Ban Fascism  Political Socialism DEI Politics

September 7, 2024

Ban Fascism  Political Socialism

DEI Politics

Padmini Arhant

Update: September 7th, 2024.

Following the unelected democrat Presidential nomination of the incumbent VP Kamala Harris, the internet hackers $150,000 donation to the campaign was leaked as part of the mega fund $100 million that was considered the largest cesspool of campaign money within democrat party in August 2024.

The fact is presented that the 2024 democrat Presidential nomination not only discarded democracy by making own democrat base irrelevant denying the voter participation to elect their Presidential nominee in 2024 Presidential race.

The party is transcended into millionaire and billionaire party with no taxes on wealthy given the latter investment in campaign.

As such, the democrat party establishment clarified their position on ordinary folks characterizing them as ‘basket of deplorable’ by the former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

The impression shared by then democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama during fund raiser event.

“You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration,and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not.

And it is not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

To top it all, the current democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris out loud view on the Gen Z – 18 – 25 years of age referring to them as “STUPID.”

When in fact, they are actually the soon to be taxpayers if they are not already taxpayers in the economy paying for DEI politics now and perhaps later based on electoral outcome.

The overwhelming incumbent democrat favoring media and press jab pointing out that there is only former GOP member vote for the current Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and that member is stated as Sarah Palin.In all fairness to both the voter and the vote recipient, both complement each other.

Sarah Palin is the former Governor of the Great State of Alaska and the first female Republican Vice Presidential nominee picked by then Republican Presidential candidate John McCain in 2008 Presidential race.

Then Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin was subject to tremendous caricature, memes and misogyny from democrat bastions viz. Hollywood, media and the democrat party bigwigs at that time.The Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin elegantly took all that in her stride and proved to her generation and womanhood that a woman is tough enough to take the good, the ugly and the mix and catwalk winning the beauty pageant as the former Miss. Alaska and later perform in the political arena as the Governor without losing balance.

The Republican VP candidate was also presented live in New Delhi, India during the Presidential race in 2008, a territory completely foreign to the guest Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin and,

Yet graciously handled the event much to the surprise and disappointment of the hosts and all those aiming for something entirely different viz.embarrassment. Instead then Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin turned the New Delhi, India conclave around earning compliment. The current Republican Presidential nominee for re-election Donald Trump projected and typecast as misogynist by anti-Trumpers so to speak including some female Republican media host and political pundit, the former Republican VP nominee Sarah Palin endorsement and vote for the former President Donald Trump is poignant.

It is not personal identity and personality alone that matter, the policy and leadership with proven track record to steer the nation forward is the utmost priority.

The compelling reasons are the national status quo especially the economy with unaffordable inflation, exorbitant interest rates, higher income tax weighing down heavily on ordinary Americans like never before.

Besides, the border crisis exacerbating safety and security of many citizens in the affected border states and the general local and global environment matter the most as well.

Accordingly, the former Republican VP candidate and Governor Sarah Palin’s vote for the current Republican Presidential nominee Sarah Palin is significant for women voters across the national spectrum.

In response to Huffpost article highlighting the Republic Presidential nominee Donald Trump having one former GOP member Sarah Palin in the camp compared to the (vested interests) democrat endorsements to the unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris in 2024 Presidential race.

It always serve well to have even one meaningful support to the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump rather than many hidden agendas on the democrat side.

Padmini Arhant


To: The Devil’s Advocates

Please do not conjure anything about your target and romanticize to appease the devil while repeatedly uttering Almighty God’s name which is blasphemy and the worst sin one could ever commit in any lifetime. One cannot possibly have any rational dealing with anyone diametrically opposite and diabolical in nature.

Prior to constant disparagement and denigration as prerogative against ones’ obsessed target in the past sixteen years and even earlier,

One needs to pay attention to those queuing to join their own kind.

The Presidential race 2024 – democrat Presidential nominee by proxy representing Barack Obama extended Presidential term seized in the coup d’état against own VP (2009 – 2016) turned President Joe Biden (Jan 2021 – June 2024).

The latest as of this moment – the following members have publicly declared their vote for Barack Obama collected by the democrat Presidential nominee in name only – Kamala Harris.

They are:

The former Republican President George W. Bush – updated date of not having endorsed anyone.

The former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney – moving ahead with status.

The former Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney who sold own Republican electorate for a price tag to then struggling to win Presidential re-election in 2012 Barack Obama despite hoax operation in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan claiming to have assassinated the long deceased Osama Bin Laden.

