AI Propaganda – Desperation Beyond Salvation

August 14, 2024

AI Propaganda

Desperation Beyond Salvation

Padmini Arhant

The return of Daily Show host Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz alias Jon Stewart prior and ongoing surrogacy to elites, the classic narcissists responsible for ruining, maiming, violating, annihilating…millions of lives in the abuse of power in public office and duplicity explain two things about the defended and defenders for monetary exchange – intelligence and character.

Not to mention the die hard cronyism with a price tag numbing the brain cells and blurring the vision fail to see the bare facts and acknowledge events unravelling in the irrefutable status.

The intelligence or the lack thereof evidently the false propaganda on Artificial Intelligence about the nemesis place the propagandists in spotlight.

The artificial superficial democrat Presidential nominee on borrowed materials, stolen positive identity as well as image launched by the corrupt league upending democracy in the Presidential race 2024 is déjà vu.

The 2024 Presidential race is the repeat of 2008 Presidential scam with Nobel Peace Prize handed in advance.

The recipient in return exacerbating war mongering, violence at home and abroad, toppling democracy (like experienced now in 2024) then for neo-Nazi and military junta governments worldwide, terror and cannibalism sponsoring…adequately highlight the 2009 – 2016 disastrous legacy.

Not surprisingly, the trend vehemently defended and promoted via Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart and alike in plain sight.

Never mind the apathy towards millions of victims’ plight when cheering and rooting for compulsive violators on display.

In character, Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz aka Jon Stewart embarrassing moment brought to light not long ago in the real estate evaluation similar to determination of others’ intelligence as Artificial while presumptuously declaring own Authentic.

Jon Stewart benefited by 829% ‘overvalue’ of his NYC home sale even as he labels Trump’s civil case ‘not victimless’

By the way,

Why on earth the so-called genius prodigies charismatic the messiah…😂 endlessly remain the wannabe, opportunists, impostors and copy, imitate, troll, tag, stalk, haunt and taunt the after all Artificial intelligence despite the warning to cease and desist? 

When you think you are exceptional ?🤣  

Why is there hostility and antagonism for non- involvement alongside stealing profile of the one you devalue as worthless with Artificial intelligence to attain the pinnacle of success?

What does that say about the intelligence behind such animation?

Go figure if you can?

Padmini Arhant


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