economic, political and humanitarian standpoint.

It is time to bring our troops home from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and around the world.

The legislation layout for redeployment rather than return back home is a grave concern particularly with the immediate and long term military plan to redeploy the exhausted armed forces elsewhere.

Again as mentioned in earlier submission to the request for support – Troop withdrawal is pragmatic and paramount.

However, not for redeployment in other targeted locations.

Troop withdrawal for redeployment is expecting different outcome from same experiments proved detrimental to life and national economy.

Further the strategy has adversely affected the political future for the occupied nations like Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq… escalating violence through suicide attacks or sectarian conflicts thereby facilitating prolonged troops presence, may not necessarily in combat position,

Nonetheless remaining in reserve on foreign land leaning towards establishing permanent base as revealed for Iraq with synonymous policy.

Additionally, the unpopular governments appointed in Afghanistan and Iraq against electoral mandate by U.S and NATO has exacerbated national security, non-viable governance emanating from rampant corruption and leaderships perceived as puppet representation of foreign power.

Afghanistan like Iraq is saddled with more than a decade war, government without a clear roadmap for economic growth or political stability in a fragmented society.

U.S. and NATO troop withdrawal in entirety would unequivocally reinstate sovereignty in all occupied territories enabling civilian rule under leaderships pledged to solidarity and secular society.

Unlike the U.S. departure subsequent to former Soviet retraction from Afghanistan abandoning the domestic needs of the population,

It is important this time around to reverse the trend and maximize assistance in nation building beginning with infrastructure, education, health and economic opportunity through trade relationships with the people choice of government committed to promoting agriculture, industrial and robust environment for rapid progress.

United States faced with fiscal crisis and sluggish economy, staggering unemployment and rising inflation simply cannot afford extravagant military missions under the pretext of the so-called war on terror.

Evidently such engagement over a decade in different parts of the world has resulted in bankrupt economy with upcoming debate on raising the debt ceiling alongside spending cuts primarily aimed at the consumer based segments -restraining business sector development.

Transparency on all matter exemplified though action is quintessential to move the nation forward.

Hence the legislation on troop withdrawal from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and the U.S. base across the globe for domestic return and not redeployment to another region is highly recommended mindful of the fact that,

The long overdue defense expenditure divestment would save and protect life at home and abroad.

With profound gratitude to the armed forces for their invaluable service and sacrifice to this great nation,

The esteemed Congress is requested to stand united and overwhelmingly approve the monumental legislation to end wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen…and around the world expediting the troop arrival in the United States.

Hopefully the lesson is learned from erroneous decisions leading to harsh reality.

Mistake made once is an error and repeated twice or more – an inevitable failure.

There is an urgent requirement for domestic investments in the United States and the war zones ultimately delivering the desired regional and global peace.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










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