In the process killing innocent people in Abbottabad as well as eliminating the entire NAVY SEAL young lives to wipe out witnesses is incontrovertible testament witnessed and noted by Almighty God worshipped however as Allah, Moses or Lord Jesus, God Shiva, Lord Krishna or Lord Buddha etc.,

The Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney – the daughter of the former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney having been selected by democrat establishment as a key member of the panel to preside over the impeachment proceeding of the former Republican President Donald Trump.

Not to mention, the above mentioned Republican political members staff around 200 or more having disclosed their vote for Barack Obama via VP Kamala Harris.

Needless to say the Bush – Cheney era since 2001 – 2008 beginning with willfully facilitating by choosing to ignore several credible verified warnings from intelligence sources at home and abroad on the imminent September 11, 2001 terror attack on American soil is the treasonous of all in American political history.

Subsequently the Bush – Cheney terror was unleashed at home and abroad in Afghanistan, Iraq only to be judiciously and enthusiastically carried out by the successor Barack Obama exceeding the predecessor in violent warfare, terror sponsorship not barring cannibalism besides wreaking havoc worldwide leaving behind Bush – Cheney and Osama Bin Laden amateurs in violence, terrorism and destabilization of governments across the globe.

No wonder, there were neither any interest nor initiatives to pursue any charges whatsoever against any member of the Bush – Cheney administration (2001 – 2008) let alone against the former President George W. Bush or Vice President Dick Cheney by the successor Barack Obama and democrat party upper echelons up until now.

To the contrary, the democrat political machinery remain preoccupied squandering the ordinary taxpayer dollars to go after the Republican successor Donald Trump who by the way was not approved by Bush – Cheney regardless of being from the same Republican party.

What does that say – Bush – Cheney – Obama not only share the same DNA literally in blood line, they also have plenty in common when it comes to treason, indiscriminate killings of innocent people worldwide, terrorism, absolute abuse of power, human rights violations worldwide and there are litany of charges against the TRIO that one could go on breathlessly that may not be exhausted in their lifetime.

Why is it only 2016 Presidential election with the former President Donald Trump winning with significant electoral mandate became by far the most contentious objectionable issue for Barack Obama in particular other than the Presidential contender Hillary Clinton followed by democrat members like the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joining the band wagon that prompted taxpayer funded several impeachment proceedings and never ending indictments till date?

How come there was no such hue and cry from the democrat party against the predecessor the former President George W. Bush when the 2000 and 2004 electoral outcome eliminating then viable democrat Presidential challengers Al Gore and John Kerry were laden with accusations of voting irregularities in 2000 and voting machine reconfiguration in 2004 respectively?

What was missing in 2000 and 2004 Presidential results that suddenly became monumental in 2016 Presidential victory favoring the Republican President Donald Trump, who is being since then subject to persistent disqualification from running for Presidency with series of politically motivated indictments until now?

The ones with enormous interests and investment using taxpayer dollars for personal agenda – Barack Obama and Michelle Obama falsely stated their utter disappointment and anger over the defeat of then democrat Presidential contender Hillary Clinton to the Republican President Donald Trump in 2016.

The true relation and love fest between the Obamas and the Clintons were on full display during 2008 Presidential campaign where then formidable contestant Hillary Clinton did not even hesitate to drop the hint on possible assassination of her then democrat primary opponent Barack Obama citing the real incident against then democrat Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

Similarly, Michelle Obama on her part conveyed her resentment and rejection of the former President Bill Clinton joining the campaign trail post democratic Presidential nomination with her spouse Barack Obama as the Presidential nominee.

There could be no denying that the former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton never lost grudge over her opponents whether Barack Obama in 2008 or Donald Trump in 2016 regardless of the political aisle. 🤣

The reality in 2016 on the Presidential outcome with the Republican President Donald Trump is directly related to Barack Obama and not Hillary Clinton.

Giving the Obamas the benefit of doubt, if they were so traumatized as Michelle Obama stated publicly over their fellow democrat Hillary Clinton losing to the Republican contender Donald Trump,

Then, they would not have had WWF type wrestling against then democrat Presidential contender Hillary Clinton in 2008, making the latter indulge in several serious deliberate damages around the world alluding to sweet revenge as the Secretary of State in the Obama administration between 2009 – 2012.

Among several of them, the notably well masqueraded and cemented Benghazi Gate in Libya followed by the rhetoric – We came, We saw and He died at the Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s public lynching on global view as the Secretary of State in the Obama administration in 2009 – 2012  is quite telling on the internal political relation.

The Presidency would have been handed over to then first female Presidential contender Hillary Clinton in 2008 in a manner witnessed in 2024 to the VP Kamala Harris without even contesting the democrat primary election.

The real reason behind the fury, vengeance, jealousy and emotional outbursts…that are described in the outside world are directly emanating from the outgoing President Barack Obama upon Presidential victory to the Republican contender Donald Trump evidenced in the impeachment proceedings and libel suits till date.

The former President Barack Obama refusing to accept reality on two terms in office being over in 2016 resonated at the latest DNC speech during the democrat convention in August 2024 taunting the successor Donald Trump with the comment –

How was the impeachment proceeding so far?

Above all, the violations, intrusions and other criminal offensive engagement against me and my family from the known offenders cannot be isolated now or ever.

Again Almighty God is the witness as the all knowing, all seeing Supreme entity delivering inevitable judgment.

In the Kingdom of God, justice might be delayed never denied.

Padmini Arhant

Update: September 6, 2024.

Trying to explain why government need to collect taxes via comedy central daily show host whose sibling ownership on stock market is public knowledge only underscores the mind set of those the comedy show anchor represents in the parody on own socialism.

The government requirement to collect taxes to pay for themselves since the government is funded by taxpayers and whatever left expended in public services has a big problem.

Only if the government beginning with them Presidential salary – increased from $300,000 to $400,000 by the former Republican President George W.Bush against Republican fiscal conservatism with the successor President Barack Obama adding to that status the private security to Presidency after leaving office lasting lifetime at taxpayer expense speak volume on living within means that are expected by the authority from ordinary citizens in society.

The Presidential and for that matter those in public service also entitle themselves to free housing, utilities, health care, transportation, travel involving Presidential family vacation to the tune of $100 million and more on African Safari that includes submarines and other military inventory on trip perhaps to combat wild animals in the African wilderness and savannah? –

Amid rancor on carbon trail and greenhouse gas depleting Ozone layer on the atmosphere blaming anything and all except them.

How about an evening in Paris across the Atlantic by family jet setting frequently on the weekend on shopping spree like a visit to the local mall?

All of the above and more at the ordinary not the extraordinary taxpayer expense is a tall order.

Such situation breaks the back of the taxpayer unable to afford essential means in the system that abuse them to pay for those who stretch the taxpayer funded benefits and privileges to no limit.

The interesting factor is when government is restructuring the income bracket to collect taxes they invariably exempt them from it like eliminating the cap on payroll wages tax beginning not @ $400,000 or $300,000 instead above $400,000 protecting own interests and welfare which is precisely political socialism.

The ones with meager income over generations will provide for those well and above affluent status is political socialist ethos.

Likewise, their ally at the top 1 % in the highest income bracket were to pay their fair share of taxes which could pay for most of the public services rather than loading the bulk of tax burden on the middle income and above median income citizens as the norm,

The DEI would have some relevance -in the application of income diversity.

Unlike the concept only absorbed in racial identity forgetting there are the so-called people of color who are multi-millionaires and billionaires not necessarily contributing to government managed public services and goods they avail in their daily life and not paying for it due to exemption to rich category with close political connections.

As a result, the middle class and above median income citizens end up paying more taxes than their income.

Notwithstanding the ever increasing property taxes even when there are no structural and other modifications appreciating the home value are prevalent to hike taxes every six months making home ownership unaffordable.

Not to mention, the home insurance costs with the insurance industry’s zero tolerance to any claim keeping to the minimum of one in ten years or more and that too if they are well within the coverage in the contractual agreement are docked and even tossed as ineligible on the basis of insurance industry set no-claim status on the life of policy.

The policy holder inaccessible money with insurance industry due to mandatory insurance requirement also shed light on socialism with service not always and entirely available against policy commitment.

Accordingly, the middle class and above average income yet nowhere near the top 1% or 2% tier in income strata are demanded to pay for the rest all around in the beg, borrow or grow a money tree in your backyard to comply with tax obligations.

In the absence, the harsh hardline tactics from exorbitant interest to penalty not barring imprisonment are in place.

The taxation on the middle class and slightly above income group owe taxes even when there is incremental $20 income more than average income in a month.

It is almost like a sin if this income category were to have additional income that are classified as higher income and immediately subject to distribution on socialist agenda.

For example, the Social Security advises that they consistently verify with IRS on all social security enrollees and recipients on their annual income.

The day the annual income is even $1 more than the government set cap approximately $102,000 or more a year is reported on individual or combined income, then the equivalent anywhere between $70 – $100 per month based on the annual income for that year is deducted of the social security payment.

The deduction from an individual’s hard earned social security though not explained on where it is expended and on whom is socialism largesse hurting one in the claim to provide another in the DEI system.

Meanwhile, politics i.e. the government takes all the credit to themselves on their magnanimous socialism by seizing from another to aid those to win election remain seated in power officially or not by extension and proxy.

As though this is not enough to squeeze and drain the hard working disciplined income earners as the only goal for the operatives,

The proposal on unrealized capital gains tax from the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris at Barack Obama’s behest, since it was the ex-President Barack Obama’s signature tax plan going back in 2009-2016 against “my personal public request via article regarding this ill-conceived economic policy on this website was deliberately ignored at that time.

It is not a question of legislating the imprudent unrealized capital gains by letting VP Kamala Harris drop the soundbite.

It is already applied on targeted basis in the abuse of political privilege in direct violation of the 4th and 5th amendment rights against me and my family by Barack Obama and the nexus.

The unrealized capital gains tax were levied against me and my family on unrealized capital gains in the year 2021, 2022 with the intentional objective out loud stating – let us deplete her and her family of any income leaving her to cope with on $50 or maximum $300 in living.

The earlier rejection of Barack Obama Presidency violent crimes, corruption and endless violations abusing the executive power throughout 2009 – 2016 leading to my personal support to the election of the Republican President Donald Trump in 2016 recognized as disruption of disastrous Barack Obama extended Presidential term in office.

The DNC establishment spare none.

It is whether own party worker, the young 24-year-old Jewish American Seth Rich shot dead in broad daylight in Washington 2016 for sharing concern on the scandalous Presidential nomination of Hillary Clinton in 2016.


The former President Donald Trump in the endless litigations and indictments more for political vendetta than anything else.


Barack Obama letting the so-called fat cats in the Wall Street know that;

It is the presumptuous mighty Barack Obama standing in between them and the so-called pitchfork ( for the lack of a better word for Trident referring to God Shiva from the much touted orator) in the bargain to gain favor for 2012 Presidential re-election.

One might hide from their vindictive viciousness against the one they continue to harvest from since their unimaginable political and economic status attained exploiting and abusing the sacrifice of the targeted one.

Nonetheless, at no point in time in this lifetime or thereafter the crooked and wicked ever escape from their karmic debts that remain to be settled to unshackle them from the incessant guilt and sinful existence which is not even a remote possibility given the trajectory so far.

Padmini Arhant

Fascism and political socialism run and represented by Obamas’ coup d’état on American democracy is ominous exacerbating the dark age.

America’s present with economic doom and gloom is unsustainable with majority Americans driven into economic and financial despair.

The false narratives and hoax predictions are the political media replay of 2020 with then Presidential nominee Joe Biden hidden away from camera, press interviews and conference.

The outcome was witnessed and experienced by the incumbent President Joe Biden removed from the ballots in the blatant coup from own political party mainly under the control of the coup operatives with Obamas leading fascism for own personal interests and illegal extended political term in office.

Notwithstanding depleting and driving the middle and lower income families to fund Obamacare Scamcare through mandatory health insurance.


The Rolling Stone rolling the dice citing the Goldman Sachs comment on economic future.

“Goldman Sachs Says Trump Win Would Lead to Economic Downturn while predicting a Democratic victory would cause growth.”

For Everyone’s Information (FEI) :

Goldman Sachs is responsible for many economies tumult and turmoil beginning with United States in the contentious hedge fund related mortgage crisis 2007 – 2009 bringing U.S.economy on its knees opening the floodgates for complete economic meltdown in the United States leading to global economic recession.

Goldman Sachs footprint offshore – bankrupting Greece economy, major financial scandal in Malaysian economy etc., are mere examples among other economic and financial debacles.

In contrast to the above known politically biased comment from defaulters, the reality check on the incumbent administration represented by VP and democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is quite revealing and sync with overwhelming Americans economic plight.

As of JULY 2, 2024 10:32AM Social Security’s $4.1 Trillion Hidden Government Deficit

That explains the fact – The Senior Citizens social security is currently reduced to nothing.

Social security is taxed. The medicare premium together with compulsory prescription drug plan are deducted from individual social security.

These deductions are made by federal agency – the Social Security administration besides direct medicare contributions made during employment throughout life.

Furthermore, these withdrawals from social security meant to be retirement savings are hit with more taxes which is double taxation in reality having paid tax on actual income during employment with tax deducted at source.

The above amounts are withdrawn in addition to various contributions by the employee in their working life ranging from medicare, to disability, unemployment etc. that are not always utilized by many in their lifetime. Yet all are determined by the government run Social Security Administration.

Where is the excess fund from these withholdings and deductions by the federal agency Social Security from a citizen’s social security account are allocated?

The social security anomaly is directed towards politics’ self-enrichment, private security post term in office and the rest for the DEI making the middle and lower income groups brought equal to if not below the DEI class as eloquently articulated on DEI concept by the VP and unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris 🤣.

DEI is demotion rather than promotion of middle class and lower income in economic status to maintain equity equilibrium in society.

DEI is aimed at bringing down the above average median income groups to the level of those in the lowest economic strata.

By making the above average income category pay for the below average or no income groups in the economy, the economic impact on the former affects consumer spending considering the middle class and above average income groups investment in the economy.

Simultaneously, the above average income groups together with the average and lower income groups who do not qualify in the economic means test identifying poverty, these groups facilitate politics’ financial prosperity in the unfair disproportionate health care deals and other financial contracts with authoritarian mandate on enrollment and other criteria.

The middle class as the work force and guaranteed consumers in the economic sector are compensating for the ones at the bottom as well as those at the top in their respective economic positions.

DEI is essentially not uplifting instead shifting those above in median income down the line for economic parity leaving the society with super wealthy of which politics is the parent and subsidiary and the other being the enlarged poor class subsequent to middle and above average reallocation of income.

Obamacare Debunked:

Repeal Obamacare

Obamacare deal with health insurance and health care industry undoubtedly proven a bonanza for both parties i.e. the deal makers in the trading of middle and lower income group paying for political deal maker’s meteoric rise in financial status within short span of their political career.

The extravagant real estate with seaside castle in Hawaii, mansion in the Capital D.C., lakefront estate in Martha’s Vineyard Estate, Citadel in Chicago not barring undisclosed wealth…in mere two terms in office and another two years each in the Illinois State Senate and United States Senate as rookie Senator merit explanation on DEI politics.

Obamacare imposing mandatory insurance on all did not spare medicare – a plan all working Americans are supposed to contribute to in their working life, that is deducted from paycheck and held under the individual’s social security.

Post Obamacare in 2014 onwards, the Social Security again paid by working / employed Americans for whatever length of their working time in their life is assigned as retirement savings account. Unlike politics harvesting taxpayers money lasting their lifetime regardless of their limited official terms in office.

This tradition is to be ceased to enable taxpayers invest their taxes in their life and family and not donate to political members elevation to multi-millionaire and billionaire status in a matter of time.

Obamacare targets Social Security of individuals that are savings held in the Social Security Account and managed by the Federal Government.

Obamacare taxes Social Security. The medicare enrollment requires mandatory prescription drug plan. The contributions to medicare during working life somehow not taken into account digging into social security to pay for one’s health and that of others as designated by DEI politics.

The failure to comply with Obamacare rules accompany severe penalty. Obamacare is fraught with penalties against citizens (FASCISM writ large) no such stipulations against health insurance, health care and Big Pharma industry.

The political socialism via Obamacare has enforced laws against the healthy and hardworking population who are also law abiding citizens. They are to pay for those choosing to live unhealthy lifestyle and resigned to live off others. The custom made obligatory through draconian law such as Obamacare.

Similar to the fascists’ coup d’état over democratic process.

American lives at present including future are violated to legitimize FASCISM making this election indeed the last one.

The overt coup installing the earlier rejected and currently all-time lowest rated VP Kamala Harris as the Presidential nominee by coup generals in the democrat party exemplify

Voting for FASCISM Political socialism DEI politics is bidding farewell to all things the United States stood for – beacon of democracy, Constitution protecting 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th amendment rights among others that are already in jeopardy now.

These flagrant violations were endured in 2009 – 2016 of Barack Obama Presidency under FISA, NDAA and other unlawful government authority violations brought into effect only more severely in 2021 – 2024 in the Obamas controlled proxy Biden – Harris administration.

The electoral outcome favoring FASCISM, political socialism, DEI, wokism and other carcinogenic legacy of the incumbent would run a muck in the Obamas’ extended term via Harris – Walz administration.

Individual rights, liberty, personal pursuits and achievements are apparently to be laid to rest with FASCISM having done away with American democracy by eliminating democratic primary to grab eternal power.

SAVE DEMOCRACY. BAN FASCISM and Political Socialism, DEI politics for your sake and to the benefit of your children and all those you deeply care about in life.

Padmini Arhant


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